

'Foreigners of this Kind': Chilean Refugees in Ireland, 1973-1990
By Claire Healy




[1] Ward, Eilís, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers: 1922-1966' in: Lentin, Ronit (ed.). The Expanding Nation: Towards a Multi-Ethnic Ireland: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Trinity College Dublin (Vol. I. Dublin: The Irish Times, 1998), 41. 

[2] Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, adopted 28 July 1951 by the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons convened under General Assembly resolution 429 (V) of 14 December 1950. Ch. 1, art. 1, A (2).

[3] UNHCR Records of the Central Registry, 20/HUN/IRE Statistics - Hungarian refugees in Ireland 3 April 1957; 20/HUN/CHILE Statistics - Hungarian refugees in Chile 30 December 1958.

[4] Ward, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers,' 41. 

[5] Protocol relating the Status of Refugees, adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 2198 (XXI) of 16 December 1966. Art. 1 (2-3).

[6] 'Long live Chile!! Long live the people!! Long live the workers!! These are my final words and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain. I am certain that this will at least be a moral lesson that will serve to punish treachery, cowardice and betrayal.' Allende Gossens, Salvador, 'Mensaje al país' (Santiago: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, 1973). Available at: (accessed 13 September 2006). 

[7] Memoria Chilena, 'Bombardeo del Palacio de la Moneda' (Santiago: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, n.y.). Available at: (accessed 13 September 2006).

[8] Adapted from: 'Chilean Coup of 1973' in Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia on (accessed 1 August 2006).

[9] Bachelet, Michelle, 'Declaración del Día Nacional del Detenido Desaparecido' (Palacio La Moneda, Santiago, 30 August 2006). Broadcast available at: (accessed 13 September 2006).

[10] 'Chilean Political Refugees' in: Dáil Éireann. Questions. Oral Answers. Vol. 296 (27 January 1977).

[11] O'Doherty, Caroline. 'Chilean Refugees Feared as Communists.' The Irish Examiner (3 January 2005).

[12] Ward, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers,' 41. 

[13] 'Resettlement in Ireland of Refugees from Chile' (February - April 1974) National Archives of Ireland, 2005/7/445, S 19123.

[14] O'Doherty, 'Chilean Refugees Feared as Communists.'

[15] 'Resettlement of Refugees Raised Deep Security Fears.' The Irish Independent (3 January 2005).

[16] Maguire, Siobhan, '“Marxist” Chileans Denied Asylum.' The Times (London, 2 January 2005). Cooney is referring here to the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

[17] 'Resettlement in Ireland of Refugees from Chile,' (NAI).

[18] Maguire, '“Marxist” Chileans Denied Asylum.'

[19] Ward, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers,' 43.

[20] AnCo was the precursor to FÁS, the Irish state's training and employment authority.

[21] Fanning, Bryan, Steven Loyal and Ciarán Staunton. Asylum Seekers and the Right to Work in Ireland (Research on behalf of the Irish Refugee Council, Funded by the Combat Poverty Agency Dublin, July 2000), 74. 

[22] Ward, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers,' 43.

[23] Nolan, G., 'The Education of Refugee Children' (Unpublished M.Ed. thesis. Dublin University College Dublin, 1997), 90.

[24] 'Chilean Political Refugees' in: Dáil Éireann Questions.

[25] Ibid.

[26] Ibid.

[27] (accessed 1 August 2006).

[28] Ward, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers,' 43.

[29] 'It is not for nothing that Bernardo O'Higgins is known as The Liberator. He was dedicated to the spirit of enlightened liberty. It is my belief that Ireland [...] has a genuine partner in the Republic of Chile, with whom we are destined to work ever more closely in order to disseminate the fruits of that spirit of freedom ever more widely throughout Latin America and the world.' 'Address by the President of Ireland, Mary McAleese at the University of Chile,' (22 March 2004). 

[30] Thanks to Edmundo Murray for his comments on this subject.

[31] Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Work Permit Statistics (2006). (accessed 17 July 2006); Ibid., 'Working Visas and Work Authorisations' 2000-2006. Private correspondance with DETE.

