© Irish
Centre for Migration Studies/Ionad na hImirce 2000
emigration to Argentina: a different model
Patrick McKenna
emigration to Argentina is one of the better places for a student
to begin Irish migration studies, for a number of reasons. The numbers
who emigrated there from Ireland are very small in the overall context
of Irish emigration; this allows the researcher a broad view of
the emigration while still maintaining contact with individual emigrant
experiences. The emigrants are comparatively well documented; this
affords the student a comprehensive set of records to work from
and due to the relatively small numbers the records are of manageable
size. Finally, the period of Irish emigration to Argentina covers
the entire span of New World settlement and consequently picks up
the waves of Irish emigration between 1500 and the start of the
First World War, whereas Irish emigration to the English speaking
New World only began towards the end of the eighteenth century.
The first Irish
to set foot on Argentine soil were two cabin boys from Galway, William
and John. They sailed with Magellan on his voyage to circumnavigate
the world in 1520. The first recorded Irish to settle in Argentina
were members of an expedition to conquer and claim the Rio de la
Plata for Spain. Led by Pedro Mendoza, they sailed from Cadiz, arriving
in the River Plate in February 1536. Among those first emigrants
were two brothers called John and Thomas Farel, natives of San Lucas
de Barrameda, Spain. Other Irish names which appeared in Magellan's
expedition were Colman, Lucas, Galvan (a very common Argentine name)
and Martin. The name 'Martin' occurs frequently throughout Europe
as well as Ireland and Spain and it is therefore impossible to be
certain which, if any, Martins were Irish. Other Irish names appear
among sixteenth century conquerors, such as Juan Fays (probably
Hays) and also the first Irish woman, Isabel Farrel, (possibly a
relative of John and Thomas Farel) the wife of a Captain Hernando
de Sosa, a colonist in Corrientes. A point to note here is that
assuming that Isabel is related to John and Thomas Farel, in addition
to travelling under her husband's protection she also had the protection
of male relatives, possibly her brothers. This point will be developed
further later when looking at female emigration to Argentina in
the nineteenth century. Mendoza's expedition brought with them cattle,
sheep, horses and pigs. These must have been among the first of
these species to reach the American continent. The animals thrived
in the Pampas and became part of the foundation stock of the 'native'
Argentine horses, cattle and sheep.
A small group
(which included at least one of the Farels together with Isabel
Farrel and her husband) began exploring the river systems feeding
the River Plate. The following year, in 1537 they founded the settlement
of Asuncion de Paraguay on the east bank of the Parana river about
2000km north of Buenos Aires. The Farels decided to stay in that
region and in 1588 Rafeal Farel, a son, exercised his right as one
of the original settlers to acquire 'lands and Indians' near Asuncion
in Corrientes Province just one year after the province was founded.
During the next
four hundred years Irish emigration to Argentina continues to fit
comfortably into the broad parameters of the Irish emigration taking
place throughout that period. The anti-Catholic laws in force in
Ireland during much of that time denied Catholics of good families
an education or career opportunities in the civil and military administration
at home until Catholic Emancipation was enacted in 1829. Because
of Ireland's good relationship with Catholic Europe throughout the
period prior to 1829, young Irish men went there to be educated
and many remained to follow a career in the military and public
service of those countries. Some rose to very high positions in
the armies and civil administrations throughout Catholic Europe.
Spain and France were the preferred destinations for those elite
emigrants. Some of the elite emigrants, or their European born children,
re-emigrated to the New World colonies in the service of their adopted
land. Because Argentina (the land of Silver) did not possess the
precious metals the early conquerors believed it contained it was
largely forgotten by the Spanish until the New Enlightenment. Consequently
little or no recorded Irish emigration appears to have taken place
to Argentina between Mendoza's expedition and the ascent of the
Bourbons to the Spanish throne in the eighteenth century.
Century Irish Immigration
The creation
of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, which was the result
of the reforms known as 'The New Enlightenment' introduced by Charles
III in 1776, necessitated a surge of emigration from Spain, of civil
and military personnel to govern the new Viceroyalty. A number of
those officials were born in Ireland. Michael O'Gorman for example,
was born in Ennis in 1749, educated in France, completing his studies
in Spain where he graduated in medicine. He left Spain for Buenos
Aires in 1777, travelling under a Royal Order placing him in charge
of the Sanitary Commission. He later founded the faculty of medicine
in Buenos Aires and remained professor of medicine there until his
death. Another Irishman to arrive in Argentina under the Spanish
flag towards the end of the eighteenth century was Thomand O'Brien
from Wicklow, who held the rank of Captain, later rising to the
rank of General in the army of the new republic.
