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Irish Migration Studies in Latin America
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Contents |
7, Number 4: November 2011 (pdf)
Clíona Murphy |
Introduction, Clíona Murphy
A Historical Survey of Irish Missionary Activity in Latin America Séamus O'Fógartaigh
The Activity of Irish Priests in the
West Indies: 1638-1669 Matteo Binasco
Susan Beamish-Strachan: From
Cork to
Costa Rica (1874-1950) Conrad Hicks
Mission in Pinochet's
Chile: A Memoir Alo Connaughton
The "Assassinated" Voice of the Pallotines Pablo Cid
Transnational Religions: The Brazilians in Ireland Garret Maher
Liberation Theology: A Catalyst for Social Change in
Ireland and Latin America Séamus O'Fógartaigh
Irish Immigrants in
Perú in the Nineteenth Century by Gabriela McEvoy
Natalie Zacek, Settler Society in the English
Leeward Islands, 1670-1776, by Nini Rodgers
Leonard O'Brien, Children of the Sun: The Cork Mission to
South America, by Gabriela McEvoy
Mario Vargas Llosa, El Sueño del Celta, by David Barnwell
7, Number 3: March 2010 (pdf)
Guest Editor: Karen Racine |
Irish Soldiers in Iberia and Latin America,
by Karen Racine
British Army, Irish Soldiers - the 1806 Invasion of Buenos Aires,
by Thomas Byrne
Irish Soldiers at the Sieges of Girona, 1808-1809 ,
by Oisín Breatnach
Richard Crofton, Irish Soldier in New Granada’s Battle of El Santuario in 1829: A Work in Progress and Search for More Information,
by Matthew Brown
Saving Republics: General Martin Thomas McMahon, the Paraguayan War and the Fate of the Americas (1864-1870),
by Michael Kenneth Huner
John O’Brien: Captain Dynamite of the Cuban War for Independence, 1868-1898s,
by Herminio Portell Vilá
Testimonies of Irish-Argentine Veterans of the Falklands / Malvinas War (1982), by John Kennedy
Who are the Good Guys?: Political Violence and the Figure of the Irish Mercenary in Louis Malle’s South-of-the-Border Western Film ¡Viva Maria!, by Paula Gilligan
The Ancestral Home of Chile’s Blest Family in Sligo, Ireland,
by Moises Hasson Camhi
Terrys in Latin America of Cork origin,
by Kevin Terry
Castle with a Ghost,
by Mario Vargas Llosa Review of: “W. R. Grace & Co. Los años formativos: 1850-1930” by Lawrence A. Clayton, Lima, Perú, Asociación Marítima y Naval Iberoamericana, 2008, 348 pages. ISBN: 978-9972-877-07-0 (Spanish Language Edition),
by Fabián Gaspar Bustamante Olguín.
Review of: Diego Téllez Alarcia’s La manzana de la discordia. Historia de la Colonia del Sacramento desde la fundación portuguesa hasta la conquista por los españoles (1677-1777).,
by By Emilia Riquelme Cortés.
Review of: David Barnwell, Pádraig Ó Domhnalláin and Carmen Rodríguez Alonso’s Diccionario Irlandés-Español / Foclóir Gaeilge-Spáinnise,
by Thomas Ihde
Review of: Michael Lillis and Ronan Fanning’s The Lives of Eliza Lynch, Scandal and Courage, by Tony Phillips
Review of: David Tatham’s (ed.) Dictionary of Falklands Biography (including South Georgia). From Discovery up to 1981,
by Mariano Galazzi
Eric Lambert (1909-1996), historian and intelligence
by Moises Enrique Rodríguez
Patricio Lynch (1825–1886),
naval and military officer,
by Moises Enrique Rodríguez
7, Number 2: July 2009 (pdf)
Editors: Laura Izarra and Patricia Novillo-Corvalán
> Literary Connections between Ireland and Latin America, by Laura Izarra and Patricia Novillo-Corvalán
> Interview with Mario Vargas Llosa, by Angus Mitchell
> Interview with Marina Carr, by Patricia Novillo-Corvalán
> Interview with Larry O'Loughlin, by Laura Izarra
> Joycean Aesthetics in Spanish Literature, by Marisol Morales Ladrón
> Joyce’s Ulysses in Argentine Literature, by Carlos Gamerro
> Baroque Historiographies: Joyce, Faulkner, and García Márquez, by Diana Pérez García
