23rd December 1826 To the
town of Carache 9 leagues, after passing through the town of
Santa Ana, where Generals Bolivar and Murillo met, and signed
the celebrated treaty regulation of the war. The inhabitants
of Carache have always shown their decision for the Royalists,
and so far from coming forward at the present critical
juncture, have all absented themselves and left the town
almost deserted. The militia has not made its appearance, and
in fact things look very blue. I this day received
intelligence of Colonel Forellas who is commander-in-chief of
the West, having stationed an advance post in the town of
Omucaros, between Focuyo and Agua Blanca, that on the 26th
there is to be a review of all the troops and local militia of
the West in Focuyo, which is surmised will be to prepare an
expedition against Truxillo and Merida that in Cumana there
had been a severe engagement between Bermudez and the
revolutionists, in which the former was worsted and obliged to
abandon the province. That General Paez had attacked Porto
Gabello which place had declared for General Bolivar, and had
been defeated. In fact the civil war has commenced, and to
crown all I got a letter from General Bolivar, desiring me to
push on far as I could with safety. However, what could I do
with one hundred bad infantry! Were I to invade the West with
even 2,000 men, the result would be dubious. Whereas by a coup
de main, I may probably gain over Forres, probably may
revolutionize the country and even if I should be taken
prisoner on my way I may leave proclamations and let the
people see the General is coming, the factions having spread
industriously a report of his death. The receipt of these
proclamations dated 16th in Maracaybo decided me, and leaving
orders with the Commandant Frazer to consider me as taken if
he did not hear from me within two days. The road from Carache
(from whence I started at two o'clock -a.m.) to Agua de
Obispos is dreadfully bad, with about 5 leagues of a steep
ascent, in many places worn away by rains. Reached Agua de
Obispos a little after daylight, and within half an hour
proceeded through a heavy inundated road and presently entered
a forest, where on account of the almost incessant rain, the
road became like a river in many places plunging ourselves
into quagmires from which with difficulty I extricated myself.
Arrived at the town of Onnicuros at about one o'clock p.m. of
the 25th, where I found an advanced post with an officer, who
under the pretence of accompanying me, did the part of spy and
guard at the same time. Continued, after half an hour's stay
and arrived at the City of Focuyo about four o'clock on the
evening of Christmas Day. As I had travelled incessantly I was
quite knocked up, however it surprised me not a little on
entering the city, to see the martial appearance of the
people, military parading, awkward squads, drilling in the
square, and in fact, all the appearance of war, people far
from coming up to me on seeing my red coat (General Bolivar's
staff uniform) to shun the street, and I could see them
peeping out of the windows, evidently afraid of being seen in
conversation with me. On entering the Governor's I found some
ladies there who received me rather coolly. My Umucaro friend
the officer who accompanied me, now came forward rather boldly
to state to the Governor that according to his orders he had
brought me prisoner! an assertion that I thought proper to
assure both was utterly false, as I now with astonishment
certainly, for the first time learned that I was considered in
the light, protesting at the same time most bitterly against
such an outrage on the authority of General Bolivar.
Here the Governor began to explain
to me the late occurrences and that so far from respecting the
authority of General Bolivar, he had orders to stop him or
take him should he arrive there, and any Aide-de-camp he might
send to the West, should be immediately sent to Headquarters
with two officers, who should not lose sight of him; adding at
the same time that I must not speak to anyone and to prepare
to march within two hours!
I must confess my feelings were
not very enviable at this moment; a perfect stranger, tired to
death and with very scanty purse and twenty leagues distant
from my camp, in the hands of the enemy and on the point of
being sent off post haste to Valencia, and add to this my
being a foreigner on whom either party would rejoice to vent
its spleen.
