
Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Argentina

History of the Toponym
Thomas St. George Armstrong [1]. Thomas and John Armstrong, sons of a British army colonel from Athlone, Co. Westmeath, who was Church of Ireland, were sent by their father to Buenos Aires before 1820 to run the merchant house Armstrong & Co. In 1826, Thomas travelled to Ireland together with Thomond O'Brien, trying to recruit immigrants from 'Ballymahon-Ballymore-Mullingar area which straddles the Westmeath-Longford border. The Armstrong family were the local landlords and were (and still are) highly respected in that locality' [5]. When Father Anthony Fahy arrived in Argentina, he moved into Thomas Armstrong's house, 'He lived rent free, in his own apartment in Armstrong's home for the rest of his life, the two remaining inseparable, lifelong, friends. Armstrong had assimilated into the creole community in typically Irish merchant fashion. He married Justa Villanueva the daughter of the Alcalde (chief officer under Spanish rule) of Buenos Aires of 1807. Being such a powerful business figure and because of his wife's connections Thomas Armstrong was also a very influential if unseen force in the political life of the country. He was the business counsellor and close friend of 'almost every Argentine governmental administration from the Directorship of Rodriguez to the Presidency of Avellaneda' acting as 'honest broker' (amigable componedor) between the British and Argentine Governments in their commercial affairs for over 40 years. Given that Argentina was dependant on British capital which was antipathetic to the Catholic church it was a master stroke of Fr. Fahy and the good fortune of the Irish community that he was able to recruit to his cause an Irish Protestant merchant, who so well understood the Irish Catholic culture and who was in such sympathy with it' [5]. 'The fact that Thomas Armstrong was banker to Fr. Fahy enabled him to become one of the leading business figures in Buenos Aires. He was a co-founder of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, a director of the Banco Provincia which he made, in effect, the central bank of Argentina. He was also the director and substantial investor in the major railway company and served on the boards of most of the major stock companies in the city. His connections with the creole community were also beyond reproach' [5]. Thomas Armstrong's obituary at the Standard. [document]

La zona oeste [de Cañada del Ucle], llamada Tierra de Maldonado, pertenecía a la familia Lynen. Y la zona este, denominada Colonia San Justo, a la familia de Don Tomás Armstrong. En el año de 1827, Tomás de Saint George Armstrong de Garry Castle contrajo matrimonio con Justa de Villanueva y López Camelo, de cuya unión nacieron ocho hijos: Gabriel Jorge, Isabel Francisca, Ema, Tomás Andrés, Justa Josefa, Juan de la Cruz, María Dolores y Tomás de San Jorge. De los cuales Gabriel Jorge, Tomás Andrés y Juan de la Cruz murieron infantes.  En 1863, el gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires aceptó por decreto una propuesta para la construcción del ferrocarril sur, que lleva al pié la firma de Tomás Armstrong, Federico Elortondo y otros.  En 1891 los sucesores Armstrong, decidieron elevar a escrituras públicas el pacto privado celebrado entre ellos el 25 de octubre de 1882. Debido a la muerte de tres de los herederos, quedaron para recibir el legado el resto de los hermanos [2].

En 1875 Thomas Armstrong, por ejemplo, era propietario de 36 casas residenciales en el centro de Buenos Aires. Pero en general los comerciantes británicos preferían invertir en las provincias cuyas tierras ofreciesen productos exportables [3].

Description & History of the Place
Armstrong es un pueblo pequeño, surgido en la llanura sur santafesina, en el centro de la República Argentina. Carece de acto de fundación porque se desarrolló a partir de la instalación de la estación de ferrocarril alrededor de 1882. En la época prehispánica el territorio había estado bajo el dominio de los indios Querandíes. Durante la época hispánica perteneció sucesivamente a la compañía de Jesús, algunos hacendados españoles y posteriormente a propietarios ingleses y al ferrocarril Central Argentino.
Pero al constituirse el poblado, la zona estaba ocupada en forma mayoritaria por inmigrantes italianos. El nombre Armstrong le fue impuesto en honor a Thomas Armstrong uno de los pioneros en el desarrollo de la empresa ferroviaria. En la época en que Delfo Cabrera nace, vive y trabaja en Armstrong, la actividad económica de la zona se basaba principalmente en la agricultura utilizando herramientas y métodos muy rudimentarios de trabajo lo que hacía que muchas veces se perdiera la cosecha.
Armstrong fue creciendo hasta lograr lo que es actualmente una ciudad de 10.000 habitantes [4].

Armstrong was one of the most important railway executives in Argentina. 

Irish Settlements

[1] Coghlan 1987: 12
[5] McKenna, Patrick, Irish Emigration to Argentina: a Different Model (


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Copyright © The Irish Argentine Historical Society. 2004