New Enlightenment
Under the 'New
Enlightenment' commercial agricultural production became the measure
used to determine a nation's economic wealth. This change greatly
added to the value of wild the herds of cattle and horses roaming
the pampas. It is not surprising therefore that merchants began
arriving in the port soon afterwards to get ownership of, and to
trade in, these suddenly valuable resources. In addition to the
civil and military administration Irish names were appearing among
the most powerful merchants and landowners around Buenos Aires port
at that time. The Lynchs, O'Gormans, Dogans, Cullens, O'Ryans and
Butlers were all established Portenos at the beginning of the nineteenth
century. Incidentally the "O'Gormon" who arrived in Buenos
Aires about 1792 was Thomas O'Gorman a brother of the Portomedico
Patrick O'Gormon, Thomas was an officer in the French Army serving
in the French colony of Mauritius prior to becoming an influential
Buenos Aires merchant. This illustrates the ability, even then,
of Irish emigrants to use family connections on a global basis to
maximize their economic opportunities.
These merchants
soon married into the important local creole families and some even
became members of the town council (cabildo). It was the function
of the cabildo to allocate ownership of the various herds of wild
horses and cattle roaming the pampas within the jurisdiction of
the cabildo.
This group needed
labourers and shepherds to develop their estancias and slaughterhouses
to European standards. The slaughterhouses were required to process
cattle which up until then were slaughtered on the plain solely
for their hides, the rest of the carcass was abandoned to rot where
it lay. This necessitated the importation of labour skilled in up-to-date
methods of butchering and preserving meat, as well as unskilled
labourers, to work in the slaughterhouses.
Possibly because
of the large Irish trade in beef and leather between Galway and
Spain, the new Viceroyalty looked to Ireland for the technology
and skill to complement the 22,500 African and Brazilian slave labour
brought in to provide the unskilled element of the labourforce.
One hundred Irish skilled workers, comprising salters, butchers
and tanners were brought to Buenos Aires in 1785 and more were recruited
over the next twenty years. The new skills introduced by these Irish
tradesmen laid the foundation of the Argentine beef industry. Very
little is known, as yet, of those Irish immigrants or their origins.
They appear to have been unmarried and being Catholic they assimilated
immediately into the local community of co-religionists.
By the mid 1790s
the success of the new industries growing up around Buenos Aires
led to the development of a considerable trade with Europe via independently
owned merchant ships (free traders).
The Free Traders
were merchants trading from neutral ports who were allowed to trade
in the port of Buenos Aires. The Free Traders who quickly replaced
the merchants as the main traders in the port were typically of
a lower social class than the merchants. They were very often ships'
masters turned owners. John Dillon from Dublin is one such example.
Arriving with his family in Montevideo he set about making his fortune
by importing goods legally into Montevideo and then smuggling them
across the river to Buenos Aires in a fleet of small river boats
which he soon acquired. Within a few years Dillon became established
as one of the leading Irish merchant families in Buenos Aires. There
he expanded his business to include meat processing and started
the first brewery in the country.
In the city,
guilds were forming and a substantial artisan class was growing
up around the port. Influential elements in Spain soon came to suffer
from the increased competition created by this new production and
the increase in trade by outside shipping. These elements hoped
to restore the old Spanish monopolies and avoid the competition
from this new and vigorous colony. They realised that by allowing
'Free Traders' to operate in Buenos Aires they would quickly undermine
the growing strength of the local established elites.
Faced with such
stiff competition in the port from the Free Traders those Portena
merchants who could turned their attention to developing their estancias
into commercial enterprises which were better fitted to the new
opportunities of the nineteenth century; beef and wool production.
Patricio Lynch is a substantial land holder by 1810 and Patrick
Cullen from the Canary Islands was granted lands in Santa Fe to
the north of Buenos Aires.
Origins of Sheep Farming
While these
Portena merchants and the creoles were willing to improve their
cattle herds they were unwilling to go into wool production. Sheep
farming was a low status enterprise associated with the gaucho class.
As there was an almost unlimited supply of fertile land beyond the
estancias which was still inhabited by hostile native tribes, the
estancieros welcomed settlement in those areas by immigrants. Sheep
farmers, therefore, could provide a buffer between the indigenous
population and the creole owned estancias as well as supplying those
goods which the estancieros were unwilling to become directly involved
in themselves. In fact the estancieros promoted such settlement
to the extent that they were willing to finance the stock purchase
necessary to graze the new 'camps' while allowing the settler earn
equity in the stock by contributing his labour.
