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Venezuela |
The Irish in Latin America and Iberia
A Bibliography
By Edmundo
Murray |
Colombia, Venezuela |
● Bancomo
Borrios, Héctor, Campaña de Carabobo, 1821
(Caracas: Ministerio de Defensa, 1971).
Barnwell, David, William Duane and his 'Visit to
Colombia' of 1823 in
'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2 (March
2006). [document] |
Brown, Matthew, Adventuring through Spanish Colonies:
Simón Bolívar, Foreign Mercenaries and the Birth of
New Nations (Liverpool: Liverpool University
Press, 2006). Review by
Karen Racine in Irish Migration Studies in Latin
America, 5:3 (November 2007), pp. 249-250. [document] |
Brown, Matthew, Adventurers, foreign women and masculinity
in the Colombian Wars of Independence in: "Feminist
Review" 79:1 (March 2005), pp. 36-51. Abstract: This paper
examines changing conceptions of honour and masculinity during
the Colombian Wars of Independence in the early 19th century.
It explores the position of the foreign women who accompanied
British and Irish expeditions to join the war against Spanish
rule, and shows how colonial, imperial and republican
conceptions of masculinity were affected by the role that
women played in these volunteer expeditions and in the wars in
general. The paper considers women's experiences during war
and peace, and examines their experiences in the light of
changing conceptions of masculinity at home, in the British
empire and in Hispanic America in the early nineteenth
century. The social mobility of the Wars of Independence
shifted the ground on which these concepts rested for all
groups involved. The participation of foreign women alongside
male adventurers was a further ingredient in this
disorientating period. [website]
● Brown,
Matthew, Using Political Ephemera for the History
of Hispanic America in 'Political Archives'
(London: University of London, ICS and ISA, 2005).
Political Ephemera from the Commonwealth and Latin
America. <www2.sas.ac.uk/polarch/papers/MB.pdf>
Accessed 2 January 2006. [website] |
● Brown,
Matthew and Martín Alonso Roa, Militares
extranjeros en la independencia de Colombia: nuevas
perspectivas (Bogotá: Publicaciones del Museo
Nacional, 2004). |
● Brown,
Matthew, Crusaders for Liberty or Vile Mercenaries?
The Irish Legion in Colombia in
'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2
(March 2006). [document] |
Duane, Willaim, A Visit to Colombia in the Years
1822 and 1823 (Philadelphia: T.H. Palmer, 1826). |
Echavarría, Enrique, Extranjeros en Antioquía
in 'Progreso' (Medellín) 38-39, Agosto-Septiembre
1942. |
Echeverri M., Aquiles, Sangre Irlandesa en
Antioquía: biografía del Doctor Hugo Blair Brown,
Miembro de la 'Legión Británica' y Médico-Coronel de
los Ejércitos Patriotas (Medellín: Academia
Antioqueña de Historia, 1972). |
García Estrada, Rodrigo de J.,
Extranjeros en Medellín in 'Boletín Cultural y
Bibliográfico' de la Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango,
Banco de la República, 34:44 (1997). Website (http://www.banrep.gov.co/blaavirtual/boleti1/bol44/),
accessed 12 October 2005. |
Ferguson, William Owens,
Journal From Lima to Caracas, Commencing Sept. 4,
1826 in
'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2 (March
2006). [document]
Flick, Lawrence F. Mathias James O'Conway, Philologist,
Lexicographer and Interpreter of Languages, 1766-1842
in 'Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of
Philadelphia' 10:3 (September 1899), pp. 257-299; 10:4 (December
1899), pp.385-422; 11:1 (March 1900), pp. 9-32; Vol. 11:2
(June 1900), pp.156-177. |
Hall, Francis, Colombia: its Present State, in
Respect of Climate, Soil, Productions, Population,
Government, Commerce, Revenue, Manufuctures, Arts,
Literature, Manners, Education, and Inducements to
Emigration (London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1827).
Hall, Francis, Letters written from Colombia, being
a journey from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa
Martha in 1823 (London: G. Cowie & Co., 1824).
