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The Irish in Latin America and Iberia
A Bibliography

By Edmundo Murray

Argentina 2

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(by author's last name)

EIRData. Bulfin, William: Life, Work, Criticism and References (1864-1910). [website]

Escobar Bavio, Ernesto, Alumni, Cuna de Campeones y Escuela de Hidalguía (Buenos Aires: Editorial Difusión, 1953).

Fahy, Jim, Thirty-Nine Leagues of Land (RTÉ TV documentary, Dublin: RTÉ News Production, 2002), with Orla Nix and Madge MacLaverty (research), Ed Mulhall (executive producer), and Caroline Bleahen (producer). The initial remarks by Silvia Kenny Cavanagh forestall the rest of this documentary, which lists many of the clichés attributed to Irish Argentines. ‘My ancestor Jim Gaynor owned around thirty-nine leagues of land in Argentina and another thirty-nine leagues in Uruguay.’ The interviewer asks Ms. Cavanagh if her family ‘ever regretted what they did to the Indians?’. The response is ‘No, because they considered it wasn’t their problem. It is so many generations ago... We never think about that.’ Interviewees include journalist Mike Geraghty, historian John de Courcy Ireland (‘Latin America is a very important part of the world’), J. J. O’Hara (Foxford Admiral Brown Society), Joseph Forde and Michael Fahy (Loughrea Historical Society), Mary Egan and Tom Ganly (Longford Westmeath-Argentina Society), Fr. Ambrose Geoghegan, Lizzie Geoghegan, Malvinas/Falkland soldier Ronnie Quinn, Ignacio Wallace, Teresa Dean Reddy, and John Carty

Fahy, Michael, Anthony Fahy of Loughrea: Irish Missionary in Argentina, in: 'Irish Migration Studies in Latin America' (January-February 2005). This article appeared in the Journal of the Loughrea Historical Society. [document]
Fernandez-Gomez, Emilio Manuel, Argentina: Gesta Británica, Vols. I, IIa, and IIb (Buenos Aires: L.O.L.A. Literature of Latin America, 1993). This is a noteworthy revisionist version of the British (i.e., English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh) emigration to, colonization of, and investment in, Argentina. This remarkable work includes detailed, albeit opinionated, accounts of the contribution of English-speaking individuals and institutions to the development of the South American country. The author's strong position against a Nationalist perspective and his favouring of a return of Argentina to English economic influence stir certain biased understanding in his conclusions. Nevertheless, the massive amount of quality historical information presented throughout the the three volumes is a valuable source for the study of the British-Argentine relations, and provides a well of information about the context of the Irish emigration to Argentina as a part of the English plans in South America.

Foley, Billy, The Irish in Argentina, in 'Irish Family History' vol. 6 (Vol VI 1990).

Galazzi, Mariano. “Matrimonios irlandeses en la Parroquia del Socorro I” The Southern Cross 132:5927 (August 2007), 12.
Gallardo, Juan Luis (ed.). Centenario del Estudio de los Dres. O'Farrell 1883-1983 (Buenos Aires: Estudio O'Farrell, 1983). Biographical information of Santiago Gregorio O'Farrell (1861-1926) and other partners of the firm, by Eduardo A. Coghlan. The O'Farrell family in Argentina. Santiago O'Farrell was a well-known lawyer, national deputy, estanciero, businessman, Irish community leader, president of the Irish Catholic Association and honorary president of Club Atlético Porteño. English translation by Margarita Coghlan (née O'Farrell). 
Gálvez, Lucía, Historias de inmigración: Testimonio de pasión, amor y arraigo en tierra argentina (1850-1950) (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2003). Chapter 1 ('La temprana y próspera inmigración irlandesa') is based on an interview with Maureen Hughes Moore de Acuña and her personal account of several Irish ancestors.
Galafassi, Hugo D. "Ernesto Patricio Dowling: un iniciador de la neurocirugía" in _Revista Argentina de Neurocirugía_, 18 (2004), pp. 24-26.
García, Alejandra and Gladis J. Mignacco, In the Name of Power: Culture and Place Names in Venado Tuerto, first published in Spanish in Revista Lote, Mensuario Cultural' Vol VII, Nº 72 (Venado Tuerto, July 2003). [document]

Garrahan, Tomás, Memoirs 1864-1936, manuscript (Buenos Aires, ca. 1930). A copy of the manuscript in English was handed over to me by the Garrahan family. The author, who emigrated to Argentina with his parents when he was a child, provides an accurate account of his years working in the camp, the rural life of an Irish bachelor, social relations, the sheep breeding business, and the gradual adaptation of the estancias to cattle and then to agriculture. Interesting views on religion, family, land, alcohol and entertainment. 99 pages.