The system they
operated was as follows. An estanciero would provide a flock of
about two thousand sheep while the immigrant was responsible for
looking after the sheep including the provision of grazing. At the
end of the contract the shepherd and the owner would divide the
flock, the owner getting back his 2,000 sheep plus the agreed percentage
of the increase (usually 50%) as well as his share of the price
for the wool clip for the contract period. The typical length of
contract, in the beginning, was about four or five years by which
time the flock, under good management, would have grown to 10,000
in number. The shepherd would then own up to 4,000 sheep. He would
then divide his flock into, for example, two flocks of 2,000 and
hire shepherds on a similar type of contract to that he had worked.
In this way one migrant brought out first, his brothers and later
his cousins and neighbours and so a highly regional specific chain
migration began.
The merchants
and the members of the cabildo of Buenos Aires knew the caliber
of the Irish immigrants not only from the butchers, salters and
tanners they recruited and from the odd merchant sailor left behind
in the port but also because of direct British military contact
with that part of the world. On November 2, 1762 a Capt John McNamara
sailed up the River Plate and attacked Colonia del Sacramento across
the river from Buenos Aires in what is now Uruguay. All but sixty
of this expedition perished in the battle. The survivours waded
ashore some at least were exiled 800km into the interior to Cordoba.
The most important military contact however was the British invasion
of 1806/7. This involved a number of Irish regiments many of whose
members came from around the military barracks of Mullingar and
Athlone. A number of these soldiers either deserted or were captured
by the defenders of Buenos Aires. Some of these ex-soldiers who
remained in Buenos Aires, according to local tradition, settled
in the city among the free Negroes in the area of San Telmo along
the river bank. Those soldiers are believed to have worked deepening
the port and using the stone which came in the ships as ballast
for building along the docks. Others opted to work on the Creole
estancias around the city and appeared to have played an important
role in bringing out more members of their families from Ireland,
thus establishing emigration to Buenos Aires as an option for those
from around Mullingar and Athlone at least. An example of this is
Thomas Murray from Streamstown Co. Westmeath. Thomas remained following
the 1806/7 invasion and obtained work on a local creole estancia.
His knowledge of 'modern' farming soon ensured his rise to manager
or 'mayordomo' of the estancia. Such was his service to the family
in maintaining their estates for them when they had to flee the
country during Rosas dictatorship that when the family returned
the estanciero purchased a large estancia for the Murray family
in Santa Fe, just north of Buenos Aires Province. The Murrays are
still one of the principle land owning families in southern Santa
Fe today.
Following the
failed British invasion and Spain's feeble attempt to defend the
colony Argentines realised that independence was theirs for the
taking. Thomand O'Brien from Wicklow fought the Spanish on land
while at sea William Brown from Foxford in Mayo who founded the
Argentine navy saved the fledgling republic on more than one occasion.
O'Brien on land and Brown at sea, were aided by a number of the
Irish troops left behind after the 1806/7 invasions. The important
contribution of the Irish to Argentine independence, particularly
as there is no record of them ever looking for personal gain in
land or high office for their services afterwards, resulted in a
great respect as well as admiration and affection for Irishmen among
all levels of Argentine society. This patriotism to their adopted
country contributed greatly to the acceptability of the Irish as
immigrants throughout the nineteenth century. Another important
reason why Irish immigrants were in such demand was because following
independence in 1810 Spain tried to blockade Buenos Aires and forbade
Spanish emigration to there. The effect of this was to deny the
new Argentine state Basque immigrants, the other major ethnic group
believed by them to be capable of independent sheep farming. Scottish
immigrants were also in demand but came out in much smaller numbers
and tended to bring out capital with them and therefore were independent
from the start. The Irish had to sell their labour for a period
in order to build up capital. While both groups played a similar
role in land settlement and sheep production the Irish also provided
labour to the estancieros and to the meat processing plants to a
far greater degree than the Scots and in that role were more valuable
as well as being more numerous.
Following Argentine
independence there was renewed interest in Buenos Aires by the British.
A further wave of British merchants and capital arrived in the port.
Among those arriving then were two brothers from Athlone, John and
Thomas Armstrong along with the banker Patrick Browne from Wexford
and Peter Sheridan from Cavan. Browne represented the Liverpool
bank of Dixon and Montgomery while the Armstrongs worked for the
local merchant house of Armstrong & Co. Despite all of this
interest in Buenos Aires it was obvious that the lack of a suitable
labourforce was the single greatest impediment to the success of
all of them. Labourers willing to settle the land produce sheep
and wool and provide the labour to process these products in the
slaughterhouses were essential for the economic success of the region.
