Eduardo O'Neill
Eduardo Miguel (1947-1977),
physician and political activist, was born
on August of 1947, the son of Miguel Pierce O'Neill and his
wife, Elsa Consiglio. Miguel P. O'Neill was the second son of
Michael O'Neill (1892-1964) and
Anne O'Durnin (d.1960). Eduardo O'Neill's uncle was Fr. Terencio
Kevin O'Neill C.P., director of the Southern Cross in 1991-2003.
Miguel O'Neill studied at the national school of Buenos
Aires. In 1972 O'Neill graduated with honours at the
school of medicine in the University of Buenos Aires. As a
graduate student, Dr. O'Neill published in cooperation
with other authors Histología: Guía de Trabajos
Prácticos (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1971). When
Eduardo O'Neill was practising as a neurologist in the Ramos Mejía
hospital of Buenos Aires, he was appointed
of the Federation of Resident Doctors, a union
of physicians and psychologists in Argentina. Since 1958
the Federation's aimed at the development of a free health scheme
for the poorest classes. On 9 September 1977 at 2.00
A.M. Eduardo M. O'Neill was kidnapped at home, in the presence of his
wife and their one year old son Santiago. Since that date, Dr.
O'Neill is included in the lists of desaparecidos during
the Argentine military rule 1976-1983.
Edmundo Murray
Coghlan, Eduardo A., Los Irlandeses en la Argentina: Su Actuación y Descendencia
(Buenos Aires, 1987), p. 735.
- Memory, Truth, Justice (www.desaparecidos.org),
accessed 12 May 2003.