During this time he got in touch with Venezuelan independence
leader Francisco de Miranda, an experienced revolutionary who
had fought against the English in the American Revolution and
served under the flag of the
Miranda was trying to form a network of young South American
De la Cruz finally got the young man back to
Spain, but
more complications followed. Bernardo tried to return to Chile
but his ship was captured by the English and he ended up in
prison in
Gibraltar. Eventually he made his way to Cádiz only to fall
seriously ill with yellow fever. He almost died. By this time
Ambrose had written to De la Cruz that he was no longer
responsible for his son. It is to be supposed that Bernardo's
affiliation with Miranda was by then known in
However, Ambrose died while Bernardo's answer was on its way
to Lima, and surprisingly left his son a generous inheritance,
'Las Canteras,' a sizeable tract of land in Southern Chile on
the frontier with the Mapuche lands where Bernardo had been
Landlord to National Leader
For a number of years, Bernardo was more landlord than
revolutionary, although he continued writing letters to
'radical' friends he had met in Cádiz and who now lived in
Aires. It was in those days that he befriended one of his most
important mentors, Juan Martinez de Rozas, a former aide to
his father and by then the most powerful man in Southern
Chile, and a strong force in colonial politics. In 1811,
Bernardo had to go to Santiago.
A few months before, due to Ferdinand VII's imprisonment in
Bayonne, France, Santiago's aristocrats had formed a 'junta'
that was to organise a National Congress that would rule in
lieu of the captured king. Bernardo was sent as a
representative of Los Angeles town to this congress. However, his role was small and
menial. He served as a puppet of Martinez de Rozas. He
subsequently got sick again and pretty much disappeared from
local politics.
In the first year or so of the Chilean independence process,
Martinez de Rozas and his party were in conflict with José
Miguel Carrera, a hot-tempered young aristocrat who defied the
establishment and claimed power for himself. Carrera and his
two brothers were more radical than Martinez de Rozas in terms
of leading the revolution. Soon regional tensions between
Santiago and Concepción were impossible to overcome, and
and Carrera were on the verge of war. Though O'Higgins put
many of his peasants at the service of Concepción's army,
Martinez awarded him only a minor military position, probably because
his illegitimate origin. O'Higgins' health became increasingly
problematic, and by the end of 1812 he had abandoned
everything and moved back to his estate.
In 1813,
viceroy had decided to crush the revolutions in his domains
(although technically Chile was not part of the Viceroyalty),
and sent a professional army to return the situation to the
status quo ante. Bernardo joined the army under the command of
Carrera. He had never received any professional training, but
managed to obtain advice from Irish-born colonel John Mackenna,
also a former associate of Ambrose. Mackenna never trained
O'Higgins, but in a long letter told him who to contact: 'any
dragoon sergeant.'
Now the war was for real. This was no longer a war between
'Chileans' and 'Spaniards,' but rather a civil confrontation
between Chileans who did not recognise any authority from Lima
and Chileans who supported Lima, aided by fresh troops from
Peru and some Spanish-born officers. O'Higgins did not excel
in the first stages of the campaign, although he did fight
bravely at the disastrous siege of Chillán, where the patriots
upheld their positions during a particularly rainy, cold and
muddy winter.
The siege could not make Chillán surrender, dissipating
Carrera's support in
Then came the battle of El Roble. In the middle of the
fighting, Carrera fled while O'Higgins took command and
surprisingly won the battle, allegedly shouting 'To die with
honour or live with glory!.' The
junta took command of the army away from Carrera and gave it
to O'Higgins.
In the battlefields things were a little more complicated.
Carrera enjoyed a high level of support among his men, as did
O'Higgins. Bernardo was now assisted by John Mackenna.
Martinez had
died in exile in Mendoza. O'Higgins met Carrera in Concepción,
where Carrera finally surrendered the army command to Bernardo
and left the city. However, en route to Santiago, the
royalists kidnapped and jailed Carrera in Chillán.
Thus the road to victory was opened up for O'Higgins and his
supporters. The war, a savage campaign fought mostly by poor
peasants in rags with no option but to fight alongside their
landlords, had left the land exhausted: no money, no food, no
stock to feed the thousands of men in arms. Both sides signed
a treaty by the Lircay river in May 1814 to end hostilities.
O'Higgins was one of the signatories. In his prison cell
Carrera cursed him.
O'Higgins and José Miguel Carrera
For years, Chilean historians were divided between those who
supported Carrera and those who supported O'Higgins. The
Irish-Chilean eventually won out.
main street is named after O'Higgins, as is the
Academy, and an entire administrative region a few kilometres
south of Santiago bears the name of 'Sixth Region of the
Liberator, General Bernardo O'Higgins.' Bernardo's grave is
situated in front of the Presidential Palace, while Carrera's
skull has allegedly been recently discovered in the basement
of a private house in Santiago.
The hatred between the two men was not extinguished by their
deaths. Supporters of O'Higgins claim that the general was
tricked by
junta, and that he actually wanted to keep waging war because
by May 1814, he thought he could win it. Carrerians despise
O'Higgins because he accepted as one of the treaty's points
the restitution of the Spanish flag and the King's coat of
arms. However the treaty included the liberation of all
prisoners. Soon Carrera and his brother Luis were in route to
Talca, where O'Higgins' army was located, instead of being
shipped to Valparaíso as had been agreed. Carrera was now a
bigger threat to the junta than the royalists, and in July
1814 he staged a new coup d' état that resulted in
Mackenna being exiled to
as O'Higgin's ally.
O'Higgins decided to ignore the royalists in
Chile and moved the whole patriot army to Santiago, to defy
Carrera. They clashed in the infamous and often forgotten
battle of Tres Acequias, where O'Higgins was defeated, though
he suffered only minor losses. While he was preparing to
attack Carrera the next day, O'Higgins received a message. The
Treaty of Lircay had been ignored by the Viceroy and a
powerful army of professional soldiers fresh from Lima, as
well as volunteers from Chile's southern and staunchly
royalist provinces of Chiloé and Valdivia, had disembarked in
Talcahuano, a few kilometres from Concepción. Carrera always
thought that O'Higgins had had some sort of secret agreement
with the Chilean royalists in order to attack him. But the
Viceroy, who saw all supporters of independence as dangerous
revolutionaries did not make any distinctions. The two men
decided to put an end to their differences and prepare to
battle the enemy, led now by a new royalist leader, General
Mariano Osorio.

Battle of Rancagua,
October 1814 in: El ostracismo del jeneral D. Bernardo O'Higgins,
by B. Vicuña Mackenna (Valparaíso, 1860).
(Colección Biblioteca Nacional)
It was a weak alliance. O'Higgins agreed to renounce his
position as Army commander and serve under Carrera.
Preparations for the mother of all battles followed. The army
was in a disastrous condition. Tres Acequias had destroyed
most of the canons. Carrera raised a group of neophyte
recruits, who in the space of a few weeks became officers.
Most of the veterans had already died or deserted. The battle
was to be in
Rancagua, 90
km south of Santiago a strategic location for Central Chile.
None of its resources had been touched by the war. The
successive waves of patriot divisions sent to the war down
south had still had their own resources when they arrived in
Rancagua, and thus the city and its neighbouring farms had not
been pillaged.
In the
last days of September 1814, O'Higgins was sent to the city,
although Carrera was not completely convinced of the location.
He wanted to fight in Pelequén, a stretch of land comprising
two mountain ranges south of Rancagua. But the patriots had
not had time to fortify the Pelequén hills, and therefore
O'Higgins and Carrera's brother Juan José agreed to wait for
Osorio in Rancagua. |