European immigration of necessity became a priority for all concerned,
the government as well as the merchants and portenos. Already familiar
with the ex-soldiers together with the butchers and tanners bought
out at the end of the eighteenth century, the merchants and estancieros
were very anxious to recruit labour of similar calibre and were
therefore eager to employ immigrants, especially Catholics, from
an already proven source.
The Irish emigrants
in the government and merchant classes appear to have formed a coalition
to promote Irish immigration and designed a very specific settlement
model for the Irish immigrants. The groups within the coalition
were made up of the Irish elite, the Portenos and the 'English'
merchants such as Peter Sheridan from Cavan and Patrick Browne from
Wexford who were Catholic and Thomas and John Armstrong, sons of
a British army colonel from Athlone, who were Protestant.
In addition
to Europe the US was also becoming interested in the potential of
Argentina as a source of raw material at that time. The US Congress
went so far as to commission a report on the opportunities for the
US in Argentina at that time. The publication of this report in
the US persuaded a number of Irish to emigrate from there to Buenos
Aires city during the 1820's and commence business as cobblers,
coach builders, coopers, tailors and hoteliers. These individuals,
who became known as the Yankee Irish appear to have come from all
parts of Ireland and do not appear to have been responsible for
the rural emigration from Ireland. They were however part of the
general artisan class in Buenos Aires city then and they appear
to have become just as successful as anyone else. The reason why
the Irish did not continue to urbanise in Buenos Aires lie in what
appears to have been a deliberate policy by the Irish elite and
the Catholic Church to prevent Irish urbanisation.
of Irish Immigrants
By the mid 1820s
the economic production in Buenos Aires was becoming seriously restricted
by the shortage of suitable labour. In order to meet some of this
demand the Irish elites in Argentina sent Gen. Thomand O'Brien back
to Ireland in 1828 to select only the type of emigrant that would
suit their purposes. He made it a condition that the immigrants
would be accompanied by their own chaplain and physician to be 'solely
at their disposition and for their use.' Part of O'Brien's remit
was to recruit only 'moral and industrious' emigrants. A local committee
appears to have been formed among the Irish interests in Buenos
Aires to promote Irish immigration to there at that time.
The visits by
O'Brien and Armstrong were followed up by letters from prominent
members of the Irish community to the Archbishop of Dublin with
the object of influencing him to put the Irish church behind emigration
to Argentina rather than to the United States. Dr Oughagan wrote
to the Archbishop on June 28th 1828 that...'North America is not
a country proper for Irish settlers--These, their identity, their
ancient faith, and the peculiar cast of their national character,
in the mixture of many nations, is totally confounded and lost for
ever'. In promoting Argentina he wrote, 'Thanks to Providence a
very different destiny awaits them here. Dr. Oughagan went on to
state that 'this country, fertile and vast beyond limits,....will
welcome (the Irish) with special preference and instead of being
the drudges for the rest of mankind, may set themselves down in
societies in various parts of these boundless plains.....'. In a
further letter to the Archbishop dated Feb 22nd 1829, the Irish
chaplain Fr. Moran wrote from Buenos Aires, 'This My Lord is the
country for the Irish farmer to emigrate to. The most productive
soil in the world, the best horses & oxen. And a people, who
will show themselves more friendly to Irishmen than to any other
nation. They are partial to us.' From the beginning, the Irish groups
in Argentina were intent on encouraging the formation of an Irish
rural community based on livestock farming. There was no mention
whatever of the quite prosperous Irish artisan community in the
city. The fact that there was a need for an urban labourforce, at
least equal to the need for a rural one, to man the new industries
springing up or the opportunities that existed for tradesmen and
small merchants in the city appear to have been ignored by the sponsors
of Irish immigration. From the beginning the Irish were encouraged
to form rural communities well away from the city, where with the
aid of the Irish chaplaincy they remained a little piece of Ireland
in the New World for over a century.
Working Class Irish Labour
The fact that
the Irish elites appear to have been deliberately ignoring the needs
of the British merchants to recruit immigrants who would be willing
to remain permanently in the city as labourers may well have been
why Thomas Armstrong decided to return to Ireland at the same time
as O'Brien. The only region in Ireland to supply truly working class
emigrants to Argentina to meet that demand in significant numbers
was the Ballymahon-Ballymore-Mullingar area which straddles the
Westmeath-Longford border. The Armstrong family were the local landlords
and were (and still are) highly respected in that locality.
Farmer's sons,
such as Nicholas Cunningham, emigrated to Argentina from that area
also, but the majority appear to have been from a labouring background.
As early as 1842 Brabazon records in his journal that many of the
emigrants from the Ballymore area were of a different type to the
rest of the emigrant community when he wrote that some of the Westmeath
and Longford people were 'respectable' and that 'the Wexford people
were all respectable people' (but) 'Ballymore people were such divils
as ever filled the Jail of Mullingar'.
