Since the mythical visit of St Brendan the Navigator
to Mexico in the sixth-century, through the
conviction in December 2004 of three Irishmen known
members of the IRA accused of training guerrillas in
Colombia, the pattern of relations between Ireland
and Latin America has been heterogeneous,
fragmentary, and erratic. The Irish presence in this
part of the world is frequently linked to colonial
and post-colonial tensions in Europe and the
Americas, which are generally connected to British,
French, Portuguese, Spanish and, more recently, US
American imperialistic policies and discourse.
Of the 40-odd countries and territories shaping the
map of Latin America and the Caribbean* only
Argentina and certain Caribbean islands developed
recognizable Irish communities which endured
throughout the times. The other places in the
continent have been visited by Irish missionaries,
soldiers, merchants, scientists, teachers, and
others who either settled in the region and left
their visible or subtle traces, or re-emigrated
within the Americas or to other parts of the world
(though Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba developed Irish
communities that sooner or later disappeared).
The number of Irish who emigrated to, or settled
temporarily in, Latin America is still a matter of
debate among scholars. However, it is significantly
lower than that of the emigrants to the
English-speaking countries, i.e., US, Canada,
England, Australia or New Zealand. Argentina, the
country that has attracted the largest quantities of
immigrants received an inflow estimated by some
scholars in 45-50,000 Irish-born persons. In
addition to this, thousands more scattered in the
region, especially in Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela,
and Mexico, as a result of military operations,
trade, and colonization schemes. It is also
important to consider the significant rates of
re-emigration within the Americas, especially to the
US, and to Australia, England, and back to Ireland,
as well as from the US to Argentina in the 1820s, to
Cuba where they worked in slave-like conditions in
sugar plantations, to Panama where they died among
the multinational workforce constructing the Panama
railway, and to Brazil where they were recruited in
New York for land settlement schemes in the 1860s.
Even in the most successful Irish settlement in the
region, Argentina, approximately one out of every
two immigrants re-emigrated to other destinations,
and this is an indication of the elevated mobility
of the migrants.
The chronicles of the Irish in Latin America often
reveal epic qualities, whether from the victim's or
from the hero's standpoint. The former expresses an
attitude of real or perceived economic exploitation
by, and political subordination to, powerful foreign
forces, and typically includes the exile mentality
by which the English rule in Ireland (or the US
American control over Mexico) led to emigration as
the only secure way to ensure survival. The latter –
the hero narrative – reveals the position (sometimes
perceived as superior) of the Irish with respect to
local Latin American ethnic groups. Both
perspectives frequently neglect the everyday lives
of the immigrants and their families, their
settlement patterns, and their relations with other
ethnic groups. As Graham Davis argues, "it is
tempting in writing on the Irish pioneer settlers to
isolate their story and to laud only their
achievements. Such an approach distorts the Irish
experience by suggesting a privileged contribution
history" (Davis 2002: 238). Furthermore, it neglects
the social and economic relations of the Irish and
their families with native Amerindians,
Hispano-Creoles, Africans, Catalonians, Galicians,
Scottish, English, Italians, Germans, French-Basque,
and immigrants from other parts of the world, as
well as the cultural transfers accomplished among
Colonized Realms: Ireland and Latin America

Flag in Luján basilica, Buenos Aires. |
The early links between Ireland and Latin America
may have been rather mythical. Some Mexican
historians mention the possibility that St Brendan
of Co. Kerry (c.484-580) landed on Mexican shores,
and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl was identified as a
white-skinned and bearded figure who had visited the
region and promised to return. Other legend is that
Columbus visited Galway on one of his voyages west
and prayed there in the church of St Nicholas.
However, there is historical evidence for an earlier
visit to Galway by Columbus in about 1477. The first
recorded Irish names in Latin America were the
brothers Juan and Tomás Farrel, members of the
expedition led by Pedro de Mendoza that arrived in
the River Plate in 1536 and founded the city of
Buenos Aires.
