Dennis Conahan, John Daly, John Sheehan,
Thomas Cassidy, Patrick Casey. These names with a familiar Hibernian
ring to them lay etched upon a rectangular stone tablet hung
unassumingly on a building at the far end of the square. This simple
memorial commemorated soldiers who had fought and died for a country
attacked and invaded by her neighbour.
The memorial that I came across that
bright early summer morning was not in West Cork or South Armagh nor
was it on the site of an old battleground on the Western Front. It was
in Plaza San Jacinto in San Angel, a suburb of Mexico City. Dedicated
to the San Patricios or San Patrick’s Battalion, it honoured a
group of mainly Irish-born American soldiers who changed sides and
fought for Mexico in the US-Mexican War (1846-1847).
Their reasons for defection vary
according to whom one consults. Those sympathetic to the San
Patricios state that they drew parallels between US invasion of
Mexico and the plight brought upon Ireland by her colonial master.
They also point out that it was anti-Catholic bigotry within the
WASP-dominated US officer corps that compelled them to fight alongside
their fellow Catholics in Mexico. Those unsympathetic state that their
motivations were purely financial claiming that the Mexicans merely
offered them land and money. Other prejudiced opinions that would not
look out of place amongst the pages of an old Punch magazine
assert that alcohol was their primary incentive.
Their defection may still be a matter
for conjecture, however what is for certain is that Galway-born John
Riley, a US artillery lieutenant, led this band of Irish soldiers
together with a smattering of German, Scottish and American Catholics
across lines on the outbreak of hostilities in 1846. Their expert
knowledge of artillery and infantry warfare proved invaluable to the
Mexican army lead by General Santa Anna. They strode into numerous
battles under an emerald green flag with Erin Go Bragh
emblazoned across it and fought courageously in most of the war’s
major engagements. Ultimately, however, their endeavours came to an
end when, after ferocious close-quarter fighting, they were routed at
the decisive Battle of Churubusco on 20 August 1847.
A horrendous fate awaited those who
survived the battle and surrendered to US American forces. As deserters
they were found guilty of treachery by a military court-martial.
Forty-eight of the San Patricios were sentenced to death by
hanging. The rest were branded with the letter ‘D’ for deserter and
sentenced to severe floggings and long terms of imprisonment.
At daybreak on 13
September 1847 the condemned men were led to the gallows on a ridge
overlooking the final battle of the war at Chapultepec Castle just
outside Mexico City. Colonel William Harney, the US executioner,
insisted that their hanging would only take place once he sighted the
US American flag flying over the castle. The men waited agonisingly for
hours in the baking heat with nooses around the necks providing a
constant reminder, if they needed one, of their impending death.
Francis O’Connor, one of the condemned men, had only recently had both
legs amputated due to injuries sustained in battle. Finally at 9:30am
their former comrades flew the Stars and Stripes signalling the final
defeat of Mexican forces. Colonel Harney gave the order and the San
Patricios entered Mexican folklore.

Hanging of the San Patricios
following the Battle of Chapultepec
(Sam Chamberlain, c1867) |
Almost 160 years after the event the
story of the San Patricios still resonates in Mexican society.
Each year in Plaza San Jacinto a commemoration in their honour is
faithfully attended by dignitaries from the Mexican government and
military, Irish embassy staff as well as members of the public. An
honour guard of elite Mexican soldiers salutes them and both the Irish
and Mexican national anthems are played. The current Mexican president
Vicente Fox Quesada, himself of Irish descent, proclaimed in 2003 that
“the affinities between Ireland and Mexico go back to the first years
of our nation, when our country fought to preserve its national
sovereignty…Then, a brave group of Irish soldiers… in a heroic
gesture, decided to fight against the foreign ground invasion”.
As I embarked on my trip home to
England the taxi driver who brought me to Mexico City airport
acknowledged the San Patricios when I happened to mention that
I was Irish. “Ah your soldiers” he exclaimed in broken English as he
veered erratically in and out of traffic on the busy airport road,
they were very brave, they fought for my country you know?”. His
sentiments are echoed by many people throughout Latin America. From
the River Plate in Argentina to the Rio Grande on the Mexican-US
border many Irishmen fought and gave their lives in the epic wars and
independence struggles of the nineteenth century for nations far
removed from their own. It is certain that they went on to provide
inspiration to those who would finally achieve independence the
following century in their homeland.
Dedicated to Brian McGinn, the man who fostered
my interest in Irish-Latin American history, who sadly passed away on
20 July 2005 .
The San
Patricios is a controversial story. The late military historian
Brian McGinn rightly pointed to the fact that "from the
viewpoint of the U.S. military, the less said about such
subjects, the better. Desertions reflect poorly on political
leadership and military command; defections even more so. [...]
In general, Irish-Americans have also been uncomfortable with
the story of the San Patricios. They could argue, and
convincingly, that the overwhelming majority of the 4,811
Irish-born soldiers who served in the U.S. army during the
Mexican-American War did not desert. Even if all the San
Patricios soldiers were Irish--and they were not--Irish-born
deserters would represent less than four per cent of Irish
soldiers" (The San Patricios: An Historical Perspective
in "").
In the website
of the Descendants of Mexican War Veterans, the San Patricios
battalion is depicted as "a group of mostly Irish deserters from
the U.S. Army who joined the Mexican Army and fought against
their former comrades during several battles of the U.S.-Mexican
War. These turncoats were among the defenders of the convent of
Churubusco [...]. In Mexico, the San Patricios are venerated as
martyrs and heroes. Americans, on the other hand, generally see
them as traitors who got what they deserved. To some, it seems
unfair that the San Patricios have received so much attention
while the thousands of Irish immigrants who served honorably in
the U.S. Army have largely been ignored" (The
U.S.-Mexican War, Frequently Asked Questions About the
U.S.-Mexican War). |