The Irish Road to South America

Nineteenth-Century Travel Patterns from Ireland to the River Plate

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Bassett, George Henry (1885), Wexford County Guide and Directory: a Book for Manufacturers, Merchants, Traders, Landowners, Farmers, Tourists, Anglers, and Sportsmen Generally (Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker). Reprinted Dublin: Hibernian Imprints, 1991.

Bonsor, N. R. P. (1983), South Atlantic Seaway (Jersey Channel Islands: Brookside Publications)

British Parliamentary Papers (1889), XXXII, Correspondence respecting Emigration to the Argentine Republic (London: Harrison & Sons), quoted as PP.

Caserley, H. C. (1974), Outline of Irish Railway History (Newton Abbot)

Clarke, Peter (1992), The Royal Canal (Dublin: Elo Publications)

Coghlan, Eduardo A. (1982), El Aporte de los Irlandeses a la Formación de la Nación Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Coghlan, Eduardo A. (1987), Los Irlandeses en Argentina: su Actuación y Descendencia (Buenos Aires)

Delany, Ruth (1992), Ireland’s Royal Canal 1789-1992 (Dublin: Lilliput Press)

Delany, Ruth (1973), The Grand Canal of Ireland (Dublin)

Delany, Ruth (1986), Ireland's Inland Waterways (London: Appletree Press)

Geraghty, Michael John (1999), Argentina: Land of Broken Promises in: The Buenos Aires Herald (17 March 1999)

Greenhill, Basil, and Ann Giffard (1974), Travelling by Sea in the Nineteenth Century: Interior Design in Victorian Passenger Ships (New York: Hastings House)

Howat, Jeremy N. T. (1984), South American Packets 1808-1880 (York: Postal History Society, William Session Ltd.)

Illingworth, Ruth, ed. (1998), When the Train Came to Mullingar (Mullingar: Westmeath Examiner)

Illingworth, Ruth (2002), private correspondence (April-May, 2002)

Kirby, Peadar (1992), Ireland and Latin America, Links and Lessons (Dublin: Trócaire)

Leahy, David (1990), County Longford and its People: and Index to the 1901 Census for County Longford (Glenageary, Co. Dublin: Flyleaf Press)

Leahy, David (1996), County Longford Survivors of the Great Famine: a Complete Index to Griffith’s Primary Valuation (1854) (Raheen, Co. Limerick: Derryvrin Press)

McCann, William (1971), Two Thousand Miles’ Ride through the Argentine Provinces (London: 1853; reprint New York: AMS Press)

McGoey, Cathal (1996), The Canal – A Journey Through Time quoting William Bulfin’s Rambles in Erin in: Program of the Abbeyshrule Royal Canal Amenity Group for the Official Opening of the Abbeyshrule Harbour, Sunday 9th June, 1996 (Abbeyshrule)

McKenna, Patrick (1992), Irish Migration to Argentina in: O’Sullivan, Patrick (ed.) ‘The Irish World Wide: History, Heritage, Identity’ Vol. 1 (London and Washington: Leicester University Press)

McKenna (1994), Nineteenth Century Irish Emigration to, and Settlement in, Argentina (St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare: MA Geography Thesis)

McNeill, D. B. (1971), Irish Passenger Steamship Services, Vol. 2 ‘South of Ireland’ (Neton Abbot)

Mulhall, Michael George & Edward Thomas Mulhall (1892), Handbook of the River Plate, Comprising Buenos Ayres, The Upper Provinces, Banda Oriental, and Paraguay (London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.)

Mulligan, Fergus (1983), One Hundred and Fifty Years of Irish Railways (Belfast)

Murphy, Emily (ca 1909), Memoirs of my Father John Murphy in: Mary Anglim's private collection (Kilmore, Co. Wexford)

Murphy, John James, Letters from Salto, Buenos Aires, to Martin Murphy in Haysland, Kilrane, Co. Wexford 1864-1866 in: Mary Anglim's private collection (Kilmore, Co. Wexford)

Murray, Edmundo (2004), Devenir irlandés: Narrativas íntimas de la emigración irlandesa a la Argentina (Buenos Aires: Eudeba)

Murray, Thomas (1919), The Story of the Irish in Argentina (New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons)

Nevin, Kathleen (1946), You'll Never Go Back (Maynooth: The Cardinal Press, 1999). Original edition by Bruce Humphries (Boston, 1946). 

Nolan, Kevin B., ed. (1993), Travel and Transport in Ireland (Dublin)

O’Brien, Seamus (1999), Famine and Community in Mullingar Poor Law Union 1845-1849 (Dublin)

Robbins, Edward (1860), Memoirs 1802-1853, in: Julia McInerny's private collection (San Pedro, Buenos Aires)

Rossiter, Nicholas (1989), Wexford Port: a History (Wexford: Wexford Council of Trade Unions).

Ussher, James (1951), Father Fahy, (Buenos Aires) 


The information about transportation in the nineteenth-century Irish midlands was obtained from the above-mentioned bibliography as well as from  private correspondence with local historians. Among them, Ruth Illingworth oriented my research with appropriate information and references. Ruth is a local historian based in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Chair of the Mullingar Historical and Archaeological Society, and author of Mullingar, History and Timeline, and When the Train Came to Mullingar (Mullingar: Westmeath Examiner, 1998). Librarians Greta Connell and Michael Dempsey, from Mullingar’s Westmeath County Library and Wexford Town Library respectively, were very helpful to find both bibliography and newspapers with relevant references. Special thanks to David Barnwell, Bernard Canavan, Mike Geraghty, Pat McKenna, and Derek Ellwood  for their valued comments on the text. I am also grateful to the Rev. Jeremy Howat, author of South American Packets 1808-1880 (York: The Postal History Society, 1984), for his learned guidance through the world of the early South American seaway. Additionally, Jeremy generously read the article and provided helpful comments. 




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