>Two Contemporary Medeas, by Zoraide Rodriguez Carrasco de Mesquita
> The Transfiguration of History: Knowledge, Time and Space in Northern Irish Poetry, by Viviane C. Annunciação
> An Exile Guidebook for All: The Reception of William Bulfin’s Rambles in Eirinn in Ireland: 1902, by Rebecca Geraghty and Patrick Geraghty
> Interpreting History in Eduardo Cormick's Entre Gringos y Criollos by Andrés Romera
> Henry Sheridan and the Beginnings of Argentine Art by Mariano Galazzi
> Una poca de gracia: Irish Music in Latin America by Edmundo Murray
> From Cuyo to the Seaboard: Irish Roots in Popular Argentine Music, by Eduardo Cormick
> Beneath the Hieroglyph: Recontextualising the Black Diaries of Roger Casement, by Angus Mitchell
> Review of David Lloyd's Irish Times,Temporalities of Modernity by Viviane Carvalho da Annunciação, and Author's Reply
> Review of Maria McGarrity’s Washed by the Gulf Stream. The Historic and Geographic Relation of Irish and Caribbean Literature, by Mariana Bolfarine
> Review of Matthew Brown’s (ed.) Informal Empire in Latin America. Culture, Commerce and Capital, by Enrique Alejandro Basabe and Author's Reply
> Review of Mícheál de Barra’s Gaeil i dTír na nGauchos (Irish People in the Land of the Gauchos), by Eoghan Mac Aogáin , and Author's Reply
> Review of James Monaghan’s Colombia Jail Journal, by Peter Hart and Author's Reply
> Review of Helen Kelly’s Irish ‘Ingleses’. The Irish Immigrant Experience in Argentina 1840-1920, by Claire Healy |
7, Number 1: March 2009
Editor: Jorge Cernadas Fonsalías and Carolina Barry
The Irish in Latin American Politics, Government and
Diplomacy, by Jorge Cernadas Fonsalías and Carolina
Irish News in the New Spanish Kingdoms: the Circulation of Political Information about William Lamport and Diego Nugent, 1642-1667, by Natalia Silva Prada
Arthur Griffith and Patrick McManus, by Rebecca Geraghty
The Irish Struggle for Freedom as Seen from the Pampas:
The formation of the Irish Free State and the Perception
of the Irish-Argentine Community (1916-1922), by Jorge
Cernadas Fonsalías
Sean Lester, Ireland and Latin America in the League
of Nations, 1929-1946, by Yannick Wehrli
Irish Diplomacy in Argentina, by Maria Eugenia Cruset
‘I am an Argentine’: Irish Catholics in Buenos Aires,
1906-1913, by Brad Lange
Damned Irishman: John William Cooke, by María
José Punte
Madden and the Abolition of Slavery in Cuba, by José
Antonio Quintana García
Under Three Flags: the Diplomatic Career of Daniel
Florence O'Leary, by Moisés Enrique Rodríguez
Ethnic Identity and Integration among Brazilians in
Gort, Ireland, by Olivia Sheringham
Santiago FitzSimon: Promoting technical education
in Argentina, by Nancy R. Escobar
Review of Enrique García Hernán and
Óscar Recio Morales's (eds.) Extranjeros en
el Ejército: Militares irlandeses en la sociedad
española, 1580-1818, by David Barnwell, and
Author's Reply
Review of Lourdes De Ita Rubio's Viajeros Isabelinos
en la Nueva España, by Cristina Borreguero
Beltrán, and Author's Reply
Review of Jean Ziegler's La haine de l'Occident,
by Edmundo Murray, and Author's Reply
Review of James P. Byrne, Philip Coleman and Jason
King's (eds.) Ireland and the Americas: Culture, Politics
and History, by María Graciela Adamoli and
María Graciela Eliggi, and Author's Reply
6, Number 3: November 2008
Editor: Susan Wilkinson
Health, Physicians and Nurses in Latin America: an
Introduction, by Susan Wilkinson
Early Medical Education in Ireland, by Susan Wilkinson
Irish Doctors in the Colombian Wars of Independence,
by Matthew Brown
The Other Front of the Hispanic-American Independence:
The Battle for Health and Hygiene, by Alejandra Baldrich
and Mario Marini