The early Irish presence in Latin America seems to
have been connected with religious, trade, and
military relations between traditional families in
Ireland and the Catholic establishment in
continental Europe. In the last decades of the
sixteenth century, many officers and administrators
belonging to Old English Catholic families in
Ireland withdrew their sons from Oxford and
Cambridge colleges, and sent them to Catholic
universities in Continental Europe. With the
Catholic Counter-Reformation in its height, these
young members of traditional families were taught
the reforming zeal, and contributed to a flowering
of Catholic spirituality at the popular level and to
an anti-Protestant mentality. In Europe the most
notable champion of the Counter-Reformation was
Philip II of Spain, son of the emperor Charles V,
who sought to re-establish Roman Catholicism by
force. During the rule of Philip II the first Irish
College was opened in 1592 in Salamanca. Spain was
in war with England in 1585-1604, and the
connections between Gaelic and Old English families
with Spanish Catholic priests and officers sometimes
represented a real threat to England, like when a
Spanish force of 4,000 men established in 1601 at
Kinsale in Munster. Unofficial contacts among
Ireland, Spain, and Portugal continued thereafter,
and thousands of Irish mercenaries (the "Wild
Geese") served in French, Spanish, and other foreign
armies. Religious, military, and commercial links
created an Iberian dimension of the Irish Diaspora
which would have direct effects in eighteenth- and
early nineteenth-century connections between Ireland
and Latin America.
The first Irish person to leave his mark in Latin
America was Thomas Field S.J. (1547-1626), born in
Limerick, who entered the Jesuits in Rome in 1574.
Fr Field arrived in Brazil in late 1577 and spent
three years in Piratininga (today's São Paulo). Then
he moved to Paraguay with two other Jesuits, and
over the next ten years they established missions
among the Guaraní people. Thomas Field, who died in
Asunción, is credited with being the first Irish
priest to celebrate the Roman Catholic rites in the
Americas. Other priests who went to Latin America
were born in Spain or Portugal of Irish parents, and
were engaged by the Jesuits and the Franciscans
because they spoke English and therefore they could
work not only to protect the native populations from
the Protestant English and Dutch colonizers but
could also convert the heretics themselves.
In about 1612 the Irish brothers Philip and James
Purcell established a colony in Tauregue, on the
mouth of the Amazon river, where English, Dutch, and
French settlements were also installed. Huge profits
were made by the colonists in tobacco, dyes, and
hardwoods. A second group arrived in 1620 led by
Bernardo O'Brien of Co. Clare. They built a wood and
earthen fort on the north bank of the Amazon and
named the place Coconut Grove. O'Brien learnt the
dialect of the Arruan people, and his colleagues
became expert navigators of the maze of tributaries,
canals and islands that form the mouth of the
Other Irish tradesmen and priests worked in Latin
America in the eighteenth century, however most of
the Irish presence in the region from the 1770s
onwards was owing to military action.
Rebels in Ireland, Mercenaries in Latin America
The Irish soldiers acting in the region by the end
of the eighteenth century and during the wars of
independence were members of British, Spanish,
Portuguese, and South American armies. From 1768 to
1771 an Irish Regiment played a role in the Spanish
army which served in Mexico. All its companies were
commanded by officers with Irish names, O'Hare,
Barry, Fitzpatrick, Quinn, O'Brien, Healy, O'Leary,
and Treby (Tracy). Some of them were Irish-born, and
others were the children of well-known Irish
families settled in Spain.

Ambrose O'Higgins, Governor of
and Viceroy of Peru |
Ambrose O'Higgins (1721-1801) is the supreme example
of an Irish emigrant to the Spanish-speaking world
who reached the highest ranks in the imperial
colonial service. Born probably in Ballinary, Co.