Henao, Januario, El Dr. Hugo Blair in 'Repertorio
Histórico' (Medellín) 4 (July 1905). |
Harker Puyana, Edmundo, Bucaramanga y los Puyana
(Bucaramanga: Cámara de Comercio, 1984). |
Hasbrouck, Alfred J., Foreign Legionaries in the
Liberation of Spanish South America (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1928). Reprint New York:
Octagon, 1969. |
Hooker, Terry and Ron Poulter, The Armies of
Bolivar and San Martin (London: Osprey, 1991). |
Lambert, Eric, General O'Leary and South America
in 'The Irish Sword' 11:43 (winter 1973), pp. 57-74. |
Lambert, Eric, Irish soldiers in South America,
1818-1830 in 'The Irish Sword' 16:62 (summer
1984), pp. 22-35. |
Lambert, Eric, Voluntarios Británicos e Irlandeses
en la Gesta Bolivariana (Caracas: Corporación
Venezolana de Guayana, 1981-1993). Three volumes,
translated by Teodosio Leal. The manuscript in English
remains unpublished. |
Lambert, Eric T.D., Carabobo, 24 June 1821: some
accounts written in English (Caracas:
Fundación John Boulton, 1974). |
Lambert, Eric and F. Glenn Thompson, Captain Morgan
O'Connell of the Hussar Guards of the Irish Legion
in 'The Irish Sword' 13:53 (winter 1979), pp. 281-282. |
Lambert, Eric T.D., Arthur Sandes of Kerry in 'The
Irish Sword' 12 (1976), pp. 139-146. |
Maddicks, Russell. 'British academic sheds light on
foreign volunteers', interview with Dr. Matthew Brown
in The Daily Journal (Caracas), available
online (http://www.thedailyjournalonline.com/), cited
7 July 2007. [document] |
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, A History of The Irish
Settlers in North America. From the Earliest Period to
the Census of 1850 (Boston: Office of the "American
Celt", 1851). Covers the Irish Legion in Gran
Colombia's independence army. |
McGinn, Brian,
Venezuela's Irish Legacy in 'Irish America'
(New York) November 1991, pp. 34-37. [website] |
McNerney, Robert F. "Daniel Florence O'Leary, soldier, diplomat, and historian" in _The Americas_, 22 (1966), pp. 292-312. |
Monaghan, James. Colombia Jail Journal (Dingle,
Co. Kerry: Brandon Books, 2007). |
Murray, Edmundo, The Irish in Colombia in
'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2 (March
2006). [document] |
Murray, Edmundo, Explosive Journey: Perceptions of
Latin America in the FARC-IRA Affair (2001-2005)
in 'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2
(March 2006). [document] |
Naranjo Martínez, Enrique, Irish Participation in
Bolivar's Campaigns (Washington, 1927). |
O'Connell, Maurice R. (ed.), The Correspondence of
Daniel O'Connell, 1815-1823 (Dublin: Irish
University Press, 1973). Vol. 2 includes
correspondence with J. Devereux. |
O'Leary, Peter. 'General Daniel Florence O'Leary' in
Journal of Ballingeary Cumman Staire (Ballingeary,
Co. Cork), 2001, online edition. [website] |
O'Leary, Michael, 'A Rebel Abroad' in Holly Bough
(Cork), Christmas 2006, p. 86. |
O'Leary, Simon Bolivar (ed.), Memorias del General
O'Leary publicados por su hijo Simon B. O'Leary, por
orden del Gobierno de Venezuela (Caracas,
1879-1888). Thirty-two volumes. |
Perez Vila, Manuel, Vida de Daniel Florencio O'Leary:
Primer Edecán del Libertador (Caracas: Imprenta
Nacional, 1957). |
● Rodríguez,
Moises Enrique. Freedom's
Mercenaries: British Volunteers in the Wars of Independence of
Latin America (Lanham MD: University Press of
America, 2006). Paperback. Volume I: Northern
South America, 426 pages. ISBN 0-7618-3437-0.
Volume II: Southern South America, 524 pages. ISBN
0-7618-3438-9. Review by Karen Racine in
Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, 4:4 (October
2006), pp.260-261. [document] |
Tierney, Martin, William Aylmer, 1772-1820 in 'The
Irish Sword' 6:23 (winter, 1963), pp. 103-107. |
Glimpses of the Irish in Nineteenth-Century Bogotá
'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' 4:2 (March
2006). [document] |
Williams, W.J., Bolivar and his Irish Legionaires
in 'Studies' (Dublin) 18 (December 1929), pp. 619-632. |
Copyright ©
Edmundo Murray, 2005 |
1 April 2003
26 June 2009 |
Murray, Edmundo, 'The Irish in Latin America and Iberia: A
Bibliography' in
"Irish Migration Studies in Latin America" 2006. Available online (www.irlandeses.org),
. |