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Call for Contributions

Volume 6, Number 2 (July 2008)

Jennie Austin Cummins with English-language students
at the public school of San Pedro, Buenos Aires province, 1937
(Centro Argentino Irlandés de San Pedro, Images of the Camp People)

Irish Schools and Education in Latin America

Guest Editor:

María José Roger, Universidad Católica Argentina

The editors of Irish Migration Studies in Latin America invite contributions for a special issue of the journal (volume 6, number 2, July 2008). Articles on any aspect of Irish schools and education in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal will be considered for publication. This special edition will focus on the role played by Irish teachers and formal or improvised tutors, their schools and curricula, the involvement of Irish families in private or public education, the establishment of Catholic, Protestant and other religious or lay schools, the teaching of English and Irish languages in the region, and the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese languages in Ireland. Contributions will be drawn from the fields of humanities, history, literature, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. We also welcome book, film and website reviews, biographies and edited source material. Articles in English must be emailed to the Guest Editor no later than 28 May 2008 (articles in Spanish, Portuguese, French or German no later than 28 April 2008).

Guest Editor
María José Roger

Contributor's Guidelines
(doc - pdf)

Edmundo Murray, Claire Healy

Associate Editors
Patricia Novillo-Corvalán, Helen Kelly

Juan Pablo Alvarez Pearce

Irish Migration Studies in Latin America

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies

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