Sligo, O'Higgins was employed as an errand boy by
Lady Bective in Dangan Castle, near Summerhill in
Meath. An uncle sent him to Cadiz in Spain, from
where he traveled to Peru. He first ran a small toy
shop in Lima and after studying engineering was
involved in improving the Andean roads and building
houses for travelers. Recognized by the colonial
authorities, O'Higgins was made administrator of the
southern frontier of Chile. Here he made contact
with the Mapuche people and was appointed governor
of Chile in 1787 and set about modernizing the
colonial administration. In 1795 Ambrosio O'Higgins
was appointed viceroy of Peru, in which office he
died in 1801 at the age of eighty.
A tradition of enlisting in the British army
developed in Ireland. The enlisting of Irish
Protestants began in 1745 and Catholics were
permitted to enroll since the Catholic Relief Act of
1793. In the Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815) an
estimated 130,000 Irishmen served in the British
army, and throughout the nineteenth century a
sizeable proportion of the British army was Irish,
exceeding 40 per cent in 1830. Lack of alternative
employment opportunities at home (more than any
alleged Irish fighting spirit or tradition)
contributed to the high levels of Irish enlistment.
As recently as in the Falklands-Malvinas War of 1982
the number of Irish names in the rolls of British
units was significant.
In November 1762 the Irish-born captain John
McNamara and his British 45th regiment
attacked Colonia del Sacramento in the northern bank
of the River Plate (present-day Uruguay). Colonia
was then under Spanish control and the British
intention was to return it to their Portuguese ally.
McNamara and most of the crew were killed when the
flagship Lord Clive blew up, but some waded
ashore and were captured and interned in Córdoba, a
province in the centre of Argentina, and Mendoza in
the Andean foothills. When finally released, many of
these remained in Argentina. They and some of their
descendents were to become involved with the
Argentine army of José de San Martín, which gathered
in Mendoza in 1816 to invade and liberate Chile.
In 1806 and 1807 Britain made two unsuccessful
attempts to displace Spain as the dominant power in
the River Plate region. Of the 25,000 men directly
involved in both invasions it is likely that a
significant number of the officers and rank and file
would have been Irish. The first expedition was
commanded by William Carr Beresford (b. 1768), of
the well-known Irish gentry family. On June 25, 1806
Bereford's troops landed at Quilmes, south of Buenos
Aires city. After a skirmish with a force of
defenders, Buenos Aires capitulated and Beresford
men marched to the sound of pipes and drums into the
city. The Spanish and Creole forces reacted and
Buenos Aires was recaptured by local regiments.
Beresford surrendered in August 1806 but thousands
of fighting men were soon dispatched to South
America and were placed under the command of John
Whitelocke. This second British force invaded
Montevideo in February 1807 and then attacked, and
was repulsed by, Buenos Aires on July 5 of the same
year. Some of the Irish soldiers deserted from the
British army and settled and prospered in Argentina,
and after the 1820s played a role in initiating
emigration to Buenos Aires from the Irish midlands.

Col. Arthur Sandes of the South American War of
Independence 1817-1824
(The Irish Sword, XII N° 47, p. 139) |
The other major military involvement of Irish people
in Latin America was in the Wars of Independence. As
a result of the failed British campaigns in the
River Plate, viscount Castlereagh was of the opinion
that the commercial penetration of Spanish America
was preferable to its military conquest. This policy
came into effect in most parts of Latin America when
merchants and their employees from Britain and
Ireland invaded the Atlantic and Pacific ports of
Latin America. However, the new policy did not
prevent British subjects enlisting in foreign
armies. Most Irish saw military action as
legionaries in Simón Bolívar's army that liberated
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Recruited in Ireland by John Devereux and other
officers, some 2,100 soldiers arrived in Colombia
and Venezuela in 1817-19. The Irish Legion, which
received the support of Daniel O'Connell in Ireland,
ended in mutinies, epidemics, and a high death toll
in Venezuela. Bolívar said he was not surprised at
the conduct of the Irish, and was "pleased to be rid
of these mercenaries who would do no killing until
they had first been paid for it" (Hasbrouck 1928:
182-3). Devereux himself remained behind in England
and Ireland, living sumptuously on the contributions
of his dupes, until the return of some of those whom
he had cheated exposed him to danger of being
arrested or shot, so that he was forced to go to
Venezuela many months after his Legion had departed.
