Bess Grant

Barque Bess Grant
Weighed anchor at Liverpool 24 October 1848 
Master: Necaaty
Passengers and freight
Freight under consignation of Nuttal & Cia.

Archivo General de la Nación. Libros de Entradas de Pasajeros. By Marie Renée (email Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:09:05 -0300).
11 June 1847
Arrived at the Port of Quebec (Canada)
Bark Bess Grant
Master: McCarney
From: New York (15 May 1847)
Consigned to: Gillespie & Co.

Remarks: Great Britain in tow.-She leaves for the same port this morning with the bark Alexina, bark Bess Grant, and brig Aid in tow.

19 July 1848
Arrived at Quebec (Canada)
Weighed anchor at Plymouth
Passengers (Irish emigrants, funded by parish funds).

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