When this documentary was first released, the San Patricios
were a much-neglected aspect of Irish American history and the
history of the Americas generally. During the ensuing decade, they
have received a great deal of attention both with the
publication of books and with other documentaries, one of which was
shown at the national meeting of the American Conference for
Irish Studies in St. Louis, Missouri, in April 2006. At least some of the
credit for rescuing the San Patricios from neglect must go to
Mark Day.
The story of the San Patricios is deceptively
straightforward. A group of Irish immigrants who were serving
in the
United States
army deserted and formed a unit in the Mexican army that
fought against the United States during the war with Mexico. Some
had deserted before the war began, - as it turned out, a
salient point - and others after the war began. The generally
harsh treatment of enlisted men in the
army at the time and discrimination against Irish Catholics
were factors in their desertion - all accounts agree on this
point. When United States forces captured them, those who had
deserted after the war began were hung in an especially cold
and calculated way. The leader of the San Patricios, John
Riley, was from Galway and had worked on Mackinac Island,
Michigan before enlisting in the army. There is not much
disagreement on any of these issues.
Where things begin to diverge is in how the San Patricios
are viewed. The documentary makes the point that they are
honoured in Mexico as heroes who fought and died for Mexico. A
memorial was unveiled in Ireland honouring them while the
documentary was being made. In the United States, they are often
seen as traitors - when their existence is acknowledged at all.
For many years, the US army apparently denied that the incident had
ever happened. Clearly, the incident happened. We can debate
why the US army would deny it. The motivations of the
individuals in the unit for their decision, especially those
of their
leader John Riley; the motivation behind their harsh
punishment; and what, if anything, the incident tells us about
the position of the Irish in the United States, together with a range of
other historical questions, are less straight forward and are subject to speculation and debate. Like many immigrants, the
individual San Patricios left little behind with which to study their motivations and thoughts.
However, the real question in this review is:
how effectively
does The San Patricios: The Tragic Story of the St.
Patrick's Battalion tell its story? The answer is
neither simple nor straightforward. The production values
generally are first-rate. This is a well-executed, professional
piece of work without question or quibble. It is sharp, clear,
in focus at all times, unlike another documentary on the same topic
that I had seen. There are still too many historical
documentaries that do not have
these basic qualities. There is a nice mix of period graphics,
scholars offering facts and interpretations, and footage of
battle and other reenactments that are quite well done. Visually this
is a successful production. The documentary also has a clear
argument that organises the information presented and
structures the presentation.
With the exception of
Kerby Miller,
the 'expert scholars' are not especially impressive. One,
Rodolfo Acuña, seems to have a political agenda to champion
rather than a historical interpretation to present and
journalist Peter Stevens does not appear to know much about
scholarship on Irish migration to the US, even allowing for
the fact that
the programme is ten years old, or much beyond the handed-down,
popular history of the Irish in America. This raises questions
about the point of the presentation - is it intended to explore a
little-known episode in
history or is there a political agenda of accentuating the
racism of United States society and past discrimination against
Irish Americans, and even of supporting Mexican groups seeking to
regain the territory lost in the war between the two countries? Neither Acuña nor Stevens provides much of
historical substance nor shows any evidence of a deep knowledge
of the incident itself, US military history, or the history of
Irish migration to the US. Having an opinion is one thing,
having an opinion based on familiarity with the relevant
primary source materials and scholarship is another.
There are other problems. Riley is an elusive figure and
little can be said about him with certainty. The examination
of his character is probably
handled as well as it might be, although the uncertainties
undermine a solid acceptance of the thesis advanced. More
troubling is the confused way in which the history of Irish
migration to the United States is presented. Many of the
graphics used to illustrate life in Ireland date from after
the period when Riley and the other San Patricios left. They do not
show their Ireland, but a later, post-famine Ireland that was
markedly different. The entire discussion of Irish emigration
to the United States is confused at best, especially as it
relates to the war between Mexico and the United States. Kerby Miller tries to sort it out,
but the other experts do not seem to have the chronology clear
in their own minds. The discussion of the idea of Manifest
Destiny in the United States is weak, especially in relation
to the issue of slavery. Since it was a critical factor in the
war, it should be more fully and clearly developed. There are
other issues, mostly small ones that could be raised.
Despite these problems, the programme succeeds, to a
considerable extent, in achieving its goals. The San Patricios
are portrayed in a sympathetic light and the brutality of
their treatment is clear. It sustains interest throughout
because of its technical excellence. In raising questions
and making the viewer engage with the topic and seriously weigh the
material presented, even if in disagreement, it has accomplished a
great deal. As a testament to the significance of the
documentary, I will be using it in my military history course
because its perspective needs to be considered seriously and
the issues it raises discussed.
William H. Mulligan, Jr.
* Ph.D., Professor of History, Murray State University, Murray,
Kentucky, USA
Author's Reply
I would
like to thank Dr. Mulligan for his kind remarks about the
San Patricios documentary, especially his reference to the
film's production values as first rate.
