

Books Received

Hanon, Maxine, Diccionario de Británicos en Buenos Aires: primera época (Buenos Aires: author's edition, 2005). Hardback, 196 x 280 mms, 891 pages. ISBN 987-545-339-0. US$ 95.00.

Skinner, Jonathan, Before the Volcano: Reverberations of Identity in Montserrat (Kingston, Jamaica: Arawak, 2004). Paperback, 15.25cm x 22.9cm, 192 pages. ISBN 976-8189-21-5. US$ 25.00.

Fitzpatrick, Colleen. Forensic Genealogy (Huntington Beach, CA: Rice Book Press, 2005). Paperback, 220 pages. ISBN 0-9767160-0-3. US$ 26.50.

Rodríguez, Moises Enrique. Freedom's Mercenaries: British Volunteers in the Wars of Independence of Latin America (Lanham MD: University Press of America, 2006). Paperback. Volume I: Northern South America, 426 pages. ISBN 0-7618-3437-0. US$ 58.00. Volume II: Southern South America, 524 pages. ISBN 0-7618-3438-9. US$ 58.

Online published: 1 July 2006
Edited: 07 May 2009


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

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