(1871-1924), historian and journalist, was born on
6 September 1871 in Córdoba, the son of
Fulgencio Lynch and Gertrudis Mansilla Paz.
Lynch was sent to Buenos Aires City to study in a school for military orphans.
By the end
of 1880 he went with his brother, who was a Colonel in
the army, to settled in the province of Catamarca. In 1890, at
the early age of nineteen,
he was appointed secretary of the provincial police
In 1895
Leopoldo Lynch setttled in Tinogasta, west of Córdoba
province, and married Ana Figueroa. Lynch promoted several
communal works, including the establishment of
a new branch of the national bank, works of
irrigation, and the extension of the railway from
Chumbicha. Lynch was an active member of the Conservative
party, judge
of the peace, tax inspector, and president of
municipal committees. He contributed to La Prensa
and other newspapers as their correspondent journalist.
published Monografía Histórica y Geográfica
sobre el Departamento de Tinogasta (Catamarca: La Ley,
1909). He also wrote La Montura del Gigante, an
article published by "La Voz del Interior" in
1923. Lynch died in
Tinogasta on 15 October 1924.
Gonzalo Cané
Cané, Gonzalo, Un Irlandés en Tinogasta in
"The Southern Cross", December 1999, p. 9.
- Cerda, María Catalina,
Lynch, Leopoldo: La Montura
del Gigante (Tinogasta, Catamarca, 1996).