The experts
had to be both white and Catholic, requirements that
appealed to Irish planters, overseers and skilled
craftsmen residing in the nearby British and Danish
colonies. No one knows for certain how many of them took
advantage of the opportunity, but their noticeable
presence in Puerto Rico in the last third of the
eighteenth century appears to suggest that a considerable
number surely did. Felipe Doran, a native of Carlow, was one of
them (AGI-Ultramar, leg. 405, Cámara de Indias to King, 16
January 1804).

Alejandro O'Reilly (1722-1794),
father of the Puerto Rican militia. |
O’Reilly, of County Meath, who migrated to Spain in his
early teens and later joined the Hibernia Infantry
Regiment, was the highest ranked Irishman serving in the
Spanish armed forces to come to Puerto Rico around this
time. A career officer holding the rank of Field Marshall
in 1765, he was dispatched to Puerto Rico a few years
earlier in response to the British occupation of Havana.
His memoria, or report, of Puerto Rico enabled the
Spanish Crown to get a better sense of the island’s
military weaknesses and economic potential. Credited with
re-organising the local militias, O’Reilly also set out to
revamp the fortifications around San Juan (Torres 1969;
Beerman 1982).
The latter
task fell to Colonel Tomás O’Daly, a native of County
Galway who began his military career as a second
lieutenant under Juan (John) Sherlock’s Ultonia Regiment
in 1744. Trained as a military engineer in the Academia de
Barcelona, he served in Madrid, El Ferrol, and Girón
(AGS-Guerra, legs. 2668 and 3091). Granted land in the
vicinity of San Juan, O’Daly began developing it into a
thriving sugar hacienda (AGI-SD, leg. 2300, 15 July 1761).
With that step, he joined an embryonic Irish immigrant
community that would come to be associated with the growth
of commercial agriculture. Upon his untimely death in
1781, his brother Jaime took over the property and helped
raise Tomás’s three children, Isabel, Manuel, and Demetrio
(AGI-SD, leg. 2393, 6 July 1797).
A colourful
character, Jaime left Ireland possibly in his late
twenties and took up residence in Cádiz, Spain, around
1763. Two years later, he sailed off to the Dutch
Caribbean colony of Saint Eustatius. When a Spanish fleet
ran aground near the British colony of Anguilla, Jaime and
a business partner came to its aid. In compensation, the
Spanish Crown gave him a temporary licence to export
products from Puerto Rico to recoup the funds both had
spent on refitting the stranded convoy. He applied for a
licence to embark from Cádiz to Puerto Rico on 6 November
1775, but did not leave until 23 February 1776 (AGI, Casa
de Contratación, leg. 5522, no. 1, r. 21).
by Tomás, he remained on the island beyond the stipulated
time. Over the next decade, Jaime built up a reputation as
a successful sugar and tobacco planter and merchant, with
connections across the non-Hispanic Caribbean and Europe
(Torres 1962; Pérez Toledo 1983). In 1793, detractors
cited his foreign status to block his nomination to a post
on the prestigious San Juan city council (AGI-SD, leg.
2372, 16 December 1793). When the Spanish Crown appointed
him director of the Royal Tobacco Factory in 1787, one of
his fiadores (guarantors) was Bernardo Ward, the
Irish economist and adviser to the Spanish monarch King
Ferdinand VI (Chinea 2001).
claimed blood ties to Lieutenant Timoteo O’Daly and
Captain Pedro O’Daly, officers of the Hibernia Regiment
that took part in the 1781 Spanish capture of Pensacola,
Florida. Lieutenant Colonel Arturo O’Neill, also of
Hibernia, co-led the final assault that dislodged the
British forces. For his feat, Spain named him Governor of
West Florida and subsequently appointed him to the Supreme
Council of War (Murphy 1960: 220-22; Beerman 1981: 29-41;
Walsh 1957: 38). In 1792, he had been placed on the short
list of candidates to replace Governor Miguel de Uztáriz,
who passed away while en route to Spain (AGS-Guerra, leg.
7146). His two nephews, Julio (or Tulio) and Arturo
O’Neill y O’Kelly, born in Saint Croix, moved to Puerto
Rico in 1783 with their slaves and plantation equipment (AGI-SD,
leg. 2364, 15 October 1783). Another Irish planter
residing in Saint Croix, Tomás Armstrong followed them in
1791 (AGI-SD, leg. 2393, 16 February 1791).