[32] Irish Refugee Council, 'Irish Asylum Stastics' (July 2006); Quinn, Emma. Policy Analysis Report on Asylum and Migration: Ireland Mid-2004 to 2005 (edited by European Migration Network, Dublin: European Commission DGJFS and DJELR Ireland, 2006), 5. Statistics recently released by the Central Statistics Office in Dublin show that immigration during the year ending April 2006 increased further, to 86,900 people. Central Statistics Office, 'Population and Migration Estimates, April 2006' (Dublin: CSO, Sept. 2006).



- 'Address by the President of Ireland, Mary McAleese at the University of Chile,' (22 March 2004). 

- Allende Gossens, Salvador, 'Mensaje al país' (Santiago: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, 1973). Available at: (accessed 13 September 2006).

- Bachelet, Michelle, 'Declaración del Día Nacional del Detenido Desaparecido' (Palacio La Moneda, Santiago, 30 August 2006). Broadcast available at: /view/viewBuscadorVideosSegegob.asp?seccion=Videos&Opmenu=Multimedia&idMultimedia=145 (accessed 13 September 2006).

- Central Statistics Office, 'Population and Migration Estimates, April 2006' (Dublin: CSO, Sept. 2006).

 - 'Chilean Coup of 1973' in Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia on (accessed 1 August 2006).

- 'Chilean Political Refugees' in: Dáil Éireann. Questions. Oral Answers. Vol. 296 (27 January 1977).

- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, adopted 28 July 1951 by the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons convened under General Assembly resolution 429 (V) of 14 December 1950. 

- Fanning, Bryan, Steven Loyal and Ciarán Staunton, Asylum Seekers and the Right to Work in Ireland (Research on behalf of the Irish Refugee Council, Funded by the Combat Poverty Agency Dublin, July 2000).

- Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, 'Working Visas and Work Authorisations' 2000-2006. Private correspondance with DETE.

- ——————, Work Permit Statistics (2006), available on (accessed 17 July 2006).

- Irish Refugee Council, 'Irish Asylum Stastics' (July 2006).

- Maguire, Siobhan, '“Marxist” Chileans Denied Asylum.' The Times (London, 2 January 2005).

- Memoria Chilena, 'Bombardeo del Palacio de la Moneda' (Santiago: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, n.y.). Available at: (accessed 13 September 2006).

- Nolan, G., 'The Education of Refugee Children' (Unpublished M.Ed. thesis. Dublin: University College Dublin, 1997). 

- O'Doherty, Caroline, 'Chilean Refugees Feared as Communists.' The Irish Examiner (3 January 2005).

- Protocol relating the Status of Refugees, adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 2198 (XXI) of 16 December 1966. 

- Quinn, Emma, Policy Analysis Report on Asylum and Migration: Ireland Mid-2004 to 2005 (edited by European Migration Network, Dublin: European Commission DGJFS and DJELR Ireland, 2006).

- 'Resettlement in Ireland of Refugees from Chile' (February - April 1974) National Archives of Ireland, 2005/7/445, S 19123.

- 'Resettlement of Refugees Raised Deep Security Fears.' The Irish Independent (3 January 2005).

- UNHCR Records of the Central Registry, 20/HUN/IRE Statistics - Hungarian refugees in Ireland 3 April 1957; 20/HUN/CHILE Statistics - Hungarian refugees in Chile 30 December 1958.

-Ward, Eilís, 'Ireland and refugees/asylum seekers: 1922-1966' in: Lentin, Ronit (ed.). The Expanding Nation: Towards a Multi-Ethnic Ireland: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Trinity College Dublin (Vol. I. Dublin: The Irish Times, 1998).


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Copyright © Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2006

Online published: 1 October 2006
Edited: 07 May 2009

Healy, Claire,  '"
Foreigners of this Kind": Chilean Refugees in Ireland, 1973-1990' in "Irish Migration Studies in Latin America" 4:4 (October 2006). Available online (, accessed .


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

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