Irish Immigrants and their Arrival in Chile: the Case
of Dr William Blest Maybern, by Fabián Gaspar Bustamente
Jack of All Trades (and Master of All): Dr Hutchinson’s
Practice in Africa and Latin America, 1851-1874, by
Edmundo Murray
Dr Leeson of Dublin, Buenos Aires and Montevideo,
by Edward Walsh
Richard Gumbleton Daunt: the Man, the Physician and
the City of Campinas (1843-1893), by Viviane Carvalho
da Annunciação
Arthur Pageitt Greene (1848-1933): a Rural Doctor
in Argentina, by Susan Wilkinson
Cecilia Grierson: Argentina's First Female Doctor,
by Carolina Barry
Arnoldo Geoghegan: a Man of Action, by Carolina Barry
The Gorgas Course in Tropical Medicine: An Account,
by Arthur Jackson
Missionaries of Mary in Latin America, by Isabelle
Smyth *
Sources: A Dublin Observer of the Lisbon Yellow
Fever Epidemic, by J.B. Lyons
Sources: The Plague at Buenos Aires, by Marion
Sources: Sebastian’s
Pride, by Susan Wilkinson
Review of Merrie Ann Nall’s Women
of Hope, by Deborah M. Nilles |
Volume 6, Number 2: July
2008 (pdf)
Editor: María José Roger
> Ireland, Latin America and
Education: an Introduction, by María José Roger
> Education in Values: The Experience of Two
Irish-Argentine Schools, by Carla Battezzati
> Irish Passionist Nuns at Michael Ham: their legacy to
Argentine education, by Damasia Becu-Villalobos
> Much More than a Competition, by Desmond Kelleher
> 'We wanted to go on thinking, working, developing our
skills': Interview with Hilda Sabato, by Edmundo Murray
> The Spanish Language in Ireland, by David Barnwell
> When Ireland landed in the Pampas: the Irish in
Argentina Project in the University of La Pampa
(2007-2009), by María Graciela Eliggi, María Graciela
Adamoli and Enrique Alejandro Basabe
> Review of Alfredo Sepúlveda Cereceda's Bernardo: Una
biografía de Bernardo O’Higgins, by Fabián Gaspar
Bustamante, and Author's Reply
> Review of Juan Pablo Young and Pablo Zubizarreta’s
documentary film 4 de julio: La masacre de San Patricio
(Fourth of July: The Massacre at St. Patrick’s), by
Catherine Leen, and Author's Reply |
Volume 6, Number 1:
March 2008 (pdf)
Editor: John Kennedy
> An Introduction, by John
> The Sporting Dimension to the Relationship Between
Ireland and Latin America, by John Kennedy
> Irish Association Football in Argentina, by Víctor Raffo
> Catholic, Male and Working-class: The Evolution of the
Hurling Club into a Wide-Ranging Irish-Argentine
Institution (1920-1980), by Ronnie Quinn
> The Development of Rugby in the River Plate Region:
Irish Influences, by Hugh FitzGerald Ryan
> Don Patricio O’Connell: An Irishman and the Politics of
Spanish Football, by Jimmy Burns
> ‘El Primer Crack’ of Argentine Basketball: Oscar
Furlong, by John Kennedy
> Horses and Horseracing: An Irish passion in
Nineteenth-Century Río de la Plata, by Edmundo Murray
>From Shepherds to Polo Players: Irish-Argentines from the
First to the Last Chukker, by Guillermo MacLoughlin Bréard
>‘Rugby gives you values: they aren’t written but they are
for life’: Interview with Felipe Contepomi, by Edmundo
> Profile: Alfredo Di Stéfano, football player, by John
> Profile: Fabián O'Neill, football player, by Conrad
O'Neill Malcolm
> Profile: Santiago Phelan, rugby player and coach, by
John Kennedy
> Profile: Pablo MacDonough, polo player, by Guillermo
MacLoughlin Bréard
> Review of Brendan O Donoghue's In Search of Fame and
Fortune: The Leahy Family of Engineers, 1780-1888, by
William H. Mulligan Jr., and Author's Reply
> Review of Iván Alejandro Portela Bonachea's Cantos de
Tir na n-Og, by Olwen Rowe, and Author's Reply |
Volume 5, Number 3:
2007 (pdf)
Editor: Jorge L. Chinea
> Ireland and the
Caribbean, by Jorge L. Chinea.
> The Irish in the Caribbean 1641-1837: An Overview, by
Nini Rodgers.
