Hurling reunion the
(John Joe Fay Mackinson, c. 1923)
Although the focus has been on Argentina, the transference
model above is equally relevant to other Latin American
countries, as well as Iberia. A good example of this is
that Spain’s first club Huelva was founded in 1875 by
British managers and workers at the Río Tinto mine (Burns
1998: 71).
As well as
being instrumental in nurturing and diffusing the new
British sports, the Irish community were to make a unique
contribution to sport in Argentina through the
introduction of hurling, a sport which itself was
influenced by the trends emanating from Victorian England.
Although there are references to the game in the late
1880s in Mercedes in Buenos Aires province, it was not
organised until 1900 through the efforts of William
Bulfin, who was the editor of The Southern Cross
newspaper of the Irish Catholic community. However, unlike
some of the other sports introduced from Britain and
Ireland during that period, it would remain a preserve of
the Irish community.
in Ireland during the Victorian period
Hurling is
the sport most associated with Ireland, or more correctly
the southern variant of the game called iomán,
where the ball can be handled or carried on the hurley
(wooden stick). However, by the time the most significant
immigration to Argentina had begun, the game had virtually
died out. The 1740s and 1760s could be considered the apex
of the sport and thereafter it declined due to a
combination of factors, including the withdrawal of gentry
patronage in an age of political turbulence, modernisation
and the dislocating impact of the Irish potato famine
(1845-9). By the middle of the nineteenth century, hurling
only remained in a few pockets, which included Cork city,
South East Galway and north of Wexford town (Whelan 1993:
27-31). So it is likely that only a few of the Irish
immigrants to Argentina had any familiarity with or
expertise in the game.
with the demise of hurling, cricket began to be promoted
from the mid 1850s onwards and began to spread rapidly.
‘By 1872 cricket had a presence in every county in
Ireland’ (Garnham 2003:29). A small number of local
studies have been conducted in recent years, examining the
spread and uptake of the game, the most relevant being
Hunt (2007), as it concentrates on County Westmeath, where
over 42.9% of Irish emigrants to Argentina originated
(Murray 2004: 29). From the 1860s, the game saw
significant growth in Westmeath, and was the game ‘that
enjoyed the most continuity of play, and by the end of the
century was the participant sport with the greatest
popular appeal’ (Hunt 2007: 113). Although the game has
often been portrayed as being confined to the higher
social groupings, evidence from Westmeath indicates that
it was particularly popular with the farming and labouring
classes, the social class which was the most
representative of emigrants to Argentina. The extent to
which these immigrants participated in cricket in their
adopted country is an area that merits further study.
the GAA made a limited impact in County Westmeath and the
popularity of cricket remained largely unchallenged,
though this failure has been attributed to internal
management failures (Hunt 2007). It was to be the early
years of the twentieth century before the GAA was properly
established in the county.
addition to cricket, some of the newer codified games,
such as association football and rugby, became popular,
but these were mostly confined to urban areas or private
schools and had less popular appeal.
contribution of Irish and Irish-Argentines to Sports in
In urban
areas, Irish immigrants, particularly those who worked for
the railway and in British-owned trading and commercial
concerns, joined the new British-founded sporting
institutions which began to emerge from the 1860s onwards.
Among these was James Wensley Bond of County Armagh. Bond
played in the first organised football game on Argentine
soil on 29 June 1867 in Palermo. He was to become a
committee member in the newly-formed Buenos Aires Football
club. Another Irish player in the same historic match was
Richard Henry Murray of Dublin, auditor of the Buenos
Ayres British Clerks’ Provident Association (Raffo 2004:
By the
1890s the practice of football took on a more identifiable
Irish character, with the establishment of Lobos Athletic
Club in the south of Buenos Aires on 3 July 1892, by a
group of Irish-Argentines. This is considered to be the
first Irish sports club in the country and signified that
Irish-born and Irish-Argentines were seeking to assert
their identity within the English-speaking community. This
reflected some of the wider developments in the community,
including the establishment of The Southern Cross
newspaper in 1875, which sought to uphold a more
nationalist and distinctively Catholic creed. Another
football club ‘Capital Athletic Club’ was founded mostly
by Irish-Argentines in 1895. The club’s original name was
changed to Porteño Athletic Club soon after its
foundation. Besides football the members also played
cricket and other sports. Over time, the club lost its
distinct Irish character and football was supplanted by
Lobos and Porteño Athletic Club, many Irish-Argentines
continued to be involved in British-founded clubs, such as
Belgrano Athletic Club and Alumni. They also played for
some of the newer criollo clubs, one of the most
prominent players being Guillermo Ryan, who was a regular
team member in the early years of Boca Juniors (El
Xentenario 2004: 16-26). As the sport changed from
being primarily rooted in the British community to being a
sport of the masses, predictably both the influence and
participation of the British and Irish community in the
sport diminished. ‘In the beginning, football was
practiced as a relaxing activity, but after these
“romantic” years came the professional era, beginning in
1931, in which it became a game, and a business’ (Noguera
1986: 147). Argentina followed a similar path to Britain.
Once the sport was professionalised, this led to a decline
in middle-class players, and it came to be seen as
primarily for the working classes. Professionalism
probably signalled the death-knell of any significant
involvement of ingleses, including
Irish-Argentines, in the sport at the highest level, as
such developments contravened the deep-seated philosophy
of ‘the gentleman amateur’. The decline is also perhaps an
indicator of social advancement and the greater
availability of opportunities for Irish-Argentines. Since
the end of amateurism, very few Irish-Argentines have
appeared in the annals of the sport at the highest level.
One of the more notable players of Irish ancestry in
recent years was Carlos McAllister, who played for Boca
Juniors. Such is the absence of Irish-Argentine
involvement that an examination of the of the Argentine
premiership team lists for the 2007 season in the sports
magazine El Gráfico (December 2007) did not
indicate one player of discernable Irish ancestry. |