Devereux portrayed himself as an Irish general fleeing
religious persecution in
Britain and seeking honour and glory fighting against tyranny in the
Spanish world. In the opening paragraph of the letter he
describes the rebellion of the United Irishmen in 1798 in
overtly sectarian terms, emphasising political divisions
between Protestants and Catholics. Then he explains his exile
in North America
by referring to the religious persecution that he had been
subject to. He decided to cast 'all of his feelings and his
reason' on the side of '[South] American
patriotism' against
Spain's 'impious and degrading
despotism'. Justifying this decision
he described himself as a natural lover of liberty who could
not stand idly by while a 'brave and generous
people' were
exploited and oppressed. Turning to practical matters,
Devereux offered himself as a mediator between the United
of New Granada
and the 'English government and English
people'. In return he
wished for a 'worthy' rank in the New Granadan military
service. After that Devereux explains the motivation behind
his offer. He wanted to serve the 'sacred
cause' of
Independence; he wanted 'honour and
glory' rather than payment.
Nevertheless he qualified this noble claim with the
acknowledgement that he would require 'adequate
resources' for
the venture. In conclusion, Devereux reminds Valenzuela of his
'reputation for honour and integrity', and claims to have
the respect and friendship of many amongst the most
distinguished and illustrious members of the English nation'.
In this letter Devereux exaggerates his role in the
Irish rebellion of 1798 and his importance in British empire
circles in
London. At the same time as stressing his Irish love of liberty, he
claims to have influence in the British government and on
public opinion, and frequently uses the vague term 'inglés' -
literally Englishman, but often used in Spanish America
to refer to any foreigner - rather than 'irlandés'. The New
Granadan government reacted cautiously to Devereux's offers
and asked Devereux to come back to them with proof of his
experience and a carefully drawn up plan of action.
The emphasis on love of liberty, honour, and the
religious undertones of Devereux's 1815 letter remained potent
when, in 1819, Devereux began the formal recruitment of the
Irish Legion in
Dublin. He produced all the paraphernalia of a patriotic recruiting
drive. He ordered a ceremonial engraved sword (now held in the
Museo Bolivariano in Caracas, Venezuela), a ceremonial Irish Legion Seal (now held in the Museo
Nacional in
Bogotá, Colombia), and printed up recruiting forms in Spanish.

capital city of Guajira
(Microsoft MapPoint, © 2006 Microsoft Corp.)
Over 1,700 Irishmen enlisted in the Irish Legion
during the ensuing eighteen months, crossing the Atlantic
in two dozen specially contracted ships. [6] These adventurers
arrived in Spanish America
at the wrong time and in the wrong place. By 1819 the tide of
war seemed to be turning in Bolívar's favour, with the
Spanish army increasingly demoralised and cut off from
reinforcements from Europe. [7] Simón Bolívar and other rebel leaders had already
begun to question the wisdom of recruiting large numbers of
foreign mercenaries who needed barracks, provisions and
payment. There were many who doubted the usefulness of the
Irish, arriving as they did over four years after Devereux's
original letter was sent.
Upon arrival most soldiers of the Irish Legion were
held on the
of Margarita off the Venezuelan coast. There, disease and a lack of
drinking water combined to cause the death and desertion of
many of the adventurers. Only six hundred survived to join the
long planned expedition, in March 1820, to attack the
of Riohacha on the New Granadan coast.
The attack on Riohacha did briefly serve, as Bolívar
had hoped it would, to distract some Spanish and Royalist
forces. In all other respects it was a spectacular failure.
Planning, discipline and strategy fell apart in Riohacha. On
sight of the expedition's ships massing outside the port,
Riohacha's residents fled for the hills. The Irish Legion
therefore was able to occupy the port without difficulty, and
was then overwhelmed by disciplinary problems on a march into
the New Granadan interior. Fear of being ambushed by local
indigenous peoples combined with lack of food and drink to
create a rebellious atmosphere amongst the men. This erupted
upon their return to Riohacha, where some waiting merchant
vessels from the British-ruled island
of Jamaica
offered to transport disgruntled adventurers away from
Colombia. After rioting and setting fire to many of the town's
buildings, the vast majority of the Irish Legion embarked and
left Mariano Montilla, Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Paula
Santander to rue their ultimately costly and demoralising
decision to recruit Irishmen to their cause.
- Back Home
Some Irishmen remained faithful to the cause of South
American Independence after Riohacha. Francisco Burdett
O'Connor led the remaining loyal troops, and eventually
settled in
Bolivia. [8] Daniel Florence O'Leary, Arthur Sandes and John
Johnston, all Irishmen, were among Bolívar's most faithful
officers during the political and military upheavals of the
1820s in
However, back in
Ireland these success stories were completely overshadowed by the bad
news that trickled home during 1820. Newspapers such as the Dublin
Evening Post and Carrick's
Morning Post were full of returning adventurers'
testimonies complaining of the terrible conditions to which
they had been subjected. Many blamed Spanish American leaders,
particularly Luis Brion and Mariano Montilla, for causing the
Irish Legion's indiscipline by leaving it 'disarmed, betrayed
and plundered'. Others blamed the Irish officers for their
poor personnel management. The Dublin
Evening Post, one of the most strident supports of the
Irish Legion, was able to find succour in reports of the
loyalty and bravery of the common Irish soldier, whose only
wish was an opportunity to serve nobly in return for fair
remuneration. [9]
At issue was the reputation of Irishmen as brave defenders of liberty.
Colonel Sampson described the Irish Legion as 'a glorious
crusade in the cause of liberty, with the liveliest hopes',
inspired by 'the noble spirit of the Irish youth'. [10] In
1819 the Irish Legion was sent on its way to liberate 'the
innocent children of the Sun'. [11] By deserting the flag of
freedom at Riohacha, the Irish had put their masculine honour
and nascent national identity in question. In 1820, a Public
Inquiry was set up in
Dublin to investigate accusations of 'unmanly and dishonourable'
behaviour against John Devereux and his associates. Some of
the deserting adventurers were accused of being 'too fond of
good living, with no stomach for the fight'. [12]