
Irish Place Names and Landmarks in Argentina

History of the Toponym
Edward Cavanagh y Byrne. Nació en Irlanda hacia el año 1834. Hijo de John Cavanagh, nacido en Irlanda circa 1808, y de Anne Byrne. Llegó a Buenos Aires en el “William Peele” el 9.2.1851, procedente de Liverpool. Se estableció en el norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Censado en 1895 en Arrecifes. Murió b.d.t. del 28.6.1907 en Arrecifes el 16.12.1917. Casado alrededor de 1857 en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced (CBsAs) con Margarita “Margaret” Gaynor y Wallace, quien nació en Arrecifes en 1842, hija de James Gaynor y de Louise -o Alice- Wallace, y que murió en Arrecifes el 28.1.1908. Padres (entre otros) de:

Juan José Cavanagh y Gaynor. Nació en 1859. Vivió en los partidos de San Pedro y Arrecifes, donde fue estanciero. Posteriormente se radicó en Venado tuerto, poblando la estancia "Santa Margarita". Falleció en CBsAs el 28.5.1940. Casado en matrimonio el 19.7.1899 en la Iglesia Regina Martirum (CBsAs) con Luisa Juana MacKeon y Gahan, hija de Michael MacKeon y de María Teresa Gahan, la que falleció en CBsAs el 8.3.1950, siendo sepultada en la Recoleta. Juan José Cavanagh era hijo de Edward Cavanagh y Byrne. Nació en Irlanda hacia el año 1834. Hijo de John Cavanagh, nacido en Irlanda circa 1808, y de Anne Byrne. Llegó a Buenos Aires en el "William Peele" el 9.2.1851, procedente de Liverpool. Se estableció en el norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Censado en 1895 en Arrecifes. Murió b.d.t. del 28.6.1907 en Arrecifes el 16.12.1917. Casado alrededor de 1857 en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced (CBsAs) con Margarita "Margaret" Gaynor y Wallace, quien nació en (¿Arrecifes en 1842 ó Irlanda el 18.12.1839?), hija de James Gaynor y de Louise -o Alice- Wallace, y que murió en Arrecifes el 28.1.1908. 

Other children:

  1. Ana Cavanagh (1861-1948). M. 1897 Juan Patricio Tormey.
  2. Eduardo Cavanagh (1865-1932). M. 1899 Margarita Brennan.
  3. Maria Alicia Cavanagh (1867-1955). M. 1888 José Patricio Harrington. Parents of world-famous polo player Alfredo José Harrington.
  4. Margarita Cavanagh (1870-1916). M. 1900 Patricio Cunningham.
  5. Elena Cavanagh (1872-1945). M. Patricio Walsh.
  6. Santiago Patricio Cavanagh (1873-1949). M. 1904 Lucía Catalina Hearne.
  7. Juana Cavanagh (1875- ). M. 1899 Tomás Moore.
  8. Tomás Cavanagh (1878-1920). M. 1903 Elena Martha Gahan.
  9. José Cavanagh ( - 1957). M. 1906 Elena Clara Gahan. 


Description & History of the Place
Originally in Eduardo Casey's lands bought to Santa Fe provincial government. [2]

Town in Southern Córdoba province, Marcos Juarez department.
33° 28' 60S - 62° 21' 0W – 114
440 kilometres from Buenos Aires city, 380 kilometres from Córdoba city.
1,600 inhabitants, 1,295 in 1991, 983 in 1980.
Major 2002: Guillermo Augusto Jäggli (UCR).
Agriculture (85%), cattle (15%)
Proyecto Pro-Huerta (family vegetable gardens, coordinated between the municipality and the C. C. Agrotécnico)
Complejo Natatorio y Deportivo
Lawn Tennis Club
Gran Encuentro Cultural (November)
Fiesta Patronal 8 May (Nuestra Señora de Luján)

'Síntesis Biográfica', by Graciela Sanchez de Camilletti


Irish Settlements
From Ortigüela 1998

Edward Cavanagh was born 24 August 1834 in Long Linn, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. He studied in the local primary school. At 17, he emigrated to Argentina in the William Peele. Edward Wallace, family acquaintance and owner of estancia El Rincón (San Antonio de Areco), employed him when he arrived in the River Plate. He arrived with a ‘escopeta de retro-carga’ (Roberto Cavanagh) [19].

Edward Wallace is listed in the Mulhall’s ‘Handbook of the River Plate’ as the owner of more than 12.5 leagues of land in Carmen de Areco and one league in Arrecifes. D. 1884 single [25-26].

In 1854 Edward Cavanagh meets with Maggie Gaynor in the Gaynor’s estancia Los Paraísos (Capilla del Señor). They marry on 10 January 1858 in Merced Church, Buenos Aires. Blessed by Fr John Cullen, witnesses Edward Wallace and Elena Gaynor. The go to live in Edward’s puesto in El Rincón (uncle Edward Wallace?). Juan José b. 27 December 1858. Ana b. 28 May 1861. Eduardo 28 November 1865. María 20 November 1867. Margarita 28 October 1869. Elena 15 September 1871 [26-27].

November 1869 buys more than 3,000 sheep [27].

