Thomas J. Hutchinson
(The Paraná, With Incidents of the Paraguayan War, 1868)
Hutchinson, Thomas Joseph (c.1802-1885),
diplomat, physician and travel writer, was born on 18
January 1802 - though
the year 1820 is mentioned in some records - in Stonyford, County Wexford,
probably the son of a minor landowner, Alfred Hutchinson [Hutchenson]
from an Anglo-Irish family with a Protestant background. It is
reported that he was sent to study on the European continent,
and graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Göttingen
in 1833.
On 2 January 1836, he graduated from the
Apothecary's Hall, Trinity College Dublin. By May 1843,
Hutchinson was practicing as a physician and surgeon at Saint
Vincent's Hospital, Dublin. In 1849, Thomas Hutchinson settled
in England, where he worked in the Poor Law Union of Wigan,
In 1851,
Hutchinson was
appointed senior
surgeon on board the Pleiad, for the expedition to the
rivers Niger, Tshadda and Binue up to 1855, led by John Beecroft. In this capacity, Hutchinson
conducted research on the use of quinine as a preventative
measure against the effects of malaria. He insisted that, in
small doses, quinine had a favourable effect in preventing
fever. In the late 1850s, Bailey & Wills of Horsecley Fields
produced 'Dr. Hutchinson's Quinine Wine', marketing it to ship
owners and crews.
On 29 September
1855, Thomas Hutchinson received his first appointment in the British
Consular Service, as the consul for the Bight of Biafra. He
married Mary, his lifelong wife, and on 29 December
1855 they arrived in Port Clarence, Fernando Po (present-day
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea), formerly a Spanish dominion. Most of
the business managed by Hutchinson
in Fernando Po was related to British affairs in the region,
which included chiefly the production and transport of palm oil
and occasionally other products. He also represented, albeit
unsuccessfully, a group of emancipated slaves and their families
who wished to be recognised as British citizens, and was a
constant arbiter between the ship masters and the local
producers of raw materials. Furthermore, in 1858, Hutchinson
obtained a tonne of seeds from the Manchester Cotton Supply
Associations to undertake experiments on the continental coast
of West Africa. In his affairs, he was frequently partial to the interests
of certain Liverpool
merchants, a practice for which he was reprimanded by the
Foreign Office. Hutchinson remained in Africa until June 1860,
when he and his wife returned to England
for health reasons, together with Fanny Hutchinson, an African
girl that they had adopted. On 9 July 1861 he was replaced by
Captain Richard Francis Burton.
With friends
and connections in the Foreign Office and various scientific and
business associations, among them George William Frederick, Earl
of Clarendon, and William Bingham Baring, Lord Ashburton, Thomas
Hutchinson managed to balance his consular work and medical
practice with exploration, travel writing and scientific
research. From 1858 to 1867 he was Fellow of some important
institutions, including the Royal Geographical Society, the
Ethnological Society, the Royal Society of Literature and the
Anthropological Society. During his long life, he was also
elected honorary vice-president of the African Institute of
Paris, an honorary member of the Liverpool Literary and
Philosophical Society, foreign member of the Palaeontological
Society of Buenos Aires, and founding member of the Society of
Fine Arts in Peru.
next appointment was as consul in Rosario, Argentina, on 12 July
1861, where he was also an agent for Lloyds. Thomas Murray, in
his book about the Irish in Argentina, wrote that there were
rumours in Buenos Aires 'that Hutchinson got his appointment and
preference from the English Government for betraying his
friends. He was an Irishman and was, it is said, one of
O'Connell's secretaries' (Murray 1919: 310). However, this could
not be definitively proven, as Hutchinson's connections and
friends were the principal cause of his appointments in the
consular service.
Between 25
November 1862 and 10 March 1863,
together with the merchant Esteban Rams and with
official support, Thomas Hutchinson organised an exploration from Rosario
to the River Salado in search of wild cotton. As a result of
this journey, he wrote Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings:
with extracts from a diary of the
Salado exploration in 1862 and 1863, published in
London in 1865.
On Hutchinson's initiative, the governor of
Santiago del Estero, Gaspar Taboada, began tests to produce
cotton in his province.
During a cholera epidemic in Rosario in 1867, Hutchinson and his
wife established a
sanatorium in their house and rendered a great
service to the poor of the city administering free
medicines and clothing. The governor of Santa Fe
province Nicasio Oroño gratefully mentioned Hutchinson's services in his
message to the provincial parliament, and he was presented with
a Gold Medal by the Union Masonic Lodge of Rosario in July of
the same year. On 15 May
1867 he was appointed honorary member of the Argentine Rural
In 1864 and
until 4 June 1865, Hutchinson was also Acting Consul for
Uruguay. In Montevideo, he owned the Farmacia Británica at the
corner of 25 de Mayo and Ituzaingo. In October of 1870 the
family left Rosario for England. The same month Hutchinson was
appointed Consul at Callao, where he arrived with his family on
the Cordillera on 22 April 1871. Most of his work in Peru
had to do with shipping, in particular with the problems of
crimping by ship captains. He also dedicated time to travel and
to exploring vestiges and the burial grounds of the indigenous
peoples previous to the Spanish conquest, an experience he
recorded in Two Years in
Peru, with
Exploration of its Antiquities
resigned from the Consular Service in 1874, though he had been
on leave and off-duty since November 1872. On 21 April 1874 he
was granted a pension. The family went to live in Ballinescar
Lodge in Curracloe, St. Margaret's parish, in County Wexford,
where Hutchinson dedicated himself to writing about his travel
experiences. He travelled through Germany and France, and in
1876 he published Summer Holidays in Brittany. Then he
moved to Chimoo Cottage Mill Hill near Hendon in the English
county of Middlesex, and finally to Italy. Thomas Hutchinson
died on 23 March 1885 in his apartment at 2 Via Maragliano,
Florence. He was survived by his wife Mary Hutchinson and their
adopted daughter Fanny Hutchinson.
Wealth at
death: £1,145-16s-5d (Calendars of the grants of probate,
England and Wales, 2 May 1885, Ref. 95-96)
Cutolo, Vicente
Osvaldo. Nuevo Diccionario Biográfico
Argentino (1750-1930) (Buenos Aires: Elche, 1968). Vol. 3.
- Hertslet,
Edward (ed.), The Foreign Office List (London),
January 1877.
- Martín del
Molino, Amador. La ciudad de Clarence: Primeros años de la
actual ciudad de Malabo, capital de
Ecuatorial, 1827-1859
(Madrid-Malabo: Centro Cultural Hispano-Guineano, 1993).
- Murray,
Edmundo. Thomas Joseph Hutchinson (1820-1885), a Bibliography.
- Murray,
Thomas. The Story of the Irish in
(New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1919).
- Trenti
Rocamora, José Luis. Preface to Thomas Hutchinson's
Buenos Aires y otras
Provincias Argentinas (Buenos Aires: Editorial Huarpes,
- UK National
Archives (Kew), Catalogue Reference: FO (Foreign Office). |