As the mass of the people were
averse to this revolution and as General Bolivar was loved by
the great body, I determined on beginning my operations at
once. After assuming a very important tone and letting fall as
if inadvertently, that my flying camp had remained in
Omurcares, 5 leagues (by this time a number of officers had
surrounded me) to be duped by Paez; that the only
disinterested man in the country was Bolivar. I assured them
he was in Trujillo with 5,000 peruvian troops and then read
his proclamation which was most a propos. I took the advantage
of the moment they were most warm in their praises of him and
straight forward, John Bull fashion, proposed throwing off all
allegiance to Paez and to proclaim the Constitutional
Government. Some looked a little blue but an old veteran with
only one leg limped up and giving a most magisterial thump on
the table with his crutch, settled the point on the spot
saying he was resolved it should be so and without waiting
their answer, proceeded to give orders to several of the by-standers
relative to the proper measures for explaining the affair to
the troops and other officers, counting on the private
citizens concurrence to a man.
I was quite surprised to see the
influence of this man, however, I soon learned that he was
comptroller of the tobacco factory and head administrator for
the factory, besides his jovial manners and distinguished
services when in the Army had gained him an immense
popularity. This gentleman 's name is Undanata.
He presently sent for the
principal men in the town and in taking into
consideration what ought to be done, I learned that on the
following day the local Militia from Carora and Quiber was to
arrive for the review and that in Barquisemeto, 15 leagues
distant there was a Battalion 1,000 strong with a well
provided magazine and 4 guns. Also that Forellas had his
headquarters there and at the moment was entertaining Pena and
Cistiaga who were on their way as Commissioners from General
Paez to announce to General Bolivar the new order of affairs
and oblige him either to return or enter Venezuela as a
private individual. I also learned that there were 300
infantry and a squadron of cavalry in Quibor, 3 leagues
distant and that in Barquisemeto they did not even know of my
arrival in Carache. It also appeared that there was no
ammunition until it should arrive from Barquisimento.
The first thing that occurred to
me was to get Pena and Forrellas into my power by surprise and
although they all approved my plan still there was no cavalry
mounted and it was now 9 o'clock at night. On the other hand
as the revolution would take place at daybreak and had been
talked of already it was more than probable some one would
send off an express to Forrellas.
I had not yet tasted a mouthful of
dinner and sleep was overpowering me. It was at this time it
occurred to me that only a most rapid movement would save the
country as delay was perdition. I now got a little wine and
biscuit and sallied out in quest of some officers who had
spoken with me and after going to three or four balls where
they were amusing themselves, I succeeded in persuading five
and twenty to accompany me, and at twelve I had marched with
my detachment of Lancers! We arrived at three at the borough
town of Quibor and surprised the barracks without a shot, so
unexpected was it. I now spoke to these officers and troops
and making a virtue of necessity said to show by confidence in
their loyalty to General Bolivar I would not deprive them of
their arms but merely ordered them to be present at 9 o'clock
in Focuyo there to swear allegiance to the Constitutional
Government. I now continued my way at a brisk trot and having
fed the horses and given the detachment a good breakfast at an
Inn 4 leagues from Barquisimeto set out again with our horses
all well refreshed. I must confess that I began, after passing
such a sleepless night and scorched by a dreadfully hot sun to
reflect on my enterprise as rather hazardous, only 25 Lancers,
our horses would not be able to carry us back again, myself
totally unacquainted with the country or town we were going to
surprise, beside a foreigner and accompanied by officers who
12 hours before were amongst the most sanguine supporters of
the Revolution, probably they might be playing me the same
trick as my Umucaro friend. In f act I felt rather
low-spirited, however, we kept on at a round pace to the
outskirts of the town where I formed up my piquet and briefly
telling them of our compromise they unanimously swore they
would accompany me faithfully.