> Literary Migrations: Homer’s Journey through Joyce’s
Ireland and Walcott’s Saint Lucia, by Patricia
> An Alternative View to the Propaganda: The
Irish-American Press and the Spanish-American War, Eileen
> Irish Indentured Servants, Papists and Colonists in
Spanish Colonial Puerto Rico, ca. 1650-1800, by Jorge L.
> Irish Railroad Workers in Cuba: Towards a Research
Agenda, by Margaret Brehony.
> The Irish Presence in the History and Place Names of
Cuba, by Rafael Fernández Moya.
> Liberty’s Call: Richard Robert Madden’s Voice in the
Anti-Slavery Movement (1833-1842), by Gera Burton.
> Beyond Kinship: A Study of the Eighteenth-century Irish
Community at Saint Croix, Danish West Indies, by Orla
> Banished by Cromwell? John Hooke and the Caribbean, by
Thomas Byrne.
> John Dynamite: Marine Mambí, by José Antonio Quintana.
> ‘I arise and go with William Butler Yeats…’: Cultural
Dovetailing in Lorna Goodison’s Country Sligoville,
by Lamia Tewfik.
> A Taste of My Life: Texts and Poems, by Carlota
> Review of Jonathan Skinner's Before the Volcano.
Reverberations of Identity on Montserrat, by Cielo G.
Festino, and Author's Reply.
> Review of Nini Rodgers's Ireland, Slavery and
Anti-Slavery, by Gera Burton, and Author's Reply.
> Review of Matthew Brown’s Adventuring
through Spanish Colonies: Simón Bolívar, Foreign
Mercenaries, and the Birth of New Nations, by Karen
Racine, and Author's Reply. |
Volume 5, Number 2:
2007 (pdf)
Editor: Igor Pérez Tostado
> Ireland and Iberia: An
Introduction, by Igor Pérez Tostado.
> Spain in Irish Literature 1789-1850: an Approach to a
Minor Representation, by Asier Altuna-García de Salazar.
> John Aldridge: A Real Irishman, by Matthew Brown.
> A Description of the Irish in Seville: Merchants of the
Eighteenth Century, by Manuel Fernández Chaves and
Mercedes Gamero Rojas.
> Immigration, Social Dialogue and Economic Growth in the
Old Periphery of Europe: The Celtic and Latin Tigers?, by
Oscar Molina.
> A Nation of Emigrants or Immigrants?: The Challenge of
Integration in Ireland and Portugal, by Claire Healy.
> When merit alone is not enough: Money as a 'parallel
route' for Irish military advancement in Spain, by Óscar
Recio Morales.
> The Spanish Habsburgs and their Irish Soldiers
(1587-1700), by Moisés Enrique Rodríguez.
> Mr. Richard Wall: The Irish-Spanish Minister, by Diego
Téllez Alarcia.
> Review of Susana Taurozzi's Los Pasionistas en
Argentina y Uruguay: Cien años de historia, by Edward
Walsh, and Author's Reply.
> Biographies:
- Rooke, James (1770-1819), commander of the British
Legion during the South American wars of independence, by
Moisés Enrique Rodríguez.
- O'Neill, Alexandre (1924-1986), Portuguese poet.
- Healy, José Santiago (1895-1968), media entrepreneur in
- Banks, Mateo (1872-1949), Argentine family murderer.
- Dillon, Jorge Patricio (1953-c.1977), student activist
and social worker in Argentina. |
Volume 5, Number 1: March
2007 (pdf)
> Ireland
and Mexico, by Séamus Ó Fógartaigh
> Irish Mexican,
Latino Irlandés: Fountains of Literary Invention, by
David Vela
> Contemporary Irish
Mexican Gatherings and Forays in California: The Irish
Mexican Association (IMA), 1994-2007, by Patrick Goggins
> Mexico and
Neocolonialism: an Irish perspective, by Tony Phillips
> Reviving the Saint
Patrick's Battalion, by Dan Leahy (including The Saint
Patrick's Battalion, a song by David Rovics)
> John Dynamite: The
Adventures of a Filibuster, by José Antonio Quintana
> St. Patrick’s Day
in Buenos Aires: An Expression of Urban Folk Tradition,
by María Inés Palleiro, Patricio Parente and Flora
Delfino Kraft
> Interview: The
Musical Migration of Rodrigo y Gabriela, by Claire Healy
> Poem: Saint Patrick
pray, pray for all of us, pray for me, by Iván Portela
> Sources: Address by
the President of Ireland Mary McAleese to the Senate of
Mexico (6 April 1999), edited by Edmundo Murray
> Sources: Bernardo
O’Higgins’ Plans - The Arrival of Irish Immigrants
in Mexico, edited by Fabián Gaspar Bustamante Olguín
> Reviews: Books and
New in the "Dictionary of Irish Latin
American Biography":
William [Guillén Lombardo] (1610-1659), author of an
early declaration of Mexican independence and
self-proclaimed ‘King of New Spain’, by Ryan Dominic
Tomás Antonio (1776-1848), public official in Mexico
and Guatemala, by Fabián G. Bustamante Olguín
Arthur(1793-1832), commander of the Rifles Battalion in
the South American wars of independence, by Moises
Enrique Rodriguez
Miguel [formerly Michael Wadding]
(1591-1644), Jesuit missionary to New Spain
Rómulo Antonio [Jr.]
