Richard G. Daunt (1843-1893)
(Nazareth Marques, Academia Campinense de
Letras) |
I am of Ireland
And the Holy Land of Ireland
And time runs on
W. B. Yeats
the outset of her biographical research on the Irish physician
Richard Gumbleton Daunt, the historian Ana Gicelle García
Alaniz quotes John Donne’s widely-known Divine Meditation
XVII: ‘No man is an island, entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main’. Inasmuch
as this critic tries to present an unbiased and accurate
account of the doctor’s life, she admits to having conceived
such a man in terms of the places and time that he lived
in. In her own words, ‘I have tried to cast man and city
in a single unit with a view to understanding, through
this intimate and hybrid relationship, the impact of modernization
on both ’ (Alaniz 1999: 14). (2)
Nevertheless, Alaniz also brings the readers abreast of
the main features of Brazilian society in the nineteenth
century which enabled Dr Daunt to carry out his medical
and political pursuits. In this sense, instead of a one-dimensional
study that simply embellishes one’s course of action,
she introduces the main political debates of that time,
taking into consideration the most important aspect of
Brazil during the Second Empire (1840-1889): the experience
of incongruity (Schwarz 2001). According to the literary
critic Roberto Schwarz this is the social impact of an
ex-colony whose ideals oscillate between the modern liberal
ideas of enlightenment and the conservative imperialistic
ideology of slavery.
Second Empire in Brazil was strongly characterised by
a huge drive on the large landowners’ part to contain
popular demonstrations. In order to assure their power,
the coffee producers, who were the bulk of the elite,
ensured that the fifteen-year-old Emperor, Dom Pedro II,
would pay heed to their needs. Likewise, each state’s
governor took on board the task of repressing any democratic
revolution, while ensuring that coffee supplies would
continue to meet all foreign demands. The City of Campinas
was exemplary in this respect, due to its effective control
of its workers and the continued success of its business
classes. Had it not been for the yellow fever epidemic
that frightened citizens out of their homes during the
years of 1889 and 1897, Campinas would have become the
most important city of the whole state. This is the period
when Dr Richard Gumbleton Daunt entered the spotlight.
Not only was he traditional in his personal concerns,
but also in his medical ideals, since he was a huge supporter
of traditional and preventive medicine. Contributing to
the discussion between scientific and alternative treatment,
the Irishman expressed his philosophical and intellectual
beliefs on that topic.
the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph and others
which will be developed further throughout this article,
it should be affirmed that Dr Richard Gumbleton Daunt
was a ‘great man’. As regards the legacy of the militant
intellectual Professor Fernando de Azevedo, one of the
most prominent Brazilian sociologists and critics, Antonio
Candido stated, quoting a Dominican priest: ‘the characteristic
of a great man is that he discovers the fundamental necessity
of his time and devotes himself completely to it’ (Lacordaire
apud Candido 2002: 309). (3)
Even though history has swept Dr Richard Gumbleton Daunt’s
memory under the carpet, his deeds, although highly controversial
and debatable, could be considered those of a great man.
Not only do we state this due to its contradictory attitudes,
but also because their outcomes help us to plumb the depths
of the history of medicine in Brazil, more specifically
on how the process of modernization was largely embedded
in the development of healthcare.
order to recount the facts traced by Ana Gicelle Garcia
Alaniz the article is divided into three sections: the
first accounts for the intermittences of medicine in the
vertiginous eighteenth century in Campinas. The second
one explores Dr Daunt’s familiar and personal activities.
And the third one seeks to explain his interventions in
the health arena of the period. We will also include a
last section as summary of the issues touched on.
and Politics in the Eighteenth Century
to Alaniz, the city of Campinas was absolutely essential
for Dr Daunt mainly because it acted in a dialectical
relationship with his personality. Not only did the city
transform his character, but he also changed some of the
features of that place. We must, hence, remember that
Brazil was the most important Portuguese colony, since
the Portuguese nobility transferred to Brazil in 1822
following the Napoleonic invasion of Portugal. Coerced
by England, which was the country with which Dom João
had numerous debts and long-established business, the
king literally opened Brazilian ports to foreign investors,
allowing its landowners to trade with any part of the
world. Indeed, this is a contradiction in itself, for
colonial relations start to fade out of sight at the very
moment the monopoly colony-metropolis is undone.
to the substitution of the local power, it was only a
question of time before large Brazilian landowners had
complete freedom from the monarchy. After the Declaration
of Independence in 1822, with the intention of building
up a liberal modern republic, a bourgeoisie started to
take shape in various parts of the country, since the
male sons of those landowners took up medicine and law.
