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Call for Contributions


Volume 6, Number 1 (March 2008)

Gordon Darcy of Ireland being tackled by Argentine defenders during the
2007 Rugby World Cup match between Ireland and Argentina
at the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris, Sunday, 30 September, 2007
(AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Sporting Traditions in Ireland and Latin America

Guest Editor:

John Kennedy

The editors of Irish Migration Studies in Latin America invite contributions for the forthcoming issue of the journal (volume 6, number 1, March 2008). Articles on any aspect of sporting connections between Ireland and Latin America, the Caribbean or Iberia will be considered for publication. This special edition will focus on Irish involvement in sporting activities in Latin America, Spain, Portugal  and the Caribbean, the diffusion of Gaelic games in the region and Latin American sportsmen and women in Ireland. Contributions will be drawn from the fields of humanities, sport in history and literature, sport and economics, law, philosophy, politics, social psychology and sociology, and other disciplines. We also welcome book, film and website reviews, biographies and edited source material. Articles in English must be emailed to the Guest Editor no later than 7 January 2008 (articles in Spanish, Portuguese, French or German no later than 10 December 2007).

Guest Editor
John Kennedy

Edmundo Murray, Claire Healy
Irish Migration Studies in Latin America

Contributor's Guidelines
(doc - pdf)


The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

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