ISSN 1661-6065


Home > Irish Migration Studies in Latin America > 6:3

Volume 6, Number 3 (November 2008) Print table of contents Print publication (1.6 Mb)

  Health, Physicians and Nurses in Latin America

Guest Editor: Susan Wilkinson


Fighting in the streets of Buenos Aires, near the British Hospital at Calle del Temple, present-day Viamonte. A doctor (probably John Mackenna) is shown in the foreground attending the wounded.
(Rudolf Waldermar Carlsen, Escena del sitio de Buenos Aires, 1852)
H. F. Warneford's The British Hospital of Buenos Aires: A History 1844-2000
by kind permission of the British Hospital.

Health, Physicians and Nurses in Latin America: an Introduction, by Susan Wilkinson

Early Medical Education in Ireland, by Susan Wilkinson

Irish Doctors in the Colombian Wars of Independence, by Matthew Brown

The Other Front of the Hispanic-American Independence: The Battle for Health and Hygiene, by Alejandra Baldrich and Mario Marini

Irish Immigrants and their Arrival in Chile: the Case of Dr William Blest Maybern, by Fabián Gaspar Bustamente Olguín

Jack of All Trades (and Master of All): Dr Hutchinson’s Practice in Africa and Latin America, 1851-1874, by Edmundo Murray

Dr Leeson of Dublin, Buenos Aires and Montevideo, by Edward Walsh

Richard Gumbleton Daunt: the Man, the Physician and the City of Campinas (1843-1893), by Viviane Carvalho da Annunciação

Arthur Pageitt Greene (1848-1933): a Rural Doctor in Argentina, by Susan Wilkinson

Cecilia Grierson: Argentina's First Female Doctor, by Carolina Barry

Arnoldo Geoghegan: a Man of Action, by Carolina Barry

The Gorgas Course in Tropical Medicine: An Account, by Arthur Jackson

Missionaries of Mary in Latin America, by Isabelle Smyth *

Sources: A Dublin Observer of the Lisbon Yellow Fever Epidemic, by J.B. Lyons

Sources: The Plague at Buenos Aires, by Marion Mulhall

Sources: Sebastian’s Pride, by Susan Wilkinson

Review of Merrie Ann Nall’s Women of Hope, by Deborah M. Nilles


* Erratum: Volume 6 Number 3 (November 2008), pp. 229-236. The article by Isabelle Smyth, "Missionaries of Mary in Latin America" should be titled "Medical Missionaries of Mary in Latin America". The editors apologise for this error.


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