In 1871, he has more than 10,000 sheep, more than 200 horses, cows and some savings. During the first months of 1872, he reads the advertisement for the remate in North Arrecifes, by Benjamín Nazar & Cía. to be performed on 1 July 1872. There are two parcels: 1 league and 617 milésimas of league, respectively (total 4300 hectares). He does not have all the money, but James Gaynor helps him (450,000 pesos at 8% interest p.a.). He paid 1,012,000 pesos per league. Payment in three installments: 0, 6 and 12 months. Bought from Bernardino A. and Antonio Benguria. The boleto was signed by the sellers, Cavanagh and witnesses Miguel Brennan, and Miguel Duggan (escritura 15 July 1872). He is 38 she is 36, and they have six children. It is the estancia ‘Pilar del Tala’ [29].

Santiago Pablo b. 26 July 1873. Juana b. 9 September 1875. Tomás b. 28 October 1877. José b. 26 January 1880.

In 1883, together with Mr. Doyle, Cavanagh bought land from Eduardo Casey in Southern Santa Fe (El Quirquincho). The negotiations were not easy, and a series of letters from Casey to Edward Cavanagh let us know that Mr. Doyle was not satisfied with the titles. Finally, Cavanagh went to Buenos Aires and closed the business with Casey. On 30 October 1883, he bought plots number 7 and 8 of Casey’s allotment in Santa Fe. On 6 February 1884, Cavanagh bought more land from Casey (3.5 leagues in plots 4, 5 and 6) for 53,064.42 pesos m/n gold [31-33].

Since there were illegal tenants in this land, Edward’s son, Juan José Cavanagh, will begin working in the Santa Fe camps only in 1886 [34]. He travelled with some sheep, loaded carts, and rural equipment. Among his companions were Patricio Seurrot, Patricio Ogan, Mr. Wire, and a shepherd Mr. Mullet [34]. Juan José named the estancia ‘Santa Margarita’, in Santa Fe. By 1890, the railway arrived to Venado Tuerto, and ‘Santa Margarita’ was already wired and well grassed. The following year, Santiago Cavanagh begun working in Santa Fe [36]. In 1891, there was an important flock of sheep brought from Arrecifes (‘Pilar del Tala’) to ‘Santa Margarita’ [37].

On 19 July 1899 Juan José married with Luisa Juana McKeon in Buenos Aires, Regina Martirum church. The wedding is blessed by Fr. O’Grady and Fr. Edmund Flannery.

Between 1904 and 1906, Edward got a credit from the Belgium bank Credit Fornier Sudaméricain for a total of 1,650,000 gold francs or 325,000 pesos oro sellado. With this funds, he bought from Mr. Ledesma 8,775 hectares in Marcos Juarez, Córdoba. The estancia was named ‘San Eduardo’.

On 28 January 1908 dies Margaret Gaynor Cavanagh, eighteen days after celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of her marriage with Edward Cavanagh [42]. She was buried in the family (bóveda) of Arrecifes. At that time, the family properties represented more than 35,000 hectares.

In 1910, when the railway arrived to ‘La Chispa’ station in Juan José Cavanagh’s land, the engineers decided to name the station Cavanagh. There was an opposition from the owners of La Chispa, and ‘Don Juan’ told them ‘you can name it as you wish. I donated the land for the railway because it means progress, not to put it my name. If you wish to name it Cavanagh, you will find more land of the family later’ [53]. When the railway arrived to ‘San Eduardo’ the owner Tomás Cavanagh donated the land for the future Cavanagh station [53].

On 5 April 1911, Murphy and La Chispa railway stations opened their offices. The inaugural train arrived on 27 January, departing from Carmen and passing through Murphy, La Chispa, El Cantor (Santa Fe), Cavanagh, and Guatimozín (Córdoba). Instead of donating the land to the railway company, Ana Cavanagh Tormey sold them 30 hectares for the railway and 10 hectares for urban purposes[53]. The land of Ana Cavanagh Tormey (3,802 hectares) is finally (rematada) by the Banco Hipotecario Nacional on 24 April 1927. Plot number 40 is reserved for the Cavanagh town.

Edward Cavanagh died at 81 years old on 16 December 1915. He was buried in Arrecifes [57].

Polo and Cavanagh

Juan José Cavanagh begins playing polo in the 1880s in Arrecifes and Santa Fe. On 16 July 1888, he was one of the players in the inaugural match of the The Venado Tuerto Polo and Athletic Club [150].

Alfredo Harrington, Tomás Moore Cavanagh, Diego Cavanagh, Bernardo Cavanagh.

El Trébol 1939-1943. 1943: Juan L. Cavanagh, Roberto Cavanagh.

Roberto Lorenzo Cavanagh gets 10 goals handicap in 1954. He stop playing in 1968, after a serious accident.

In 1962, 1963, and 1965, Juan Luis Cavanagh played in England invited by Prince Philip [154].

Guillermo Cavanagh.


[2] Ortigüela, Raúl, 'Raíces Celtas'

1. Railway station
2. Cavanagh's estancia 'San Eduardo'
3. Parish church
4. Kindergarten
5. Agrarian School
6. School
7. Ship manifest with the arrival of Edward Cavanagh at Buenos Aires (1851)
8. Edward Cavanagh family Bible: marriage record
9. Edward Cavanagh family Bible: children's records
10. Letter from Eduardo Casey to Edward Cavanagh about the selling of land in Santa Fe
11. Juan José Cavanagh estancia 'San Eduardo'
12. Margarita Cavanagh (née Gaynor)
13. Cadastral map
14. Cadastral map
15. Regional map
17. Cavanagh family vault in Arrecifes cemetery
18. Heirs of Edward Cavanagh
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18



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Copyright © The Irish Argentine Historical Society. 2004