In an extremely committed way, those newly graduated doctors
took responsibility for improving the quality of the cities.
The area most in need of improvement was health. Nevertheless,
their scientific models and principles from European universities
were not up to par with the ancient shibboleths perpetuated
by the old aristocracy. This configuration, then gives
rise to a clash of ideals and practices: on the one hand
the European immigrants who were highly praised for their
depth of knowledge, wisdom and white-coloured race (one
of the Brazilian’s government secret agendas was to ‘whiten’
the population); on the other hand the actions they proposed
were not quite applicable in Brazil.
It goes without saying that Dr Gumbleton Daunt, in spite of picking up on some of those old values from having married into a traditional family from the interior of São Paulo, was one of the most arduous defenders of public health measures. In the period that ranged from 1869 to 1871 he was elected town councillor, and amidst bickering and wrangling among politicians, he was able to address higher authorities on the matter of projects of hygiene. Nonetheless, his attempts were hampered by higher matters of state, such as disputes about political posts and old-fashioned prejudices. For the most part, the whole question of public and private health was embedded in the capitalist development of the country: while the structure of the city needed to provide the minimum necessary for a worker to carry out his duties, on the other hand it also needed to prevent rebellion. Thus, in order to put that into practice, the diseased and criminals were confined to asylums on the outskirts of the town, leaving the physicians with the task of excluding from the public sphere not only those who suffered from a bodily ailment, but also a psychological, or revolutionary, one.
understand how this project affected Dr Daunt, let us
establish the main facts regarding his life and relationship
with the city, as well as its citizens and their frame
of mind.
Richard Gumbleton Daunt: the Man and his Reputation
the words of one of the cultural critics who has theorised
widely on the theme of subjective and geographical displacement,
Homi K. Bhabha, ‘the concept of people is not a "given"
as a… homogenous part of society prior to politics;
"the people" are there as a process of political articulation
and political negotiation across a whole range of contradictory
social sites’ (Bhabha 1990: 220). This is significantly
relevant in our case, mainly because there is a discrepancy
regarding the place of birth of Dr Daunt. While Alaniz
affirms that he was born in Cork, in Kilcascan Castle,
she points out that this may not be totally precise, for
his University résumé indicates he was actually from East
Yorkshire, in England. Through our researches, and with
the aid of the researcher Joseph Daunt Johnston, we came
to discover that he was in fact born in Yorkshire. However,
even though his place of birth was England, he was to
consider himself an Irishman, probably because of his
beloved ancestors, and as he was so obsessive about his
back over Dr Daunt's genealogy, it is possible to trace
his ancestry back to William the Conqueror who was accompanied
by a Norman knight, Dauntre, in his conquest of Britain
in 1066. Throughout the course of history, the Daunts
established partnerships and alliances with important
monarchs and kings. During the Wars of the Roses, they
supported the House of Lancaster but, with Protestant
reform and the Tudor ascension, especially of Elizabeth
I, they were alienated in such a society, being Catholic.
The most renowned member, Thomas Daunt Owlphen, from Throckmorton,
who had taken part in the Catholic party’s conspiracy
to put Mary Stuart on the throne of England, was forced
to migrate to Ireland, giving birth to the branch that
would later produce Dr Daunt. Although he established
powerful affiliations in Ireland, other members of the
family were not so lucky in the old kingdom. Some were
executed or ostracised in England. Such was the case of
Francis Daunt Throckmorton, who was hanged for religious
treason, and Elizabeth Throckmorton, wife of Walter Raleigh,
the explorer of America and one of the Queen’s favourite
vassals without Her Majesty’s consent. Once in Ireland,
Owlphen allied himself with the Catholics in defence of
their religion and Ireland.