Many Irish soldiers took part on the celebrated
march across the Andes in 1819 and in the decisive
battles of Boyacá (Colombia) and Carabobo
(Venezuela). William O'Connor, who came to be known
as Francis Burdett O'Connor, served as chief of
staff to Antonio José de Sucre (later first
president of Bolivia) at the battle of Ayacucho,
Peru, in December 1824. In this period Bolívar had a
succession of Irish aides-de-camp, of whom the most
prestigious was Cork-born Daniel Florence O'Leary,
who sustained a serious wound in battle following
the Andes march and was decorated with the Order of
the Liberator. A recognized hero of the Venezuelan
independence, O'Leary settled in Bogotá and held a
number of diplomatic appointments for Venezuela and
Britain. He died in 1854 in Bogotá and in 1882 his
remains were interred in the National Pantheon in
Caracas near those of Bolívar.

William Brown, founder of the
Argentine Navy.
The South American wars of independence are often
regarded as the result of a military strategy
developed by the British governing elites and
executed by brilliant military and naval commanders.
On a pincer movement, Simón Bolívar from the north,
José de San Martín from the south, and admirals
William Brown and Scottish-born Thomas Cochrane
shelling from the Pacific, prevented the arrival of
supplies and reinforcements for the Spanish forces
and effectively overthrew the Spanish rule in the
region. William Brown (1777-1857), founder of the
Argentine navy, was born in Foxford, Co. Mayo. He
began his naval career as a teenager in merchant
ships in the US, then enlisted in the British navy
and was engaged in 1809 in commercial trading in
Buenos Aires. Brown got involved when his ship was
commandeered by the Spanish during the revolution of
1810. Appointed commander of the local fleet, he
broke the Spanish blockade in the River Plate and
ended the Spanish threat to the newly independent
provinces of the River Plate. Wicklow-born John
Thomond O'Brien (1786-1861) arrived in Argentina in
1814 and fought in the siege of Montevideo in that
year. He then was appointed aide-de-camp of general
San Martín, the liberator of Argentina and Chile,
and in this capacity took part in all major actions
of the independence struggle in Chile and Peru.
Other South American patriots who fought for the new
republics were Bernardo O'Higgins (1778-1842), son
of Peru's viceroy Ambrose O'Higgins, and regarded as
the father of the Chile's independence; Thomas
Charles Wright (1799-1868) of Drogheda, founder of
the Ecuadorean navy; Peter Campbell (b. 1780) of
Tipperary, who organized the first Uruguayan naval
force in 1814; George O'Brien, Charles Condell, and
Patricio Lynch, naval heroes in Chile; Diago Nicolau
Keating, Diago O'Grady, and Jorge Cowan, who served
in Brazilian armies.
Escravos Brancos
and Empresarios: Pre-Famine Settlements in
Latin America (1820s-1840s)
William Cotter, an Irish officer serving in the
Brazilian army, was sent in 1826 to Ireland to
recruit a regiment for service against Argentina. He
went to Co. Cork where he promised the local people
that if they enlisted they would be given a grant of
land after five years' service. He left for Rio de
Janeiro in 1827 with 2,686 men and their women and
children, but when they arrived they were completely
neglected since the war with Argentina was over. The
African-Brazilian people taunted them by calling
them escravos brancos, white slaves. The
Irish mutinied together with a German regiment, and
for a few days there was open warfare on the streets
of Rio de Janeiro. While most were finally sent home
or went to Canada or Argentina, some did stay and
were sent to form a colony in the province of Bahia.
A more celebrated military exploit involving Irish
troops was that of the San Patricio Battalion made
up of deserters from the US army during the
Mexican-American war of 1846-48. Led by John
O'Reilly, a deserter from the British army in
Canada, some hundreds of Irish crossed over to the
Mexican side encouraged by Mexican offers to be
promoted as officers and put in charge of the
artillery, as well as offers of land (however some
historians argue that it was drink that lured them).
