1st Irish Conference on Narrative Inquiry
Researching and Writing Irish Storyscapes
Sligo Education Centre, Institute of Technology, Sligo, April 10th 2014
We invite papers with an interest in Irish society from a narrative inquiry perspective.
This first national conference on narrative seeks papers from the social sciences in
particular but welcomes papers across the disciplines that have a theoretical,
methodological and/or creative interest in narrative. We welcome papers that
consider narratives of teaching and learning, identity, gender and narrative, narrative
as emancipatory or therapeutic force but novel areas and approaches to narrative
inquiry are also of interest. Hosted by Institute of Technology, Sligo, the
conference is co-organised and supported by National University of Ireland
Galway and National University of Ireland, Maynooth. The conference aims to
bring together a wide range of Irish and international scholars to showcase how
narrative is and can be deployed in researching Irish society.
Professor Maria Tamboukou, Professor of Feminist Studies, co-director for the
Centre for Narrative Research and co-editor of the journal Gender and Education,
University of East London, UK. http://www.uel.ac.uk/lss/staff/mariatamboukou/
Professor Tamboukou is a narrative inquiry scholar with an interest in biography, art,
politics, labour and feminism. She is an outstanding contributor, author, teacher and
leader in the field of narrative inquiry whose publications include Women, Education
and the Self (2003), Dangerous Encounters (2003) (edited with S Ball), Nomadic
Narratives, Visual Forces (2010), and Doing Narrative Research (2013) (edited with
M Andrews and C Squire).
PROPOSALS for Papers and Posters welcome (Abstracts of c300 words) by
Friday, January 10th 2014 to Jacqueline O’Toole at otoole.jacqueline@itsligo.ie
Conference Organisers
Dr. Anne Byrne (NUIG) Anne.Byrne@nuigalway.ie Dr. Grace O’ Grady (NUIM)
grace.ogrady@nuim.ie Jacqueline O’ Toole (IT Sligo) otoole.jacqueline@itsligo.ie