though Dr Daunt, in his studies, attributed Thomas’ success
on Irish soil to his associations with the patriotic family
of Roderick O’Connor, the suzerain monarch who died in
1198, historians long discounted such connections for
lack of sufficient evidence. General Francisco O’Connor,
Símon Bolívar’s Chief-of-Staff, made similar assertions,
which were also disregarded. According to Daunt Johnson,
the part of his genealogy that the doctor ignores is William
Daunt MacCarthy-Reagh, Prince of Carbery (1801-1874),
of Palmyra, Wisconsin, who had a well-established claim
to Irish royalty. Nevertheless, it seems the Irish doctor
was more interested in inscribing his identity within
the borders of the Irish soil, for he always referred
to the English as usurpers and would remain true to Catholic
and aristocrat ideals. This is also ironic when we come
to discover that his father, Captain Richard Gumbleton
Daunt, was a commander in the British navy and that his
mother was of English ancestry. According to Bill Bailey,
present owner of Kilcascan Castle where Dr Daunt was brought
up, his father was married twice: to Anna Dixon, possibly
from Yorkshire, and to Margaret Gumbleton, who was not
only his cousin, but also the sister of his brother's
second wife.
was made clear at the beginning of this section, the definition
of people is constantly part of a much larger whole of
implications and identifications. Dr Daunt was indeed
a cultivated man - most likely due to the instruction
he received from his uncle, Dr Isaac Dixon. With an intrinsic
passion for family roots, in addition to having married
the daughter of an illustrious family, the Camargos -
original descendants of Father Diogo Antonio de Feijó
(1784-1843), the Regent of the Empire of Brazil from 1835
to 1837 - he also tried to adhere to Brazilian culture
by searching for noble deeds amongst prosperous wealthy
families. In his correspondence with Baron Francisco Ignacio
Marcondes Homem de Melo, the doctor discusses his in-laws,
the Joaquim dos Santos Camargos’, connection to Fr. Feijó.
Apropos of the subject, Emperor Dom Pedro I established
a commission to determine the parentage of Feijó at the
time he was serving as Minister of Justice and Deputy
to the Court of Lisbon. What was established was that
Feijó was a foundling raised by Maria Gertrudes de Camargo,
widow of Felix Antonio Feijó. In the 1860s Dr Daunt decided
to reveal the dark family secret that Feijó was the illegitimate
son of Maria Gertrudes’ brother, Padre Fernando Lopes
de Camargo who was avoiding all scandal prior to his appointment
as bishop.
these lines, what should be perceived is that Dr Gumbleton
Daunt was a conservative traditionalist and he defined
himself as a noble Irishman. His domestic attitude and
fascination with familiar resonances proceeded from a
‘transnational’ and ‘translational’ strategy of cultural
self-representation (Bhabha 1992: 438). By transnational,
we mean that specific values and traces of Irish culture,
or even the idealisation of such, were transplanted, in
other words, translated, into the Brazilian context. The
whole intrigue of families and the distinguished nobility
are indeed traces of a mythological Ireland that existed
nowhere else, but in the doctor’s mind, for real Ireland,
at that time had to tackle problems such as
problems, and the prevalence of bare subsistence standards
in regions like the west… This climaxed, horrifyingly,
with the potato famine of mid 1840s. Under-invested
and labour-extensive agrarian practices coexisted with
inadequate smallholdings and congested populations;
temporary employment, endemic poverty, and a universally
execrated land system were the usual targets of contemporary
criticism (Foster 1989: 166).
