Below is a list of officers of the Brazilian Navy who were,
or may have been, Irishmen. I would welcome information from
any reader who recognises a name or can provide details of the
origins and previous careers of any of these men.
Blakeley, William |
Gleddon, John Rogers |
Brown, Louis |
Hayden, Bartholomew |
Carter, David |
Hayden, Richard |
Challes, Ambrose |
Kelmare, Benjamin |
Clarence, George |
MacErwing, William |
Clewley, Stephen |
Molloy, John Rogers |
Clare, Francis |
Murphy, Richard N. |
Cowan, George |
Poynton, Thomas |
Crofton, Vincent G. |
Sewell, Joseph |
Crosbie, Thomas Sackville |
Strickland, George |
Craig, Thomas |
Yell, Charles F. |
Gillett, Samuel |
William Blakeley:
Acting Sub-lieutenant May 1823. Blockade of
1823. Sub-lieutenant August 1824.
Louis Brown:
Cousin of Field Marshal Gustavo
Brown, chief of staff of the Brazilian army in the South.
Recruited in
London as Midshipman November 1825. Sub-lieutenant
12 October 1827.
At the River Plate 1827.
David Carter:
28 March 1823. Blockade of
Bahia and capture of Maranhão1823. Sub-lieutenant 12 October
1823 Promoted Lieutenant October 1825.
of Los Pozos and Lara Quilmes, 1826. Drunk during capture of
Itaparica 1827. In service 1835.
Ambrose Challes:
9 April 1823.
Blockade of Bahia 1823 and Confederation of the Equator 1824.
Frigate service 1825. Died
19 June 1825.
George Clarence:
Ex-Midshipman Royal Navy and officer of East India Company
ships. Brazilian Lieutenant
9 April 1823. Blockade of
and Confederation of the Equator 1823-1824. River Plate
1826-1828 commanding frigates.
Stephen Clewley:
Born in 1797. Royal Navy Midshipman 1809. Chilean navy. To
Brazil with Cochrane. Appointed Lieutenant 21 March 1823.
Blockade of Bahia, capture of Maranhão and the Confederation
of the Equator 1823-1824. Commander August 1824. 1825-1827
commanding frigates and brigs in the Plate. Captain of Frigate
12 October 1828.
In service 1833.
Francis Clare:
Ex-Royal Navy Midshipman.
Appointed Lieutenant
9 April 1823. Blockade of Bahia and Confederation of the
Equator. Commander 9 August 1824. Battle of Monte Santiago April 1827, later wrecked at
San Blas. Captain of Frigate
12 October 1827. In service 1832.
George Cowan:
12 April 1823. Blockade of
Bahia and Confederation of the Equator 1823-1824. Lieutenant
9 August 1824. To the River Plate 1826. Commands
schooner at Battle of Monte Santiago April 1827. Commander
1828. In service 1832
Vincent G.
Ex-Royal Navy midshipman. Lieutenant 9 April 1823. Blockade of
Bahia 1823. Described 1824 as 'a madman and a drunkard'.
Thomas Sackville
Born in Ireland 1793. Ex-Royal Navy Midshipman 1806-1815
Served at Lisbon, Mediterranean, South America and the West
Indies. Lieutenant
21 March 1815. Chilean navy. To
Brazil with Cochrane. Captain of Frigate 21 March 1823.
12 October 1823.
Flag Captain at Blockade of Bahia, capture of Maranhão and
Confederation of the Equator 1823-1825. Resigned November
11 June 1824. On frigates during
Confederation of the Equator and the River Plate 1824-1828.
Decorated June 1828. In service 1829.
Ex-Royal Navy Midshipman. Lieutenant 9 April 1823. Commands
schooner in the north-east July 1823 to December 1824.
John Rogers
Ex-Royal Navy Midshipman. Lieutenant 9 April 1823. Blockade of
Bahia and Confederation of the Equator 1823-1824. Killed at
Battle of Corales
9 February 1826.
(1792-1857): born on
22 February 1792
in county Tipperary, the son of John and Joanna Hayden. Royal
Navy Midshipman during the Napoleonic Wars. 1817-1819, Mid and
Masters Mate on
South America
station. 1821 resigned and bought the brig Colonel Allen
which brought Cochrane to Brazil, January-March 1823.
Commander in the Brazilian Navy May 1823. Blockade of Bahia
1823 and off Pernambuco 1824. Successful corvette captain in
River Plate 1826-1827. Captain of Frigate 31 January 1826.
Battles of Quilmes and Monte Santiago. Commands (Anti-slavery)
Division of the East of Angola 1828-1829. Married Anna da
Fonseca Costa 2 June 1829, five children. 'Cabanos' rebels in
Pará 1835-1836. Captain
22 October 1836.
Leave to work in Steam Packet Co. 1839-1840. Retired 1842 as
Commodore. Restored to the Active List 1849. Member of Naval
Armaments Commission 1851.
Younger brother of Bartholomew Hayden. Acting Sub-lieutenant February
1824. Confederation of the Equator and River Plate 1824-1827.
Captured during raid on
April 1827. Lieutenant 12 October 1827. In service as a
Commander 1842.
born on 25 June
1790. Royal Navy Service as Midshipman and Lieutenant
1809-1815. In Chile with Cochrane. Invalided home. Commander
9 April 1823. Blockade of
Bahia 1823 and the Confederation of the Equator 1824. Sick. Not on
1827 List
Sub-lieutenant 12
October 1826. Commands schooners in the River Plate.
Lieutenant 18 Sept 1828. Still in service 1835.
John Rogers
Master’s Mate during the blockade of
Bahia 1823 and
the Confederation of the Equator 1824. Discharged for being
drunk during the attack on the rebel capital of Recife.
Richard N.
Volunteer 1823. Acting Sub-lieutenant February 1824. Confederation of the
Equator. Frigate service 1825. Commands steamship Correio
Imperial (originally
Hibernia) Sept 1825 then schooners in River Plate 1826. Lieutenant
1828. Killed by 'Cabanos' rebels August 1835.
Acting Sub-lieutenant.
1823. Dismissed for insubordination July 1824.
Sub-lieutenant 20
July 1823. Blockade of Bahia 1823-4. Court martial and
dismissed July 1824.
Masters Mate 1823. Blockade of
Bahia and Confederation of the Equator 1823-1824. Sub-lieutenant
Sept 1824. River Plate 1824-1825. In service 1829.
Charles F. Yell:
May 1823. Off Montevideo 1823. Confederation of the Equator
1824. Sub-lieutenant 9 August 1824. To the River Plate 1826.
Killed when brig Cacique captured by Argentine
privateer September 1827. |