Gaynor, John S., The History of St. Patrick's College in Mercedes (Buenos Aires: The Southern Cross, 1958).

Geoghegan, Abel Adolfo, Bibliografía de Guillermo Furlong S.J. (Buenos Aires, 1957). Second edition 1980.

Geary, Patricia, Irish Emigration to Argentina in 'Mallow Field Club Journal' 16 (1998), pp. 149-156.
Geary, Patricia, The Curtin's of Ballygarrett in 'Mallow Field Club Journal' 15 (1997), pp. 133-139.
Geraghty, Michael John. "Irish Argentina goes trilingual ‘St Patrick's Pot on you’" in Buenos Aires Herald, www.buenosairesherald.com/BreakingNews/View/28065
Geraghty, Michael John. 'Last Call To Save Symbol of Irish Argentina' in The Buenos Aires Herald (Buenos Aires), 15 April 2007. [document]

Geraghty, Michael John, From the Land of Leprechauns, in: Buenos Aires Herald, 16 March 1997 (Buenos Aires, 1997).

Geraghty, Michael John, A Day for the Wearing of the Green, in: Buenos Aires Herald, 15 March 2001 (Buenos Aires, 2001). About the Armstrong/Fahy leadership among Irish-Argentines during the 19th C.

Geraghty, Michael John, Argentina: a Land of Broken Promises in: Buenos Aires Herald, 17 March 1999 (Buenos Aires, 1999). On 16 February 1889, the 'City of Dresden' arrived in Buenos Aires with two thousand undernourished and dehydrated Irish emigrants onboard. It was 'the largest number of passengers ever to arrive in Argentina from any one destination on any one vessel.' They were deceived by government agents - Irishmen J. O'Meara and John S. Dillon -, and underwent an arduous integration in the country. The Dresden Affair put an end to the emigration from Ireland to Argentina. [document]
Geraghty, Michael John, Homeward Bound in: Buenos Aires Herald (Buenos Aires, 27 September 2000). A petition signed by hundreds of Irish-Argentines was addressed to the Irish authorities in 2002. They claim their Irish ancestry and require 'to become Irish nationals themselves, or in the alternative to be able to seek and obtain employment in Ireland as if they were Irish nationals'. For Argentina, the first years of the 21st century are characterised by a severe lack of job opportunities, social welfare, and physical security, very different of the opulent wealth of a century ago. This is a dramatically contrasting reality compared with the previous contribution discourse of the Irish in Argentina. [document]
Geraghty, Michael John, Irish Power in Argentina, in: The Southern Cross, Centenary Special Edition (Buenos Aires, 1975). With an independent and original perspective of the politics in place within the Irish-Argentine community, the author re-writes a cultural history where 'successful' and 'Irish' were connected, and in which 'the Irish certainly made the best out of their adopted land and the best out of themselves.' However, he recognises that some of the Irish-Argentines 'had become powerful without ever wanting to in one of life's small and ironic contradictions that these immigrants built up in Argentina a system of land ownership and tenure, which in Ireland had enslaved them.' Other Irish-Argentines 'will be found among the ever-growing masses of Argentina’s poor.' Interesting data and information about the education, 'at which the Irish would excel and make their second most important and longest lasting contribution to Argentina.' The following is the complete version of the text, which was not published by The Southern Cross. [document]

Geraghty, Michael John, Rodolfo Walsh: An Argentine Irishman, in: Buenos Aires Herald (29 March 2002). [document

