While it is
entirely possible that these Irish settlers successfully
countered the false charges of treachery, the urgency of
retaining and expanding an economically viable white
population in Puerto Rico may have also worked in their
favour. The British attack coincided with the Haitian
Revolution in the adjacent French colony of Saint Domingue,
which resulted in the abrupt flight of thousands of whites
fearing for their lives. The Spanish colonial authorities
not only forbade Dominguan slaves and free blacks from
entering Puerto Rico, but also kept native people of
colour under constant watch to prevent what they believed
to be an impending race war.
Accordingly, the aforementioned 1815 Cédula de
Gracias had a distinctively pro-white slant in that
it offered incoming ‘coloured’ farmers a fraction of the
land that it allotted to their white counterparts. In this
racially tense atmosphere, attracting previously excluded
white foreigners willing to embrace the Catholic faith and
pledge allegiance to Spain regardless of country of origin
became a priority. As a result, the foreign white
population, which included the Irish, increased noticeably
in Puerto Rico during the first half of the nineteenth
century (Chinea 2005).
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