There is no
definitive record of the total number of Irish who emigrated to
Argentina. A reasonable estimate based on current information is
that around 40,000 to 45,000 Irish emigrated there during the nineteenth
century. Of this number a reasonable estimate for Irish emigration
between 1800 and 1861 would be somewhere in the region of 12,000
to 18,000. The great bulk of those would have emigrated after about
Earliest estimates
of the size of Irish population resident in Buenos Aires in 1824
is 'a little less than 500'. This figure was stated by the British
Consul, Woodbine Parish, and was based on his own reckoning of the
British population living in the River Plate in that year. In 1832
the Irish Chaplaincy estimated that the Irish community had grown
to about 1,500 This figure may include the emigrants' Argentine
born children. McCann estimates a figure of 3,500 Irish in the country
'prior to the Anglo-French intervention' in 1842. By 1853 the total
'Irish' colony in Buenos Aires was estimated by Fr. Fahy in a letter
to Archbishop Murray of Dublin as being 30,000. As this figure did
include the Argentine born children of the emigrants the actual
number of Irish emigrants would have grown to about 10,000 by 1853.
This may be an over estimate, by Fr. Fahy, to increase pressure
on the Archbishop of Dublin to provide extra priests for the Irish
The general
consensus is that the Irish community, including Argentine born
children, had grown to 30,000 during the period, depending on the
sources, at some point between 1853 and 1861. The total Irish community,
in the country, was to remain near this level for most of the rest
of the century. Out-migration of Irish, principally to the United
States roughly balanced in-migration, from Ireland, certainly from
1869. Of the forty thousand or so Irish who emigrated to Argentina
about 4,000 were to form the nucleus of the present Hiberno-Argentine
community. The rest left no permanent trace of ever having been
in Argentina. Some would have assimilated into the wider immigrant
community and lost all contact with their Irish compatriots. Others
would have outmigrated again, some returning to Ireland after a
few years in the Argentine. Others, probably the great majority,
would have re-emigrated to the United States, Canada and Australia.
Role of the Irish Church in the Community.
By the late
1830's the Irish had spread across the camp, some were already becoming
financially successful and like the butchers tanners and soldiers
before them, were assimilating into the local community especially
around Chascomus, the first region settled by the Irish. It was
essential therefore, if the Irish immigrants were to be kept a separate
ethnic group, that the plans for creating a distinctly Irish community
were implemented quickly. Realising the danger Archbishop Murray
of Dublin, approached his friend the Bishop of Ossary to persuade
the Dominican Prior of Black Abbey in Kilkenny, Fr. Anthony Fahy,
to go to Argentina and take on the work of forming a community that
reflected the values espoused by those interested in promoting Irish
immigration. Fr. Fahy, having previously had experience of Irish
communities in both urban and rural (largely Protestant) Ohio in
the USA held identical views to both Archbishop Murray and the Irish
elites in Argentina as to the desirability of keeping Irish immigrants
both rural and separate as the only means of preserving their 'true'
Catholic Irish identity.
Upon arriving
in Argentina Fr. Fahy moved into the home of a family friend from
Ireland, Thomas Armstrong. He lived rent free, in his own apartment
in Armstrong's home for the rest of his life, the two remaining
inseparable, lifelong, friends. Armstrong had assimilated into the
creole community in typically Irish merchant fashion. He married
Justa Villanueva the daughter of the Alcalde (chief officer under
Spanish rule) of Buenos Aires of 1807. Being such a powerful business
figure and because of his wife's connections Thomas Armstrong was
also a very influential if unseen force in the political life of
the country. He was the business counsellor and close friend of
'almost every Argentine governmental administration from the Directorship
of Rodriguez to the Presidency of Avellaneda' acting as 'honest
broker' (amigable componedor) between the British and Argentine
Governments in their commercial affairs for over 40 years. Given
that Argentina was dependant on British capital which was antipathetic
to the Catholic church it was a master stroke of Fr. Fahy and the
good fortune of the Irish community that he was able to recruit
to his cause an Irish Protestant merchant, who so well understood
the Irish Catholic culture and who was in such sympathy with it.
Upon his arrival
Fr. Fahy immediately set about organising the Irish community to
conform to the model already agreed. From that point until the two
men's deaths in the early 1870's they were the undisputed leaders
of the Irish community and were in every way the human centre of
the Irish settlement model. They were the ones who developed the
social and religious structure that would not impede in any way
the complete economic integration of the Irish into the wider economy
while building a separate and very distinct ethnic Irish community
in the country. Fr.Fahy maintained contact with the Irish while
Thomas Armstrong remained in the background from the immigrant's
perspective; he dealt with the merchant community and the government.