clear example of Dr Daunt’s search for a common ground
of ethical and aesthetic values was seen in his letter
addressed to the Brazilian Geographical Institute, in
1883. After recognising that he could not express himself
in Gaelic, due to the British rule that imposed the English
language on the Irish people, he claimed:
intend to consult a person, versed in the Irish language,
about the signification, in this language [Portuguese]
(because thanks to the tyranny of the German race that
inhabits England, I, as many individuals that belong
to the Irish race, am ignorant of the language that
was supposed to be the vernacular) the origin of the
word Brasail or Brasil, for it is an extraordinary coincidence
that… further down West, there was a land… called Hy-Brasail,
the land of the fortunate ones (Daunt apud Alaniz 1999:
82). (4)
was his fascination with race that his research on the
Celtic root of the name of Brazil led to Dr Daunt being
made a member of the Gaelic Union. Through this complex
mechanism, it can be perceived ‘the articulation of cultures
[was] possible not because of the familiarity or similarity
of contents, but because all cultures are symbol-forming
or subject-constituting interpellative practices’ (Bhabha
1990: 210). Given that Dr Daunt needed to find a point
d’appui in a society whose liberal European ideals
were misplaced, there was nothing better than mythical
atemporal folktales to find meanings and means to exist
in that specific historical period. On the grounds of
his quasi-anthropological diggings, his reputation in
the Camargo family was unblemished. While being so enthusiastic
about his wife’s relatives, the very thought of a mestiza
or mestizo would leave him disgruntled and out
of sorts, as we can observe in a letter written to Dr
José Couto de Magalhães, on the occasion when he called
Feijó a mestizzo himself:
Regent… as well as my family… are… descendants of Princess
MByçy (baptised as Donna Isabel Dias) for her daughter
Donna Catharina, but it seems to me that you have another
reason to classify Feijó as a kind of Mestiço (Daunt
apud Alaniz 1999: 84). (5)
to power relations in Brazil in the nineteenth century,
we can also observe, as pointed out by Roberto Schwarz,
that the three classes that made up the social structure
were: landowners, slaves and freemen. As the work was
performed by the slaves, freemen depended on a favour-based
type of relationship to exercise their activity. In this
way, doctors, lawyers, small farmers, amongst others,
were deeply indebted to the influential landlord - ‘favour
then is our universal mediation’ (Schwarz 2000: 5). One
of the instances that perpetuated this twisted logic was
the institution of the family. Since Gumbleton Daunt found
his way to the core of Brazilian coffee owners, his nine
offspring were the beneficiaries: Haroldo (1846-1886),
vicar of Capivari, Torlogo (1847-1909) lawyer, Fergus
(1949-1911) vicar of São Paulo, Alicia (1851-1933) single
lady, Briano (?-1889), lawyer, Winifrida (1857-1928) had
an arranged marriage with José Salles Leme, Fernando (1858-1930)
unknown profession, Cornélio (?), teacher and Rogério
(1862-1914) lawyer. Although they had vast properties,
those were diminished by the crises in the coffee plantation.
Accordingly, when Dr Daunt passed away, due to a stroke
- according to the medical report in 1893, his belongings
were divided among their remaining sons and daughters.
short, these were the main facts and idiosyncrasies that
surrounded his private and familiar life. In the last
section before the final remarks, it is necessary to explore
more profoundly how his dislocated identity impacted on
the field of medicine.
Allopathic and Antipathy
28 August 1850 Campinas witnessed the onset of a war between
two areas of medicine: homeopathy on the one hand, and
allopathy on the other. The field of such a battle was
the municipal court of law which received Dr Daunt’s appeal
against José Francisco dos Santos, due to the fact that
the latter was an occasional practitioner of medicine,
and the former, a traditional clinic with specific expertise.
Having graduated at Edinburgh University, Dr Daunt was
utterly opposed to the new specialists who were experimenting
in treating the recent yellow fever epidemic with specific
herbs and botanical compounds. The grounds of the complaints
were that Santos was unconventionally trying to persuade
Dr Gumbleton Daunt’s patients - and openly offending his
morals as a physician - to opt for homeopathy instead
of traditional medication. The trial took place and a
number of people were requested to give their testimony
on the fact. Even though the results were negative for
Dr Daunt, since Santos was absolved of every accusation,
their contention was typical of the discussions on the
treatments of that time: while ordinary citizens were
suffering from a myriad of diseases due to the poor sanitary
conditions, respectable men of law were wasting their
time on personal quarrels.
someone who moved in cultured erudite circles, Dr Daunt
would hardly ever restrict his theoretical discussions
only to his professional peers; he constantly had to resort
to the laws to solve his problems. Not only had he to
exercise his professional activities, but also his public
rhetoric, within the community. There is substantial likelihood
that this is one of the reasons why his fame reached the
Scottish Medical Times, a journal that published some
of his studies and essays. Although his researches in
the medical field spread through the British Isles, his
conclusions proved to be somewhat inaccurate and uncertain,
unquestionably due to the historical conditions of his
time. In addition to the specific configuration of his
time, Dr Daunt proved to be a man whose prejudiced vision
on the new flow of immigration also contributed to his
diagnostics as a doctor and as a member of the elite.
the doctor would himself attest, the only way to fight
this fatal illness was the isolation of the immigrants
in shelters in the outskirts of the city:
state of sanitation in São Paulo is far from being satisfactory.
