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Volume 8, Number 2, December, 2012
“Gender, Ireland, Latin America and the Caribbean”
The editors of Irish Migration Studies in Latin America invite submissions for a special
issue on Gender (Volume 8, Number 2, December, 2012). Articles discussing women and
men from a gender perspective, and within an Irish-Latin American/Caribbean context
will be considered. Emigration/Immigration, Feminism, Domestic Violence, Religion,
Education, Activism, Human Rights, Race, Homosexuality, Masculinity, Literature,
Cinema, Theatre, Art, Sports, and Health are possible areas of focus. Articles using a
comparative approach (examining a particular theme in Ireland and Latin
America/Caribbean), and complementary articles by different authors on a similar theme,
one article based in Ireland the other in Latin America/Caribbean, will also be
considered. Articles may be placed in a historical or contemporary setting.
Articles should be submitted to the Editor in Chief by 15 July 2012. Articles related to
the general theme of this journal will also be considered. Scholarly articles should be
between two and five thousand words. The editors also welcome book, film and website
reviews, edited discussions of primary documents, photo essays, and short biographies
related to the topic of the special issue, and to the general theme of the journal. All
contributions must conform to the Contributors’ Guidelines of this journal before they will be considered. All papers will undergo editorial screening and peer review.
Email: gender@irlandeses.org
Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Clíona Murphy, History Department, California State University,
Bakersfield, CA 93311.

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