(1917-2006), media entrepreneur
Edmundo (1906-1995), historian
Juan (1905-1982), Mexican architect and artist
Pablo (1904-1983), artist and art teacher in Mexico |
Volume 4, Number 4:
October 2006 (pdf)
> From
Westmeath to Peru Full Circle: Memoirs of a Westmeath
Missionary in Sicuani, Cuzco, by Desmond Kelleher
> Bernardo O'Higgins: The
Rebel Son of a Viceroy, by Alfredo Sepúlveda
> Conquistadores, Soldiers
and Entrepreneurs: Early Irish Presence in Chile, by
Arturo Griffin
> ‘Foreigners of this
Kind’: Chilean Refugees in Ireland, 1973-1990, by Claire
> 'Sr. Hutchinson, otra vez,
no dice V. nonsenses, no tonterrias': A Bigoted Response
to Thomas J. Hutchinson's Two Years in Peru (1873),
by Edmundo Murray
> From a Shipwreck to 'Macayadas':
The Macays in Ecuador, by Carmen Dueñas de Anhalzer
> From Ireland to South
America: A Story of Departures, Separations and Reunions,
by Julia Boland and Marilyn Boland
> The Irish in the Peruvian
Andes, by Rosario Sheen
> Reviews: Books and
> New in the "Dictionary of
Irish Latin American Biography":
- Grace, William Russell (1832-1904), merchant, by
Lawrence A. Clayton.
- O'Gorman, Thomas (b.c.1760), merchant in Spain and South
America, by Jerry W. Cooney.
- Blest, Clotario (1899-1990), Catholic labour leader in
- Hutchinson, Thomas Joseph (c.1802-1885), diplomat,
physician and travel writer.
- Leigh, Henry Hilton (d. 1910), landowner and pioneer
cotton planter.
- Mackenna, John (1771-1814), general in the Chilean war
of independence.
- O'Connor, Francisco Burdett [Frank] (1791-1871),
officer in the Irish Legion of Simón Bolívar's army.
- O'Higgins, Ambrose [Ambrosio] (c.1721-1801), governor
and captain-general of Chile, later viceroy of Peru.
- Payne, William Smith [Guillermo] (1870-1924), missionary
in Argentina and Bolivia.
- Vicuña Mackenna, Benjamín (1831-1886), Chilean writer,
journalist and historian.
