Volume 5, Number 3 (November 2007)

Ireland's cricket fans during the match
between Ireland and West Indies in
the Cricket World Cup at Sabina Park, in Kingston, Jamaica
(B.K. Bangash, 23 March 2007) |
Ireland and the Caribbean
Guest Editor:
Jorge L. Chinea, Wayne State University
The editors of
Irish Migration Studies in
Latin America
invite contributions for the forthcoming issue of the journal (Vol. 5,
No. 3, November 2007). Articles on any aspect of connections between
Ireland and the Caribbean region during both the colonial and
post-colonial periods will be considered for publication. This special
edition will focus on the Irish experience in the Dutch-, English-,
French- and Spanish-speaking
together with the relationship between
Ireland and the
Antilles, and the life and work of people from the Caribbean in
contemporary Ireland. Contributions will be drawn from the fields of
the humanities, literature, history, geography, international
relations, social and political sciences and the arts, and comparative
studies in other disciplines. We also welcome book, film and website
reviews, biographies and edited source material. Articles in English
must be emailed to the editors no later than 1 October 2007 (articles
in French, German, Portuguese or Spanish no later than 1 September
Edmundo Murray, Claire Healy
Irish Migration Studies in Latin America
Contributor's Guidelines
- pdf) |