This disgrace (the yellow fever) is due to the introduction
of immigrant farm-workers. First, in bringing them in
the boiling hot months, second in not keeping them in
quarantine or not having a procedure of disinfection
before allowing them into the interior. Brazil, at least,
São Paulo is governed by children, or near their like
in ignorance (Daunt apud Alaniz 1999: 159). (6)
Dr Daunt goes as far as to say that the water used to
supply the city was a ‘corpse soup’ (sopa de cadávers),
mainly because there was neither proper water treatment,
nor a sewerage system; and to make matters worse, the
main cemetery was located in the central part of the city,
giving rise to contaminations. Owing to his presence in
such hard times, Dr Daunt’s requests were indeed heard.
In 1881 central cemeteries were closed and corpses were
buried in outlying districts. Immigrants and sick patients
were also confined to outlaying hospitals. Although doctors
had an almost divine aura due to their interventions,
as Alaniz highlights, there is no clear evidence that
these measures were taken because of Dr Daunt’s demands.
On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, with
the materials and scientific advances of his time and
space, he changed the city, especially in what pertained
to space, in many ways.
his explanations about the artist as an individual, one
of the most sensitive philosophers, the German Theodor
Adorno, draws attention to the fact ‘the artist, provider
of the work of art is not just that character who produces,
but the one who becomes representative… of the social
subject’ (Adorno 2003: 2e03). Notwithstanding the fact
that he was not an artist, as a man and a public figure,
Dr Daunt was a man who could not be otherwise because
he was born in England, raised in Ireland as a nationalist
and grew as a professional in Campinas, a city whose function
was to provide supplies for the Empire. All these social
connections enabled him to fight for what he believed
in as a man shaped by these specific historical details.
article, in line with Ana Gicelle Alaniz’s intention in
her PhD thesis, is an attempt to recover a forgotten fragment
of history left in the archives of Brazilian records.
If on the one hand we could follow the historian’s point
of view, on the other hand these served as guidelines
through which we could consider the migrant condition
as a process of ‘othering’ (Bhabha 1990: 219) and assimilation.
Selecting the most pertinent facts was, then, another
way to approach the Irish traditionalist who made the
city of Campinas his dis-utopic Hy-Brasil.
Carvalho da Annunciação
PhD student at University of São Paulo and full-time
researcher, Carvalho de Annunciação holds
an MA on the theme of exile in the poetry of Seamus Heaney.
She now studies the theme of the city in the poetry of
Northern Ireland. Acknowledgements: I am thankful to Daunt
Johnston for making available his researches on Doctor
Daunt’s ancestors; to Billy Bailer for the information
on the Kilcasan castle; to João Marcos Fantinatti
for the pictures in the city of Campinas; and to Michael
Breslin for revising the language of my article.
2 All translations are
mine. Realizamos uma tentativa de fundir o homem e
a cidade num sujeito, visando, a partir dessa relação
híbrida e íntima, desvendar o impacto da
modernização no cotidiano de ambos.
3 A característica
do grande homem é descobrir qual a necessidade
fundamental de seu tempo e consagrar-se a ela.
4 Pretendo igualmente
escrever para consultar com alguma pessoa versada na língua
irlandeza sobre a significação n’esta língua
(porque graças á tirania da raça
aleman, que abita a Inglaterra, eu, como milhares de indivíduos
de raça irlandeza, ignoro oque (sic) devia ser
o meo idioma vernáculo) da palavra Brasail ou Brasil,
pois é uma coincidência extraordinária,
que... mais ao poente avia uma terra... e a esta terra
davão o nome de Hy-Braasail e terra dos bem-aventurados.
5 O regente... assim
como minha família... era descendente da Princesa
MByçy (em Baptismo Donna Isabel Dias) por sua filha
Donna Catharina, mas parece que a Vª. Sª. tem
algum outro motivo para especialisar o Feijó como
typo Mestiço.
6 O estado sanitário
de São Paulo tambem está longe de ser satisfactorio.
Esta desgraça (a febre amarella) é devida
à estúpida introdução de colonos,
primeiro em trazel-los nos meses de calor, segundo em
não sujeital-los em um lugar apropriado a uma quarentena
de desinfecção antes de dar-lhes entrada
no interior. O Brazil, ou ao menos S. Paulo, está
governado por crianças, ou por quem as iguala na
Adorno, Theodor W. Notas de Literatura (São
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Candido, Antonio. ‘Doutor Fernando’ in Textos de Intervenção
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