Irish settlement model
The most effective
way to explain the Irish settlement model as implemented by Fr.
Fahy and Thomas Armstrong is to illustrate how they as individuals
came to control and organise the Irish community between 1843 and
1870. Fr. Fahy began his work by creating a separate church organisation
for his scattered congregation. He made the Irish priests visibly
different from Argentine priests by wearing civilian clothes instead
of clerical garb. Citing the unsuitability of clerical dress for
the huge distances he had to travel to minister to his congregation.
He was seen as the English priest ,'Padre Ingleses', there solely
to serve the Irish immigrant community. Yet the cornerstone of their
success was due to his, and Thomas Armstrong's, ability to understand
and mesh the cultures of the Argentines and the Irish for the benefit
of the Irish and business communities. The most important example
of this ability to blend Irish and local custom when building their
settlement model was the land and capital ownership structure which
they developed.
Background to the Settlement Plan
Because of the
huge distances involved in travelling it could take often two or
three weeks journeying through open country without roads or bridges
to make a round trip to Buenos Aires. During this time a traveller's
family and property were without his protection. This isolation
meant the majority of the Irish were only able to travel to the
city, possibly, once every one or two years. Fr. Fahy soon became
their agent, conducting business in the city on their behalf, following
one of his twice yearly visits to all of the emigrants. Because
he was trusted as a priest, and for convenience, the Irish allowed
him to transact their business in the city in his own name. Having
the immigrant's business transacted as though it were Fr. Fahy's
had several advantages for both the individual immigrant as well
as the wider Irish community. There was always a tradition (though
never a law), in Argentina, that the Church, and by extension the
priest, was never taxed on property transactions done on his own
behalf. This tax was quite large, as the only means the government
had to raise revenue was import, export and stamp duties on all
written contracts. Tax was due by both sides to a contract i.e.
both buyer and seller. If the buyer or seller was Fr. Fahy, such
taxes on his side were avoided.
Apart from the
considerable savings made by an immigrant not paying tax, this also
ensured that his estate after his death, was passed on to his heirs
quickly, un-taxed and without legal fees. In addition because Fr.
Fahy 'owned' the immigrant's property the immigrant could not be
easily cheated out of it by unscrupulous conmen or by gambling etc.,
of which there was plenty in the camp at that time. Under all of
those conditions it was perfectly logical for an immigrant, who
was himself poorly educated and unsure of the customs in a strange
country, to entrust all his financial and legal affairs to the one
man best equipped to deal with that side of his business especially,
as there is no record of Fr. Fahy ever charging for this service.
That left the immigrant free to concentrate on the side of the business
he knew best, finding good pastures and raising his sheep while
at the same time avoiding all the costs, in time and aggravation
as well as cash, normally incurred when transacting business at
that time in Argentina.
Benefits of Common Ownership to the Individual
The practice
of the great majority of immigrants holding all of their assets
in common, in Fr. Fahy's name, had advantages for the whole Irish
community. He was considered by the merchants and those in the city
to be the wealthiest man, by far, in Argentina. The emigrants soon
came to believe this also. Therefore when land or sheep came to
be bought and sold among the Irish, the price was fixed between
the emigrants themselves, and as they all banked with Fr. Fahy,
he was informed of the position during his next visit to that part
of the country. Cash rarely changed hands. If an emigrant did not
have the cash to close the transaction he 'borrowed' the difference
from Fr. Fahy and agreed the repayments with him. The seller left
the cash with Fr. Fahy certain that it was secure. All of this capital
(plus the cash from the sale of sheep and wool to the merchants,
by the Irish) was held in the Banco Provincia, Thomas Armstrong's
bank. Armstrong therefore had a growing surplus available for investment
in expanding the industries which were required to process the rapidly
expanding Irish production. The effect of this tax free and fee
free status was that the Irish had a considerable economic advantage
over all other communities in the country when it came to acquiring
and holding property. As this was an unintended benefit from the
point of view of the Argentine government it was a remarkable achievement
for Fr. Fahy that he was able to carry it off for almost thirty
years, ending it only when forced to by the newly established Irish
Irish Communication Network
Fr. Fahy's immense
local knowledge of the Irish community also ensured that the Church
was the medium of all communication affecting the Irish throughout
the province. With his constant travelling through the countryside
he became aware almost immediately of the quality and potential
of new areas of land as they were opened up. He was thus able to
direct his congregation to suitable new fertile areas where they
could quickly expand their business, more often than not providing
the 'loans' to finance this expansion. He knew who was looking for
labourers, so when the next boat of emigrants arrived he was able
to direct them immediately to jobs in the country. By doing this
he was removing the temptations of city life from the new immigrant's
experience as well as earning their gratitude for finding them work
and the gratitude of the employers for finding them labour. This
had the double effect of strengthening the rural communities and
preventing the growth of a viable Irish community in the city. By
such efforts on their behalf Fr. Fahy soon gained the complete confidence
of the Irish community throughout the province in all matters affecting
their lives both spiritual and temporal.