Geraghty, Michael John, Rodolfo Walsh: Bibliography and Websites, in: Local Ireland (1999). A complete list of works by the Irish-Argentine journalist who was killed by the Argentine dictators in 1976. Website (http://www.local.ie/content/24215.shtml/literature/irish_writers/writer_of_the_month), accessed 15 April 2004.
Geraghty, Michael John, You May Die in Ireland in: Buenos Aires Herald (Buenos Aires, 17 March 2003). [document]
Geraghty, Michael John, Was Admiral Brown Admiral Someone Else? Text of lecture ‘William Brown, whose agent was he?’ given at the British Engineering Association (Buenos Aires) on 6 April 2004. [document]
Gerding, Eduardo C., The Black Frigate Published by the Buenos Aires Herald. The author's ancestor Eduard Gerding of the Kingdom of Hanover, arrived in Argentina in 1830, and was a partner of William MacCann. Gerding founded The Strangers Club, the oldest club in South America. [document]
Gerding, Eduardo C., Irlanda a bordo in 'América Celta' (website) December 2005 <http://www.americacelta.com/festivales/20051127-fragatasarmiento.htm>, accessed 3 January 2006. [document]
Gildea, D. 'Admiral William Brown of Foxford and Argentina' in Muirtheasbántas na Gaillimhe (Galway: O'Gorman, 1944), pp. 19-27. Fr. Gildea started the 'cult' of William Brown in his birth place.
Gillespie, Elgy, Argentina, Land of Prosperity and Prestige for the Irish in 'The Irish Times' 6 October 1977.
Goñi, Uki, Role of Vatican in Argentina's Dirty War, in World History Archives (1995) (http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/). The role of Fr. Federico 'Fred' Richards and 'The Southern Cross' in 1970s kidnappings and torturing of thousands of Argentines. Relations with the Papal Nuncio and Roman Catholic bishops [document]
Graham-Yooll, Andrew, 'Hay una sola política que importa, la que supera el pasado' in Página/12 (8 January 2007). Interview with Belfast-born novelist Glenn Patterson. Comparative dialogue about political violence in Northern Ireland and Argentina. [website]

Graham-Yooll, Andrew, The Forgotten Colony (Buenos Aires: L.O.L.A. Literature of Latin America, 1999). First edition London: Hutchinson, 1981. Excellent account of the British presence in Argentina, by the editor of The Buenos Aires Herald. Chapter 9 is dedicated to the Irish settlers, within the context of the influential 19th C British community (in 1869, the British were the most important foreign minority in Argentina, with 10,709 subjects in Buenos Aires city and province).

Guyot, Hector M., Irlandeses en la Argentina: una verde pasión in "La Nación" Sunday edition (Buenos Aires, 13 March 2005). Although many of the clichés and myths of the Irish in Argentina are repeated here, there are some interesting data. Celtic music and dance festivals were organised since the 1950s by Fr Fidelis Rush and Manolo del Campo from Asturias. Cristina Rasmussen, who teaches jigs and other dances in Buenos Aires, is the author of La danza celta en Irlanda. One of the Irish graves in San Antonio de Areco is of Edward Geoghegan (1874-1928), a.k.a., "Gaucho Ted". The affirmation that "in 2002 more than one thousand descendants of Irish immigrants emigrated to Ireland" seems to be exaggerated.
Hand, Paul, 'This is not a place for delicate or nervous or impatient diplomats': the Irish Legation in Perón's Argentina (1948-55) in 'Irish Studies in International Affairs' (Dublin), 16 (2005), pp. 175-192. Available online (http://www.ria.ie/cgi-bin/ria/papers/100541.pdf), accessed 28 March 2006. [document] A ground-taking study of the first formal Irish envoys to Argentina, including perceptions of Argentine politics and society by the Irish chargé d'affaires Matthew Murphy in one of most important periods in Argentina. Good use of the confidential reports from Murphy to Seán Nunan in the National Archives of Ireland. It complements with Carolina Barry's Politically Incorrect: Irish Argentines in the Early Peronist Period [document]. See also Kennedy and Horan.
Hanon, Maxine, Diccionario de Británicos en Buenos Aires: primera época (Buenos Aires: author's edition, 2005). Hardback, 196 x 280 mms, 891 pages. ISBN 987-545-339-0. US$ 95 (orders: maxine@ciudad.com.ar). Four thousand English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh residents of Buenos Aires until the fall of Rosas in 1852. Entries include biographical data and, in some cases, their careers and achievements. There are also sections on local British institutions, ships and celebrations, including a ground-breaking essay on St. Patrick's Day in Buenos Aires. The author's use of 'new' sources, including the records of the British consulate in Buenos Aires, the British Packet newspaper and Protestant church records, represents an important advance on the understanding of the English-speaking community in Argentina (though limited to Buenos Aires), and a good complement to Eduardo Coghlan's work. Review by Edmundo Murray in Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, 4:4 (October 2006), pp.254-259. [document]

Harrington, Isabel H., Un Criollo Irlandés (Buenos Aires, 1976). Life of polo player Alfredo Harrington.

