order to answer these questions we need to recall some facts of
the Irish emigration to Argentina. During the nineteenth century,
forty to forty-five thousand emigrants left Ireland to settle in
Argentina and Uruguay [1]. Approximately 20,000 re-emigrated to
the United States, Australia, Ireland or other areas, and 20,000
settled in the country. A majority of the emigrants bound to Argentina
came from the Irish Midlands (Westmeath, Longford and Offaly) and
from Co. Wexford. According to Peadar Kirby, they ‘came from two
clearly defined areas, south-east of a line from Wexford Town to
Kilmore Quay in Wexford, and from a quadrangle on the Longford/Westmeath
border stretching roughly from Athlone to Edgeworthstown, to Mullingar
and to Kilbeggan. Virtually the whole population surrounding the
town of Ballymore, which stands roughly at the centre of this quadrangle,
emigrated to Buenos Aires in the 1860s’ (Kirby 1992: 105) [2].
early as 1842, during his ride through the Buenos Aires province,
William McCann estimated that ‘at least three-fours of the [Irish]
emigrants are from the County Westmeath’ [McCann 1853: 195]. In
his study of the Irish migration to Argentina, Patrick McKenna argues
that ‘the numbers from Westmeath and south Longford were to make
up about two-thirds of the total number of Irish emigrants to Argentina’
[McKenna 1992: 69]. The same author, based on Coghlan 1987, estimated
that 43.35% emigrants were from Westmeath, 14.57% from Longford
and 15.51% from Wexford [81]. These were the typical origins of
the emigrants who established themselves in Argentina until September
1889, when poor urban families and labourers from Dublin, Cork and
Limerick were induced by Argentine government agents to emigrate
to Buenos Aires in the steamer City
of Dresden.
will firstly analyse the inland transportation patterns of Midlands
and Wexford emigrants, then the journey to Liverpool and the stay
at this port, followed by the journey to the River Plate
from the Midlands
general, early migrants were ‘the younger, non-inheriting
sons, and later daughters, of the larger tenant farmers and
leaseholders. Usually, they were emigrating from farms which
were in excess of twenty acres, and some were from farms considerably
larger’ [McKenna 1992: 71]. These farms were typically located
in the rural areas of Ballymahon, Abbeyshrule, or Edgesworthtown
(Longford), Multyfarnham, Ballinacarrigy, Moyvore, Ballymore,
and Drumraney (Westmeath), and Kilmore, Kilrane and other
towns in Co. Wexford.
these areas, and in those social segments, nineteenth-century
Argentina enjoyed at that time a reputation similar to that
of the United States. The real or perceived prospect of acquiring
land in Argentina (generally called at that time Buenos
Ayres or the Provinces of the River Plate) was
a powerful appeal to children of tenant farmers in Ireland,
who would never have other means to climb the social ladder.
As Graham Davis put it for the Irish colonists from Wexford
in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas:
previous histories have fostered an image of oppressed victims
driven into exile from their native land, I argue that emigrants
were able and willing to make their own choices, weighing
up future prospects against their own situation. These emigrants
were predominantly small farmers from some of the most affluent
parts of Ireland and possessed sufficient capital to finance
the trip and buy provisions for a year. Surviving letters
point to their belief that they would do better in acquiring
several thousands acres in Texas than renting a few acres
in Ireland, if not for themselves, then certainly for the
next generation [Davis 2002: 71]. |

The 'Westmeath' and 'Wexford' sending areas
(Patrick McKenna 1992) |
factors contributed to create the reputation of Argentina as a region
were land acquisition was easier than other places, particularly,
letters and news from early emigrants, newspapers articles in English
published in the British Isles and in Argentina, and travel handbooks.
Additionally, since Argentina was not part of the formal British
Empire (though connected to England by strong trade and social links
up to the 1930s), most legal burdens at home would not annoy the
emigrants in their adopted country. Therefore, it was perceived
by the emigrants that in Argentina they would be free from debts
and other commitments that obliged them in Ireland.
they made the decision to emigrate to South America, the preparation
was very complex, and represented for the emigrants a detailed exercise
of travel planning. Departing from the Midlands or from Co. Wexford,
the usual road taken by the emigrants bound to Argentina ended in
Dublin. From there the emigrant crossed to Liverpool, and took a
ship sailing to Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, and Buenos Aires. However,
McKenna argues that 'a considerable number of the first Irish emigrants,
who were travelling under sail, may well have travelled along the
established trading routes between Ireland and the United States
and then used the trading route between the US and Argentina to
complete their journey' [McKenna 1994: 154]. This may have been
especially valid for the first decades of the nineteenth century,
when the South Atlantic ocean was still dominated by Spanish and
Portuguese ships. Occasionally, the ports of Dublin and Cork were
used to sail directly to South America when ships were chartered
to this purpose. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that after 1840
and until the 1880s the vast majority of emigrants used Liverpool
as their port of departure due to the greater availability of shipping
lines, frequencies, fares and accommodations. There is also circumstantial
evidence that some of them have gone from the port of Southampton,
but Liverpool was the preferred port during the nineteenth century
[3]. Fifty-four percent of 6,447 Irish emigrants who arrived in
Buenos Aires in the period 1822-1929 boarded at Liverpool, followed
by Queenstown (today’s Cobh), with 28 percent [Irish Argentine Historical
Society, Database of Irish Passengers to Argentina].