Expansion of The Irish Church
As the Irish
community grew and spread over an ever greater area, more priests
were required to minister to them. The education of twelve priests
was paid for by the Irish community, to the Archbishop of Dublin,
who oversaw their education in All Hallows in Dublin. Fr. Fahy was
insistent that they were especially well-educated and paid extra
to All Hallows for this.
The first task
of each new Irish community was to build a local church. The existing
Argentine churches were never used by the Irish community except
on very rare occasions such as weddings or funerals of important
Irish immigrants. They continued to hear the 'Irish Mass' on a centrally
located (usually) Irish estancia until they had the funds to build
their own church. The church building also contained a library stocked
with books in English. Local Irish newspapers such as the 'Wexford
People' and 'The Westmeath Examiner' were also subscribed to by
the libraries. Each little Irish church therefore became the local
'social centre' for emigrants for a fifty or sixty km. radius, where
they would meet to hear Mass, read the local papers from Ireland,
play cards, pass around letters from home and from their brothers
and sisters in the UK, the United States and Australia or Canada
and discuss current happenings with their neighbours and write letters
in reply knowing the priest would ensure their postage. The libraries
closed the circle within the overall model to the extent that the
Irish community in rural areas of Buenos Aires province were an
enclave, isolated by language from the wider community and insulated
as much as possible from the real world of Argentina by the very
structure of their society. They were able to continue to speak
English, socialise exclusively among themselves, and with the libraries
supplying local Irish papers remain psychologically back in Ireland.
The Irish community
in Argentina by virtue of reading Irish newspapers and family letters
was almost certainly better informed about conditions in the English
speaking world of Ireland, England, the US, Canada and Australia
than they were about conditions in much of their adopted land. Provided
there was a reasonable sex balance and the community remained fairly
concentrated in particular districts there was no incentive whatever
to assimilate into the wider community. Consequently it is not surprising
that if an emigrant wished to relocate they chose an Irish community
outside Argentina rather than face the challenge of striking out
alone in a country he really knew very little about.
In addition
to the Church run libraries which catered for the intellectual needs
of the Irish immigrants there was a complete welfare system run
by Irish Mercy Nuns, but under Fr. Fahy's all seeing eye, to take
care members unable to look after themselves, such as widows and
orphans, together with an education system which was the model for
other emigrant communities. Because Fr. Fahy was banker to the Irish
community he knew exactly how much each member of the community
could afford to contribute to those charities. And the emigrant
was in a very weak position to refuse, considering his respect for,
and his personal obligations to, Fr. Fahy.
Armstrong's Role
The fact that
Thomas Armstrong was banker to Fr. Fahy enabled him to become one
of the leading business figures in Buenos Aires. He was a co-founder
of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, a director of the Banco Provincia
which he made, in effect, the central bank of Argentina. He was
also the director and substantial investor in the major railway
company and served on the boards of most of the major stock companies
in the city. His connections with the creole community were also
beyond reproach.
When one looks
at who benefitted most from the settlement model operated by the
Irish in Argentina one sees that a very high proportion of Irish
shepherds, who arrived during Fr. Fahy's and Thomas Armstrong's
time, became estancieros. By about 1880 the Southern Cross estimated
that the Irish owned abut 1.5millon acres of land and about 5million
sheep. 20 million sheep owned by the 28,000 Irish, comprising 5,000
families, at the end of the decade. They were without doubt the
most financially successful group of Irish emigrants in the world
at that time, and certainly the most successful ethnic group, by
a wide margin, in Argentina. Thomas Armstrong became one of the
most influential men in Argentina and made a huge personal fortune
for himself, as did a great number of his merchant colleagues and
Fr. Fahy built an Irish Church and an Irish community modelled on
the values of nineteenth-century Gaelic Catholic Ireland which is
still functioning, in Argentina over a century after his death.
This system
worked perfectly until the late 1860's when Fr. Fahy's advancing
years and failing health meant that he was no longer able to pursue
the overall welfare of the immigrants with the same energy as the
had previously. He, or Thomas Armstrong, never groomed a successor
to take over from them when they were no longer able to look after
the community.
