paper is about my maternal uncle who started his extensive
research in early 1960s both in Ireland and South America.
Eric Lambert, a Dubliner, was working at various British
Embassies in South America during the 1960s. One evening
he was at a function in an army barracks - someone asked
him what he knew about a man whose picture hung there -
General O'Leary. Lambert admitted ignorance but promised
to check out this man back in Ireland. This he did and it
led to a twenty-year research project which culminated in
the publication in Spanish in Venezuela in 1982 of
"Voluntarios británicos e irlandeses en la gesta
bolivariana" Tomo I and in 1996 of Tomo II and III.
In 1996 shortly before his death aged eighty-seven and in
recognition of his contribution to Venezuelan history,
Eric received the Orden del Libertador from the Venezuela
Government. And much earlier he was made a Freeman of
Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Several short essays were published in The Irish Sword
and The Southern Cross. Although "Voluntarios
británicos e irlandeses en la gesta bolivariana" has
not been published in English, it has been referenced in
some English publications. I would like to share some of
his findings from his English manuscript, unpublished
letters, and notes which now reside in the National
Library of Ireland, Manuscript Department. The letters
include one from General Noreiga.
Eric Lambert made many friends among the historians in
South America, including Rafael Caldera. And as he was
conducting his research mostly from his own financial
resources he appealed to local patriotism and managed to
eat for free in a Caracas restaurant. The restaurant
flourished partly due to Eric's glowing recommendations
and is still in existence in Caracas today.
Eric was also the first person to arrange importation of
Chilean wine into Ireland through Mitchell's Wine
Merchants as well as importation of South American polo
ponies in the 1960s. For more general background
information about Eric Lambert there is an obituary from The
Irish Times by John de Courcy Ireland.