Others were
not so lucky, no doubt because their intentions would have
violated regulations that banned foreigners on Spanish
soil from partaking in the navigational and commercial
trades. Such was the case of Juan Tuite, a resident of
Saint Croix with business ties to England. In 1766, he
proposed setting up an Irish colony of one hundred
well-to-do families in Puerto Rico. He asked for
authorisation to bring in provisions, tools and slaves not
just for his settlers, but also to supply Puerto Rico and
other Spanish American colonies. Clearly, Tuite’s
mercantile ambitions contravened the Laws of the Indies,
which could explain why his project was not favourably
received (AGS-Estado, leg. 6961, exp. 14, 1766).
In order to
gain approval to import slaves into Puerto Rico, Tuite
needed a licence. This may have been possible, especially
during acute labour shortages. But the Spanish Crown had
already granted an exclusive slave importation right, or
asiento, to a private party or company between 1765
and 1789. Thereafter, the Crown opened the trade in
African captives to all its subjects and foreigners upon
payment of the applicable slave importation and sales
duties. Joaquín Power y Morgan came to Puerto Rico in
connection with the Compañía de Asiento de Negros and
married a local Creole, María Josefa Giralt (AGI-SD, leg.
2389; AGMS, 1ra. Sección, leg. P-2619). His paternal
grandfather Pedro Power was a native of Waterford who
emigrated from Ireland to Bordeaux. Father José Bautista
Power, born in the French port city, relocated to Biscay,
northern Spain (Bilbao Acedos 2004: 102-3). Born in 1775
in San Juan, one of Joaquín’s sons, Ramón Power y Giralt,
became Puerto Rico’s representative to the Spanish
Cortes in 1808 and later president of the same
legislative assembly (Caro 1969).
servicemen of the Irish regiments that saw action in
Central and South America around this time also remained
behind in the Hispanic Caribbean. Patricio O’Haurahan and
Cristóbal Conway, both of the Irlanda Regiment, were two
of them (AGMS, leg. 7147, exp. 33, 24 July 1790 and exp.
40, 25 May 1790). A handful of lesser known Irish settlers
also came to Puerto Rico around this period. Besides the
O’Dalys and O’Neills, at least two other separate pairs of
brothers, David and Jaime Quinlan and Miguel and Patricio
Kirwan, established sugar haciendas. Like the O’Dalys, the
Kirwans also came from County Galway (AGPR, Loíza, carpeta
1, 1791-1803). Their fellow countrymen, Miguel Conway,
Patricio Fitzpatrick, Felipe Doran, Jaime Kiernan, and
Antonio Skerret, were also commercial farmers around
northern Puerto Rico, from Toa Baja in the northeast to
Luquillo in the east (Bermejo-García 1970: 125-26). Since
some of the latter began as overseers, there is a strong
possibility that they originated from the nearby
non-Hispanic colonies where former Irish servants with
limited prospects for social mobility had little choice
but to seek greener pastures elsewhere (Walters 1982).
1797 English Invasion of Puerto Rico
In the
early morning of 17 April 1797, a large convoy approached
the waters off San Juan, the capital of
Puerto Rico. Even though it hoisted no flags at first, a
state of war between Spain and England dictated caution.
So started the report filed by Brigadier Ramón de Castro,
Captain General of Puerto Rico, about the largest and last
British attempt to wrest territories in the Americas from
Spanish control. Between sixty and sixty-four vessels
ferrying an estimated ten thousand combatants, including
German and black auxiliaries, took part in the attack. The
outbreak of hostilities began the following day and ended
disastrously for the aggressors on 1 May (Tapia y Rivera
1970: 669-718).
For British warmongers, the attack was a
costly miscalculation. They had grossly under-estimated
both the citadel’s ability to fend off enemy strikes and
the tenacity of its defenders. During the two-week
conflict they were held back by an impregnable fortified
system circling the city, working in tandem with organised
resistance forces deploying both frontal charges and
guerrilla tactics. Prevented from gaining any significant
ground, the invaders abandoned a large quantity of their
armaments and re-boarded their ships in the cover of
night. It was a resounding victory for the island’s armed
forces, the overwhelming majority of whom were local
people (Tapia y Rivera 1970: 669-718). |