I would
also like to thank him for his scholarly analysis of the
documentary's treatment of Irish immigrants, the unjust US
intervention in Mexico of 1847 and the doctrine of Manifest
Destiny that to this day influences US foreign policy. This is
exactly the kind of discussion that I hoped this documentary
would spark. The purpose of all historical texts should be
reflection on times past and how they speak to us in the
present. In that spirit, I would like to share some of my
thoughts regarding the ideas expressed in his review.
asks: 'Is it intended [my documentary] to explore a little
known episode in US history, or is there a political agenda of
accentuating the racism of US society and past discrimination
against Irish Americans, and even of supporting Mexican groups
seeking to regain the territory lost in the war between the
two countries?' In other words, does Mark Day have a political
agenda, a specific point of view, a bias? Yes, of course.
Everyone operates from his/her particular bias. To deny bias
becomes an agenda in itself. There is no such thing as 'pure'
history. Historical facts are interpreted. And those
interpretations are themselves historically contingent.
The most
commonly recounted history of the US, from the genocidal
treatment of Native Americans through slavery and on to the
military conquest of Mexico, has been the grand narrative
written by the victors, not the losers. One of the chief
spoils of conquest and colonisation is the power to tell the
stories of history. Traditionally, these storytellers are, for
the most part, white, conservative and middle-aged men who
believe the lens through which they interpret the world is
pure and unbiased. In other words, the normalising gaze of
power hides the reality that history is always told through an
ideological lens. The question that I believe to be most
important is: Who benefits from this interpretation of
historical facts? Not to do so belies a cultural blind spot, a
blind spot born of the privilege of power.
So instead
of stories about resistance from Native Americans and the
rebellions of slaves, we learn about the exploits of
presidents and generals. Instead of life and death struggles
of workers and trade unions, we are told about wealthy bankers
and the golden ages of industry and commerce. And instead of
learning about the humiliation of Mexico with the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, we are regaled with stories about
the rugged individuals who tamed the West. We learn about
History with a capital 'H,' but very little about the
histories of the people who shaped and were affected by the
onward rush of events. We seldom learn about history told from
the bottom up.
Howard Zinn points out some examples of this historical
amnesia. He writes about the glorification of Christopher
Columbus as a man of skill and courage, but the omission of
criticisms from contemporaries such as Fray Bartolomé de las
Casas. The latter writes of Columbus: 'The admiral was so
anxious to please the King that he committed irreparable
crimes against the Indians' (Zinn 1990: 57).
Zinn also
mentions historians' omission of the Ludlow massacre of
miners' wives and children by the Colorado National Guard in
1913. He suggests that it might be considered 'bold, radical,
or even communist' to talk about these class struggles in a
nation that prides itself on the oneness of its people. And
where, he wonders, are the stories about the abolitionists,
labour leaders, radicals and feminists? Zinn writes that the
'pollution of history' happens not by design, but when
scholars are afraid to stick their necks out, and instead play
it safe (Zinn 1990: 62; Zinn 2003). This provides strong
evidence that the project of history itself is inherently
This is
why the story of the San Patricios always intrigued me. I
first learned about this motley band of mostly Irish renegades
from César Chávez when I worked as an organiser with the
United Farm Workers Union in the late sixties. But it was due
to the scholarly work of Robert Ryal Miller and his book,
Shamrock and Sword (University of Oklahoma Press, 1989),
that I discovered the story behind the battalion, formed by
Irish immigrants in the Mexican army. Later, working on the
film put me in contact with several Mexican scholars and
ordinary citizens who saw the story from a totally different
angle, from the viewpoint of the conquered, the vanquished. I
also spoke with experts on nativism in mid-nineteenth century
This leads
to another question. Are there parallels in the nativist
attacks against the Irish in US history and the resurgence of
nativism against Mexican and Latin American immigrants today?
I would suggest that parallels are to be found in the tendency
to exploit and scapegoat newcomers, the shared colonial
experience and Catholic faith, the crude stereotypes applied
to both groups, and the perceived threats of immigrants to the
job market and American culture, to name a few. The
similarities in nativist rhetoric from that period are so
closely related to the current situation that you can simply
remove the word 'Irish' and replace it with 'Mexican'. Few
people today would recognise the difference. But I did not
make this documentary to accentuate nativism and racism. These
realities come forth because they were endemic to that period,
much to the dismay of those who would like to downplay them
for ideological reasons.
was the intent of the San Patricios documentary to support
those who wish to regain the territory that Mexico lost with
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Hardly. Aside from
commentator Lou Dobbs of CNN and his nightly nativism, the
only people talking about the so called reconquista or
re-conquest of the Southwest are fringe groups like the
Minutemen vigilantes and Pat Buchanan, who attract a miniscule
following among ordinary US Americans. Most Mexican-Americans
and Mexican immigrants, like their nineteenth-century Irish
counterparts, simply want what most US Americans seek - to
live in peace, to work hard and to be accepted, like everyone
else. In short, they are seeking the US American dream. It has
been gratifying to witness the lively discussions at the
screenings of the San Patricios, to watch the interchanges
between disparate groups of people, and to get feedback from
students and professors who have benefited from the film. If
it advances understanding about Irish immigrants in the
nineteenth century and the situation in Mexico, then and
today, I am more than satisfied.
Mark R.
- Zinn,
Howard. Declarations of
(New York: Harper Collins, 1990), 57.
- Ibid.,
62. See also Howard Zinn's People's History of the
(New York:
Harper Collins, 2003). |