The case shows the fluidity of loyalty and state
boundaries at the time. Fighting under a green
banner emblazoned with an Irish harp and a shamrock,
the Irish won special decorations for their courage
in the battle of Buena Vista, but suffered heavy
casualties in the fierce battle of Churubusco.
Seventy-two were court martialled and fifty hanged.
The bravery of San Patricio battalion is widely
known among Mexicans today, and every September 12 a
ceremony in their honor takes place in the San
Jacinto plaza in Mexico City. However, they were
regarded as traitors in the US.

James Heweston, Irish empresario in
Mexican Texas (William H. Oberste, "Texas Irish
Empresarios and Their Colonies" (1973). |
Successful Irish settlements have been established
in Mexican Texas in the period 1829-36. San Patricio
and Refugio colonies in the Gulf coast of Texas owe
an important part of their history to the system of
land grants allocated under the Mexican colonization
law, and to the Irish empresarios
(entrepreneurs) John McMullen, James McGloin, James
Power, and James Hewetson. They were men of vision
who had perceived themselves as Mexicans through
marriage, commercial contacts, and as Spanish
speakers. During the Texas Revolution of 1835-36
some of the Irish colonists were loyal to the
Mexican government, to whom in law they owed
allegiance as Mexican citizens and to whom they were
obligated for the land grants bestowed upon them.
Furthermore, the Irish colonists who had settled
alongside Mexican neighbors acquired from them the
skills and know-how of cattle ranching.
Land was the great opportunity that attracted
thousands of emigrants from the center and southeast
of Ireland to Argentina and Uruguay. This emigration
commenced with the Irish soldiers left behind by the
1806-07 British campaigns in the River Plate, along
with the simultaneous settlement of a number of
British and Irish merchants in the region. According
to the 1822 census, there were 3,500 ingleses
in the Buenos Aires province. At this time, they
made up the majority of foreigners in the city of
Buenos Aires. Merchants in Buenos Aires benefited
from the policy of comercio libre (free
trade) that sparked an economic revival in the River
Plate area, and established businesses to trade for
silver from Potosí (Bolivia), maté from the
plantations along the river Paraguay, and hides,
talon, and jerked-beef from the pampas of Buenos
Aires and Uruguay. One of the most influential of
the Irish merchants in Buenos Aires was Thomas
Armstrong (1797-1875), who came from a well-known
Protestant landowning family of the Irish midlands.
Together with Fr Anthony Fahy (1805-1871), Armstrong
was to lead the Irish immigrant community from its
early stages in the 1830s until his death. Another
influential merchant family in colonial and
independent Buenos Aires were the O'Gormans of
Ennis, Co. Clare. Members of other prosperous Irish
families settled from the end of the eighteenth
century in Latin American ports. These families not
only wielded considerable economic and political
power within Ireland, but were also involved in
Atlantic trade, with links to North America, Spain
and Portugal, the West Indies, South Africa and,
later, to Brazil and Argentina. Among these
families, a number of Galway and Clare merchants
served as agents in commercial houses in the
Atlantic coasts and islands. They were Roman
Catholics and loyalists to the British Crown. Other
Irish merchants in Buenos Aires were employed by
British firms, like William Mooney and Patrick
Bookey from Westmeath, and Patrick Brown and James
Pettit from Wexford. They are recognized as the
initiators of the early immigration chains from
those counties to Argentina and Uruguay.
In the 1820s the majority of foreign merchant ships
entering the port of Buenos Aires were English,
originating in Liverpool, London, Rio de Janeiro,
Gibraltar, and Havana. Much of the loading,
unloading, and ferrying was also conducted by
British people, and Irish residents in the ports
were employed as stevedores. From the signature of
the Anglo-Argentine Treaty of Friendship, Navigation
and Commerce in 1824, the British presence was
further perpetuated and Argentina followed the first
steps to later become an important part of Britain's
informal empire. These were ideal circumstances for
a massive welcome to ingleses, i.e.,
English-speaking immigrants especially from Ireland.