Harty, Ray, Fahy of Argentina and Therry of Australia: two Nineteenth-century Expatriate Irish Chieftains, in: 'Irish-Australian Studies' (1994), pp. 269-278.
Hayes, Sean S., Hurling in Argentina in 'A Century of Service' (Dublin: Cumann Luthchleas Gael, 1984), pp. 80-82.
Healy, Claire, Migration from Ireland to Buenos Aires, 1776-1890. PhD history dissertation, NUI Galway, 2005. James Hardiman Library, NUI, Galway.
Healy, Claire, English Faces at the Port: Atlantic Networks in Buenos Aires 1776-1825 (paper presented at The Atlantic History Seminar, Cambridge 14-22 March 2004, unpublished).
Hearns, Orla. 'Brown statue is unveiled at Dublin docks' in: Western People newspaper, 11 October 2006 (Ballina, county Mayo). On 27 September 2006 An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern unveiled a statue of William Brown on the newly named Admiral Brown Walk in Dublin's docklands. The statue was erected as a result of the generous donation of Euro 40,000 from Mayo Man of the Year, Bill Durkin, who hails from Bohola. Mr Durkin was amongst the attendance and he was praised by all of those present for his wonderful generosity.
Hogg, Ricardo, Patricio Lynch, novela histórica (Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Taller Gráfico Luis Bernard, Biblioteca del Suboficial, 1931).
Hooker, Terry and Ron Poulter, The Armies of Bolivar and San Martin (London: Osprey, 1991).
Horan, Timothy, The Irish in Argentina (Buenos Aires, 22 July 1958), 21 pages. An unpublished report produced by the Irish embassy in Argentina, which covers in itemized paragraphs the social history of the Irish Argentines 1810-1955. Particular emphasis is given to the class structure composed of a landowning oligarchy and the labourers. This structure shaped the Irish-Argentine community during about a century: 'it is one of history's little ironies that our immigrants came to Argentina to assist in building up a system and a class the creation of which in Ireland had led to their own emigration.' Linguistics and education are also accounted for in this report (National Archives of Ireland, Department of Foreign Affairs, Buenos Aires 900/1).
Hudson, Thomas, Brothers in Arms: Generals Paroissien and O'Brien (Buenos Aires: Editorial Dunken, 2005). Biographies of the surgeon Diego Paroissien and general John Thomond O'Brien, who participated in the Argentine war of independence with José de San Martín.
Hudson, Thomas, Admiral William Brown: the Master of the River Plate (Buenos Aires, 2004).

Hurling Club Argentina. As far as 1887, hurling was already played by Irish settlers in Buenos Aires. On 5 August 1900, the Buenos Aires Hurling Club was formally founded with the support of William Bulfin. In 1922, the Hurling Federation is established and in 1929 it changed its name to Hurling Club. [website]

Hutchinson, Thomas Joseph, Buenos Aires and Argentine Gleanings; with Extracts from a Diary of the Salado Exploration in 1862 and 1863 (London: Edward Stanford, 1865). Thomas Hutchinson, a physician, was the British Consul in Rosario in the 1860s. Thomas Murray (1919) commented ‘As affording a glimpse at Buenos Aires, its ways, affairs, politics and prospects at this time, one of the most useful books I have met is a volume called “Gleanings,” by an Irishman, Thomas Hutchinson. He was English Consul at Rosario for some years, but took a deep and sympathetic interest in the progress of the country generally, and made laborious investigations as to its possibilities as a cotton producing region. […] He notes with pleasure that the most successful sheep-farmers in the Republic are his own countrymen, and also remarks the preponderance in numbers of Westmeathmen and Wexfordians over those from the other Irish countries. […] The tale was circulated here in Buenos Aires that he [Hutchinson] got his appointment and preference from the English Government for betraying his friends. He was an Irishman and was, it is said, one of O’Connell’s secretaries’ [Murray 1919: 310]. Previously to Rosario, Hutchinson was appointed British Consul in Montevideo and before that in Clarence Port (present-day Malabo, Equatorial Guinea). Member of the Royal Geographical Society, Thomas Hutchinson was a keen explorer, scientist and prolific writer. Other books and articles by Hutchinson include The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan War (1868), Two Years in Peru (1874), Impressions of Western Africa (1858), Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda and Binue Eploration (1855), Ten Years Wandering among the Ethiopians (1861), and On the General Features of West African Trade in 'Journal of the Society of Arts' (London), 22 (1874).

Copyright © Edmundo Murray, 2005

Online published: 1 April 2003
Edited: 26 June 2009
Murray, Edmundo, 'The Irish in Latin America and Iberia: A Bibliography' in "Society for Irish Latin American Studies" 2008. Available online (www.irlandeses.org), accessed .

The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2005

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