IMSLA Volume 10, Number 1, December 2023
“Migration Memories in Times of Change”
Click here to download the title pages. Click here to download the entire issue, Vol. 10 No. 1
For individual articles from the current issue, choose from the authors listed below:
Laura P. Z. Izarra and Gabriela McEvoy, Guest Editors’ Introduction
The Caribbean
Peter Pyne, “Ireland and Panama: The Building of the Panama Railroad”
South America
Laura P. Z. Izarra, “The Presence of the Irish in Brazil within the Latin American Context”
Roberto Arancibia, “Los irlandeses en Chile: Hacia la revolución irlandesa (1891-1916)”
María Eugenia Cruset, “Tribunales e irlandeses en Argentina: Víctimas y victimarios (1853-1900)”
History and Literary Narratives
Griselda Gugliara, “The Pull of Stars: Female Voices Claiming for Justice”
Fictional Narrative