paper proposes to interrogate the circumstances of the
migration of Irish bonded labourers to Cuba in the early
part of the nineteenth century.
of the first European immigrants imported to Cuba were
contracted by the Railway Commission to build the first 17
miles of railroad in Iberoamerica between Havana and Güines.
In a project driven by the sugar industry Benjamin H.
Wright, an engineer in charge of the railroad project
recruited 375 Irlandeses
(said to include other European immigrants) in New York
towards the end of 1835. The Irish and other bonded
labourers were forced into a brutal work regime under
Spanish military rule where any attempt to abscond was
treated as desertion punishable by prison or execution.
The Cuban historian Manuel Moreno Fraginals describes
Irish migrant labourers of the time as amongst the
cheapest white workers available in Europe who knew enough
to lay rails. While working on the ‘sugar railroad’
they were submitted to a form of slavery similar to the
Negro’s. The appalling work conditions of hunger and a
sixteen hour day, crammed into wooden huts at night led to
rebellion and protest. The first strike recorded on the
island was by Irish and Canary Islanders during their
first few weeks of working on the railroad. On termination
of their contracts the Irish were not entitled to
repatriation, simply the return of their passports before
they were dispensed with. The fate of Los Irlandeses
in the Cuban literature is described as one of abject,
drunken misery, left to beg on the streets of Havana,
dying of hunger and plagued by disease. In response to
petitions imploring the authorities to assist with their
passage back to New York the Royal Council in Havana
defends its refusal to help the Irish by characterizing
them as ‘worthless, lazy, disease-ridden, drunkards’
who deceived their bosses by disguising their ‘vile
habits’ at the time of their contracts.
of the Irish railroad workers in Cuba raise many questions
about this group of people who became peons in the
Atlantic trade system of two very different colonial
powers. This paper will situate the episode of Irish
migration within the context of the politics of race and
identity at a time of burgeoning nationalism of two
colonial islands on either side of the Atlantic. It will
also examine the ‘the wages of whiteness’ of the Irish
as ‘Other’ against the backdrop of the Hispano-Cuban
‘colonisation’ project, a policy to ‘whiten’ the
island’s majority black population and assuage the fear
of ‘el peligro negro’ (black peril) amongst its white
minority elite.