written by Cuban historians make brief reference to Irish
migrant workers in the construction of the railroad; however,
most fail to explore this migratory flow in any great
detail. A more recent publication by the Spanish Railroad
Foundation (Ballol 1987), commemorating 150 years of the
Cuban railroad, contains the most extensive reference
to Irish railroad workers and to the many records concerning
them preserved in the National Archives in Havana and
the Provincial Archives in Matanzas. In his study of the
sugar mills in Cuba, El Ingenio (The Sugar Mill,
1964), the Cuban historian Manuel Moreno Fraginals provides
a short account of the construction of the ‘sugar railroad’
and the immigrant work force (including Irish) that made
it possible.
The Irish and other bonded labourers, particularly Canary
Islanders, were forced into a brutal work regime under
Spanish military rule, where any attempt to abscond was
treated as desertion punishable by prison or execution.
They drew monthly wages of 25 pesos, most of which was
absorbed by the contractors as repayments for the maritime
passage, passports, hiring fees, monthly medical bills,
and debts incurred as penalties. Documents from the Cuban
National Archives revealed a December 1835 report by the
Royal Council for Development, which tallied the following
figures for the labourers toiling on the railway project:
- Irish contingent, 282
- Military prisoners from the Iberian Peninsula, 140
- Freed slaves, 30
- Free blacks liberated from illegal slave ships, 24
(Ballol 1987: 82)
In the course of the construction of its short 17 miles,
the ‘sugar railroad’ claimed many lives. The appalling
work conditions of hunger and an exhausting sixteen-hour
day, with workers crammed into wooden huts at night, led
to rebellion, protest and flight. Protestors ended up
in prison, only to find themselves returned to the railroad
work gang, this time as forced labourers. In fact some
of the first strikes recorded on the island were led by
Irish people and Canary Islanders (Mota, 2003). On termination
of their contracts, the Irish were not entitled to repatriation.
Their passports were returned and the workers unceremoniously
let go. Serrano writes of workers plagued by diseases
left to beg in the streets of Havana and in the countryside,
an image of abject drunken misery, and of starvation (Serrano:
1991). Recalling their abuse in the British West Indies
some two centuries earlier (see article by Rodgers in
this journal) by planters who viewed them as ‘insubordinate
and riotous social misfits’ (Beckles: 1990), the Royal
Council in Havana likewise defended its refusal to repatriate
the Irish by characterising them as ‘worthless, lazy,
disease-ridden, drunkards’ who deceived their bosses by
disguising their ‘vile habits’ at the time of their contracts
(Serrano: 1991).
Exploited: As Labourers and as White Buffers
In the absence of any comparative studies of Cuba and
Ireland as colonial sites, the broader question posed
by Joe Cleary (Carroll 2003: 40) as to the extent of connections
between Irish oppositional discourse and other non-European
subaltern discourse is a very useful prism through which
to examine this episode of the Irish experience in Cuba.
References to Irish contract workers in Cuba in the early
part of the nineteenth century reveal their exploitation
as “racial pawns” in the Latin American power elite’s
struggles to contain black workers and slaves through
racial privilege. During the nineteenth century, they
sought to ‘whiten’ their populations and engender European
mentalities and customs through immigration. Argentina
is noted for its ‘success’ in effectively diluting and
diminishing its Afro-Argentine and indigenous population
by these means. Doctoral research carried out by Claire
Healy describes the enthusiastic embracing of their own
whiteness by the Irish in Buenos Aires - albeit not with
the extreme reactionary stance associated with North America’s
race/class wars. This eased the Irish-Argentines’ way
out of the subaltern position that they came from. They
were easily classified ‘as ingleses and therefore
unequivocally white’ (Healy 2005: 488), contributing to
the structural process of inscribing white dominance.
However, the Irish who came to Cuba to work on the railroad
were known as irlandeses (not ingleses)
and their incorporation into the world of privileged whiteness
was not so clear cut.
The marked differences in the experiences of Irish immigrants
in Argentina and Cuba must be found in the Hispano-Cuban
colonisation policy to ‘whiten’ the island, to keep it
from being overrun by a majority black population. Irish
subalternity on the one hand, and attempts to tie the
workers to ‘the wages of whiteness’ on the other, need
to be explored against this backdrop. The British too
imported Irish labour as a solution to tipping the balance
in favour of whiteness in the planter-dominated economies
of the Caribbean. While they may have been successful
in terms of producing the ‘right’ numbers of whites, it
must be remembered that the Irish servants were perceived
and treated as ‘black men in white skins’ (Beckles, 1986).
They were considered by their English masters as the ‘internal
enemy’ and at different times were seen as a greater threat
to peace than their African slaves. Suspicions of Irish
participation in slave revolts ran deep.
accusation of Irish identification with African slaves
in Barbados was repeated again in Cuba more than a century
later. Jonathan Curry-Machado studied the presence, identity,
and influence of engineering migrants in Cuba in the mid-nineteenth
century, including some Irish artisans working on the
sugar plantations and railways. He contends that by their
mere presence, foreign labourers and mechanics were seen
as ‘catalytic agents’ in the social and political changes
taking place at the time in Cuba (Curry-Machado 2003).
Both Curry-Machado and historian Robert Paquette describe
the imprisonment and torture of British subjects during
the slave revolts which took place on a number of sugar
plantations in 1844. British Consular documents at the
Public Records Office in Kew contain testimonies of Irish
prisoners accused of being involved in a plot to overthrow
slavery and the Spanish Crown.
foreigners were arrested and tortured during a crackdown
by the Captain-General of the island, General Leopoldo
O’Donnell, ironically a descendent of the O’Donnells of
Donegal. His brutal repression of slaves during the revolts
known as the Escalera Uprising is well known. There are
lengthy petitions by the British Consul in Havana advocating
for more humane treatment of the British subjects imprisoned
in different parts of Cuba who were natives of Ireland.
For example, Patrick O’Rourke was accused of helping to
obtain ammunition to assist in the insurrection; [1]
James Downing, a native of Waterford, was also charged
with conspiring to overthrow the authority of the Spanish
Crown in Cuba; [2]
Patrick O’Doherty, of Donegal, a train driver on the Havana-Güines
line, was thrown into prison for allegedly causing the
train he was driving to crash into another [3].