- Wright, Thomas Charles James (1799-1868), officer in
Simón Bolívar's army and founder of the Ecuadorian naval
school. |
Call for Grant Proposals:
Irish Latin American Research Fund, Academic Year 2007-2008
Call for Papers: SILAS launches its first conference in
Galway, 27-30 June 2007
Call for Contributions (March 2007): Ireland and Mexico |
Vol. 4, No. 3:
July 2006
> Brazil
and Ireland, by Edmundo Murray
> English and Irish Naval
Officers in the War for Brazilian Independence, by
Brian Vale
> Great Britain, the
Paraguayan War and Free Immigration in Brazil, 1862-1875,
by Miguel Alexandre de Araujo Neto
Reinventing Brazil: New Readings and Renewal in the
Narratives of Irish Travellers,
by Laura Izarra
> From the Putumayo to
Connemara: Roger Casement’s Amazonian Voyage of Discovery,
by Peter James Harris
> Carnaval do Galway:
The Brazilian Community in Gort, 1999-2006, by Claire
> Phil Lynott: Famous
For Many Reasons, by John Horan
> Sources: 'Hy-Brassil,
Irish Origins of Brazil', by Roger Casement, edited by
Angus Mitchell
> Sources: 'Petition to
Pope Pius the Ninth', by potential Irish emigrants to
Brazil in the 1860s, edited by Oliver Marshall
> Reviews: Books and
> New in the "Dictionary
of Irish Latin American Biography":
William Cotter, Irish officer in Dom Pedro's army of
imperial Brazil
- William Scully
1885), journalist and businessman
in Brazil
- Bartholomew Hayden
(1792-1857), navy officer in Brazil
- John De Courcy Ireland
maritime historian
New Grant Recipients: Irish
Latin American Research Fund
Call for Papers: SILAS launches its first conference in
Galway, 27-30 June 2007
SILAS General Meeting: Executive Committee Members
Call for Contributions (October 2006): The Irish in Peru,
Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia |
Vol. 4, No. 2:
March 2006
> The Irish in Colombia
> Crusaders for Liberty or Vile Mercenaries? The Irish
Legion in Colombia, by Matthew Brown
> Rum, Recruitment and Revolution: Alcohol and the
Irish Recruits in the Colombian Wars of Independence,
by Karen Racine
> William Duane and his 'Visit to Colombia' of 1823,
by David Barnwell
> Glimpses of the Irish in 19th Century Bogotá, by
Edward Walsh
> Explosive Journey: Perceptions of Latin America in
the FARC-IRA Affair (2001-2005), by Edmundo Murray
> Sources: William Ferguson's 'Journal from Lima to
> New in the "Dictionary of Irish Latin American
- John Devereux (1778-1854), army officer and recruiter
for the Irish Legion in Simon Bolivar's army.
- O'Leary, Daniel Florence (1801-1854), army officer in
the South American Wars of Independence.
- William Owens Ferguson (1800-1828), army officer in the
South American Wars of Independence. |
Call for
Grant Proposals: Irish Latin American Research Fund
Academic Year 2006-2007 |
Vol. 4, No. 1:
January-February 2006 (pdf)
> The Irish in
Uruguay and Paraguay
> Fernando
O'Neill (1924-2005), revolutionary and historian
of anarchism in Uruguay, by Carlos Caillabet
> Beauty and the
Beast: A Beautiful Irish Courtesan and a Beastly
Latin American Dictator, by Edmundo Murray
> New in the "Dictionary
of Irish Latin American Biography":
Campbell, Peter
(1780-c1832), naval officer and
founder of the Uruguayan navy.
Gore, Robert (1810-1854), naval officer and
Lynch, Eliza (1835-1886), courtesan and unofficial
first lady of Paraguay.
O'Leary, Juan Emiliano (1879-1969), poet and
historian. |
Join the Society for Irish Latin
American Studies |
Vol. 3, No. 6:
November-December 2005
> Politically
Incorrect: Irish Argentines in the Early Peronist
Period, by Carolina Barry
> The Irish in
Falklands/Malvinas Islands, by Edmundo Murray
> New in the "Dictionary
of Irish Latin American Biography":
Baxter, José Luis
[Joe] (1940-1973), activist and revolutionary.
Cooke, John William
(1920-1968), politician and ideologist of the Peronist
Farrell, Edelmiro Julián (1887-1980), army officer and
president of
Guevara, Ernesto [Che] (1928-1967), physician and
revolutionary. |
New Name:
Society for Irish Latin American Studies |
Vol. 3, No. 5:
September-October 2005
Beneath an Emerald Green Flag, by Michael G.
The St. Patricio Battalion, by Jaime Fogarty
• Irish-Mexican Brothers: Edmundo and Juan O'Gorman,
by Edmundo Murray |
New Name:
Society for Irish Latin American Studies
Grant Recipients 2005-2006
"Anastasia Joyce Papers" at
Universidad de San Andrés |
Vol. 3, No. 4: July-August
How British Sports Became Argentine Passions: Paddy
McCarthy, Irish Footballer and Boxer in Argentina, by
Edmundo Murray
The IAHS Changes its Name: Society for Irish Latin
American Studies |
Latin American Research Fund
Mary Anglim
appointed Honorary Member |
Vol. 3, No. 3:
May-June 2005
1875 - 9 June - 2005: Death Anniversary of Thomas St.