I am now determined in case the
Garrison should be got under arms before we could take the
Magazine and Barracks to get possession of the persons of
Forrellas and Pena and if we could not bring them off to lance
them as State Criminals as proscribed by law. The inhabitants
at first took us for a party of masqueraders as at this
Festival it is customary to parade and gallop about on
horseback but as soon as they heard us shouting "Viva Bolivar"
(an exclamation which had been long been supplanted by Viva
Paez"), "Viva la Federacion" they began to see what was going
forward. The generality of the people detested Paez and the
new system but it still had its supporters among the Empleados
or Civil Officers but almost one half of the middle class were
friends of the measure and although none had as yet declared
against General Bolivar their actions did so. The confusion
became great as we advanced (at full gallop), some cried "Viva
el Libertador", some "a las armas" others shut their windows
and doors whilst in all directions men could be seen running
some to arms and others to get out of the way. We now got into
the principal square and seeing a group of officers opposite
before they recovered from their surprise I surrounded them
and finding that Forellas and the Commandant of Arms were
amongst the number I left five or six Lancers guarding them
whilst I proceeded to Pena's house, where I took both him and
Cistiaga without any resistance. Here I left 10 of my piquet
and gave them orders to kill them immediately if rescue should
be attempted. It now became quite a critical moment when I
regained the street I found myself with only 8 officers and
still the Barracks and Magazine were in the hands of the
enemy! I did not know the way or the direction they lay in. I
galloped up the first street I came to and seeing a body of
about 300 men running before me it struck me (as was really
the case) that they were trying to gain the Barracks and arm
themselves. We immediately charged on them and as only a few
officers who were with them had swords they all dispersed and
gained some ruins that were near. We soon gained the Barracks
and found the guns half way out of the gate (the guard having
abandoned them as they saw us disperse the others) and having
once possession of the arms I began to look a little about me.
I here left 7 of my men at the Barracks and rode back to see
about securing my prisoners. When meeting the officer I had
placed in charge of Forellas he informed me that he had made
his escape with the Commandant who was at that moment rallying
some of the fugitives to attack us. Things had gone on
swimmingly until now as not a shot had been fired as yet but I
could not help seeing that if ten Infantry attempted it they
would infallibly turn the scale and the mass of the people who
until now had remained neuter would rise and secure us as
there was only one pair of pistols in all my army.
It appeared that I had not
perceived a guard of 25 men, which was close to where Forellas
was standing and when I was gone he began reasoning with the
officer and edging away until he got close to the guard when
he ordered them to fire but at calculating that I had not only
come with the advance guard thought it as well to fly for it.
I here found myself almost alone,
my small force divided in four distant parts, the Commandant
(a determined fellow) at liberty uniting a force to attack us.
I then sent to the Civil Authorities an order to prepare
barracks and rations for three squadrons of Hussars which
formed the Vanguard or the Army and would arrive within two
hours, I having only come on to reconnoitre as I had only two
or three privates in the 25 of picquet the rest being
The people now began to join me.
At this moment I retook the Commandant who had some 8 or 10
men together and only fired one or two shots. As there was not
the slightest disorder or pillage, the inhabitants thought by
putting themselves on their good behaviour they would be
treated on the arrival of the Army, (my flying camp of 100
recruits very quietly stationed 35 leagues off waiting for
orders and now began to make a great noise crying out "Viva el
Libertador" etc. On seeing this I got them collected in the
Public Square and read aloud the General's proclamation which
was loudly applauded. Taking advantage of this effervescence
the Municipality and principal inhabitants were got together
and in less than an hour I had compromised the greater part of
the city making them personally sign an act disclaiming the
new Government and putting themselves entirely under General
Bolivar's control. After gaining this very essential point,
what was their astonishment when they learned that all the
Force within 100 leagues was 100 infantry and even these half
recruits! However, their vanity was flattered to think that
only an assurance of their good disposition towards General
Bolivar could have induced him to send such a small force,
which did not touch their pride by insinuating anything like
conquest or invasion. The bells now rung a merry peal and
having published a proclamation with all due formality the
Battalion volunteered and swore fidelity etc. The Artillery
was got in readiness, a Squadron of well-mounted Volunteers
presented itself and deputations went off full tilt to every
town in the neighbourhood to give the news.
At 10 0' clock at night I had
1,000 Infantry and 200 Cavalry with four field guns in
complete order and a magazine with ammunition and arms quite
sufficient to equip an army.
I literally had not slept since
the 23rd and had been travelling or working night and day. I
fell fast asleep dictating an official letter to General Paez
and there lay till next day until six o'clock in the morning.
December 1826
Today the borough town of Yaritagua sent a deputation placing
itself with a Battalion and two Squadrons of Horse under the
General's absolute orders. I sent off a column of 300 men to
the town of Sanare, 10 leagues in advance, to cut out the road
of the Forest on Montana del Altar and threaten the town
Aurare, following myself at 6 o'clock in the evening. Slept at
town of Marita. |