(Ulster Folk and Transport Museum)
land distance from Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, to Dublin is 81 kilometres,
and other ports are farther than Dublin: Cobh (220 km), Rosslare
(200 km), Belfast (220 km) and Larne (130 Km). In order to reach
Dublin, there were two major means of transport for the typical
emigrants to Argentina, canal barges towed by horses from 1806,
and later, from 1848, the railway. Of course, poorer emigrants would
use less expensive means or just walk to save the fare. But the
greater part of the emigrants paid their tickets, some of which
were paid by their new employers in Buenos Aires. In 1806, the Royal
Canal reached Mullingar from Dublin. The Longford branch was opened
in January, 1830. In total, the Royal Canal had an extension of
145 km from Dublin to River Shannon, including 46 locks. [4]
1806 and 1848, emigrants from counties Westmeath and Longford ‘would
have travelled to Dublin by canal boat. The journey time from Mullingar
to Dublin was around thirteen hours in the early years of the canal
service. By the 1840s, faster boats (known as the ‘fly boats’) cut
journey times to eight hours’ [Illingworth 2002]. Canal barges lumbered
sedately at five or six kilometres per hour. For about thirty years
following its completion the Royal Canal enjoyed modest success.
Goods traffic ‘built up to 134,000 tons annually by 1833, but this
was far short of the business which the Grand Canal was attracting.
Traffic on the upper reaches of the Shannon was disappointing and
the anticipated trade from Lough Allen did not materialise. However,
a branch line to Longford town was completed in 1830 and hotels
were built at Broadstone in Dublin and Moyvalley in Co. Kildare’
[O.P.W. Waterways 1996: 19].
journey was relatively comfortable, even if the traveller had to
sleep on deck. But as emigration increased during the Famine years,
the boats were often overcrowded. In 1845, six passengers died when
one boat capsized in Longford Harbour. Some emigrants would have
also travelled by the Grand Canal, with a branch to Kilbeggan, Co.
Westmeath, which was older and busier than the Royal Canal. In Kathleen
Nevin’s semi-fictionalised memoirs You'll Never Go Back,
the character Kate Connolly recalls how she emigrated in the 1880s
from Granard, Co. Longford, to Argentina. She travelled in the company
of her cousin Bessie and friend Nancy Dwyer. They went to Athlone,
and from there to Dublin. The narrator does not mention the means
of transport they used, but they could have gone from Athlone to
Kilbeggan or Tullamore and sailed down the Grand Canal [Nevin 1946:
Robbins, who emigrated to Argentina in 1849, wrote that 'at that
period [1837], there were a Mail coach, a Day coach and a Canal
coach passing and repassing through the town daily' [Robbins 1860].
According to an 1807 passage-boat timetable published by the Royal
Canal House, there were two boats daily. The first one 'will leave
Mullingar every morning at five o'clock, and arrive at the Broad
Stone Hotel [Dublin] at five o'clock in the evening and the second
one will leave Mullingar every day at two o'clock, and arrive at
half past six o'clock the same evening at Moyvally Hotel [Co. Kildare],
from whence she will start at four o'clock every morning, and arrive
at Broad Stone Hotel, Dublin, at half past eleven o'clock same day.'
The same timetable includes the fare for the section Mullingar-Dublin
(65.2 km): 12s-6d in first cabin and 7s-7d in second cabin. Departing
from Mullingar, a passenger would have passed by the following stations:
Thomastown, Boyne Aqueduct (over river Boyne), Moyvalley Hotel,
Newcastle, Ferns (17th Lock), Kilcock, Maynooth, Rye Aqueduct, arriving
at the Grand Canal basin in Dublin.

Bianconi's Car and Coach Lists 1842 (Delany, Ruth 1992)