George Armstrong •
Images of the Camp People: Irish Life in San Pedro,
A Cork Harbour Pilot in Bahía Blanca, by Edward Walsh
The Manuscripts and Rare Books Collection |
Vol. 3, No. 2:
March-April 2005
St. Patrick's Day in Peru, 1824, by Brian McGinn
St. Patrick's Day, Buenos Aires, 1905, by Edward Walsh
Dictionary of Irish-Argentine Biography. William
Brown, Edelmiro Farrell.
Manuscripts and Rare Books Collection at Universidad de
San Andrés's Max von Buch Library
Call for Grant Proposals:
Irish Latin American Research Fund
Academic Year 2005-2006 |
Vol. 3, No. 1:
January-February 2005 (pdf)
Fr. Anthony Fahy O.P., by Edward Walsh
• Anthony Fahy of Loughrea: Irish Missionary in
Argentina, by Michael Fahy
• Dictionary of Irish-Argentine Biography.
Anthony Dominic Fahy
• A Chronology of Fr. Fahy: His Life and Work |
Vol. 2, No. 5:
November-December 2004 (pdf)
Dr. John O’Dwyer Creaghe (1841-1920) Irish-Argentine
by Máirtín Ó Catháin
• The Black Frigate, by Eduardo C. Gerding
• Voices from the Camps. New interviews: Mrs. Casey
of Duggan Town, Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. Sills II, Eduardo
Coghlan, Hilda Sabato, Maria Elena Walsh, Edmundo Moore.
• Dictionary of Irish-Argentine Biography. New
entries: John O'Dwyer Creaghe, John Bolster, Robert Gore. |
Vol. 2, No. 4:
September-October 2004 (pdf)
♣ An
Ireland of the Mind: How Irish Argentines Don't Know and Don't
Care about Irish Politics, by Sergio Kiernan
♣ The Bradys
of Giles, Areco and Westmeath, by Edward Walsh
♣ New
Biographies: Pedro Gannon, Agustín Dillon, Richard Hardy |
Vol. 2, No. 3:
July-August 2004 (pdf)
♣ Voices
from the Camps. Interviews by Bill Meek (1987) and Joe
Murray (2004)
♣ In
the Name of Power: Culture and Place Names in Venado Tuerto,
by Alejandra García and Gladis Mignacco
♣ New
Biographies: Edward Lennon, Eduardo MacLoughlin, John Thomond
O'Brien, Juan A. O'Farrell, Peter Sheridan
Vol. 2, No. 2:
May-June 2004 (pdf)
♣ The First Irish Race
Congress in South America, by Carolina Barry
♣ Was Admiral Brown
Admiral Someone Else? by Michael Geraghty
♣ 1,113
Irish-Argentine Landowners
♣ New Biographies: Tomás
Kenny, John Lalor, John Walter Maguire, Michael Mulhall,
Camila O'Gorman, John Oughagan
Vol. 2, No. 1:
March-April 2004 (pdf)
√ Irish-Argentine Research Fund 2004-2005
√ 2004 Conferences & Activities
√ New Bios: Eamon Bulfin, Eduardo Coghlan, Matthew
Gaughren, Patrick Fitzsimons, Rodolfo Walsh, &c.
√ 1895 Census Returns and other Databases
√ Additions to Burial Records: Marcos Paz and
Moreno graveyards
Vol. 1, No. 2:
December 2003 (pdf)
√ Dictionary of Irish
Argentine Biography
√ Places of Origin: a
Photographic Tour
√ The Children of the Diaspora:
Irish Schools and Educators in Argentina, 1850-1950, by
María José Roger
√ Timeline of the Irish in Argentina
√ New thesis: How the
Irish Became 'Gauchos Ingleses': Diasporic Models in
Irish-Argentine Literature, by E. Murray
√ 7,000+ Irish Passengers
to Argentina 1822-1929
√ 4,000+ Irish Settlers in
Vol. 1, No. 1: April 2003 (pdf)
- The Irish Immigrants and
Education, by María José Roger, MA History Thesis (Review)
- You May Die in Ireland, by Michael J. Geragthy (Full
- The Irish Road to Argentina: Nineteenth-Century Travel
Patterns from Ireland to the River Plate, by E. Murray
(Full Story)
- The Irish Diaspora in Argentina, by Laura Izarra in:
"British Association for Irish Studies", Bulletin 32 (Review)
© The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005 |