After his death
in 1871 there was no one of stature in the community to take over
from him though many fought each other for the opportunity. Prior
to his death he had handed over clear title to the assets he had
held in trust to the owners. Thomas Armstrong made up the undisclosed
shortfall out of his own funds. Thomas Armstrong was dead within
three years.
Those two deaths
ended an era in Irish emigration to Argentina. The capital previously
held in common was now held individually. Each estanciero made his
own arrangements with individual merchants. A new emigrant had no
Fr. Fahy to turn to, to borrow the funds to purchase land. If he
had the money he had to cope with the local bureaucracy and pay
his taxes, like everyone else. He no longer had the advice, based
on the knowledge of the entire community, on where to settle or
purchase land. In short the old settlement model which was so hugely
successful was being quietly abandoned, and was being replaced by
a version of the English model, in that individual effort alone
from that point on was the arbiter of success. However the new immigrant
was not given the means to establish himself as he would have had
he been in a true British colony.
The Irish community
changed radically after the deaths of those two men. Though Fr.
Fahy is still revered almost as a saint by the Irish in Argentina
today the Protestant Thomas Armstrong has been written out of the
Irish settlement history. The expansion of the Irish community ceased
with their deaths. Rather than building on their success and continuing
their work of settling the Argentine Pampas with prosperous Irish
farms, those who followed and who claimed to be working in their
name, through a combination of lack of vision among some and sheer
self interest among others, set themselves a different agenda. Theirs
was one of consolidating the existing position rather than continuing
with the work of expanding the Irish community. Just as all, including
Argentina, had benefitted from the work of Fr. Fahy and Thomas Armstrong,
all, with the exception of a very few very rich Irish families,
were to loose out heavily, in the long term, by this change of direction
in community settlement.
Throughout its
four hundred year history Irish emigration to Argentina was typical
of Irish migration to other regions taking place at the same time.
Up until the late eighteenth century only an educated elite arrived
there to take up positions in the service of a colonial power not
available to them at home because of their religion. When the great
grassland regions of the world began to be opened up by British
trade the Irish settled in significant numbers in the Buenos Aires
Pampas just as they did in North America, southern Africa, Australia
and New Zealand.
The important
difference with the settlement in Argentina was that it was outside
direct British control and was not obliged to follow the handed
down British settlement pattern where each immigrant was granted
a specific parcel of land in a designated area. Under this model
the immigrant was tied to a specific dot on the map and he succeeded
or failed largely as a result of his own efforts in clearing a wilderness
and replicating the European model farming, that of a mixed agriculture
on a small plot of land. So the rugged individualist with the 'Protestant
work ethic' tended to prosper best under those conditions. By contrast
the settlement model designed specifically for and largely by the
Irish in Argentina was based pooling the knowledge and capital of
the whole community and filling a single niche within the wider
community, that of producing sheep and wool for the European market.
The role of the individual in this model was to use his expertise
in animal husbandry and to make best use of the communal capital
and pool of knowledge in expanding his own capital. He used these
resources to move to the most fertile land available at the time
aming, that of a mixed agriculture
on a small plot of land. So the rugged individualist with the 'Protestant
work ethic' tended to prosper best under those conditions. By contrast
the settlement model designed specifically for and largely by the
Irish in Argentina was based pooling the knowledge and capital of
the whole community and filling a single niche within the wider
community, that of producing sheep and wool for the European market.
The role of the individual in this model was to use his expertise
in animal husbandry and to make best use of the communal capital
and pool of knowledge in expanding his own capital. He used these
resources to move to the most fertile land available at the time
and working his way via partnerships and borrowing unused community
assets via Fr. Fahy he developed into owning substantial capital
of his own. If at any point, because his surplus capital was held
in cash by Fr. Fahy, the immigrant was not making full use of his
assets they could be lent to another more enterprising member of
the Irish community. The immigrant's capital was initially held
in sheep and only later was part of this asset converted into land
and cattle. The weakness of this model proved to be the complete
dependence on one or two exceptional people at the very centre who
could be trusted by the entire community with its life savings and
who were honest enough and had sufficient vision to operate the
model for the wider benefit rather their own immediate short term
While this model
lasted for just one generation in just one country it did make those
who operated within it arguably the most successful Irish immigrant
community anywhere in the world within their own lifetimes. It also
showed that despite its undoubted limitations that the British model
of colonial settlement was not the only settlement model that could
work. Where a community worked together they were arguably even
more successful than the rugged individualist. Furthermore there
are more models for land settlement by European societies than the
'Protestant Work Ethic' of the British settlement model.