estimated number of 70,000 Irish-born people emigrated to Latin
America up to the 1930s. Among them, about 50,000 selected
Argentina as their initial destination. Analysing the origins in
Ireland of the emigrants to Argentina provides their geographic
profile. |
Profiles of the Irish Settlers in Argentina
source database used to build the list of Irish Settlers in Argentina
allows some demographic analysis, which will be summarily described
below. Since the database is not a representative sample of the
universe of immigrants, the results of this analysis should not
be extrapolated to the entire population of Irish emigrants to Argentina.
Such a procedure would generate invalid assumptions. During the
nineteenth century, forty to forty-five thousand Irish emigrants
arrived in Argentina, and it is estimated that about twenty thousand
of them settled in the country, while the others re-emigrated to
North America, Australia, Ireland, or other destinations. Among
the twenty thousand settlers, ten to fifteen thousand died without
issue or broke their links to the local Irish community. Therefore,
the nucleus of the Irish-Argentine community was developed with
only four to five thousand settlers. 'While Coghlan records cover
about 15-20% of the total estimated Irish emigration, it is not
a random sample of the emigrants who originally left Ireland for
Argentina in the nineteenth century, many of them only settling
there for a short period before moving elsewhere in the Americas'
[McKenna 1994, op. cit.]. Hence, the following demographic
analysis is valid for this segment only. |