IMSLA Journal – Call for Papers

Irish Migration Studies in Latin America Journal

Deadline for proposals: 20th of March 2025

General Editors:

Maria Medina, Mariana Bolfarine and Yairen Jerez Columbié

The Irish Migration Studies in Latin America (IMSLA) journal, published by the Society for IrishLatin American Studies (SILAS), invites contributions for its next general issue, to be available inJuly 2025. IMSLA is an open-source peer-reviewed academic journal with focus on original researchaddressing the relations between Ireland and Latin America, the Caribbean, Spanish-speaking NorthAmerica and Iberia. Articles are subject to peer-review and to the consideration of the journal’sinternational editorial board. For this issue, the editors welcome academic articles, creative pieces,interviews and book reviews, from any AHSS discipline, seeking to advance knowledge about past,present and/or future relations between Ireland and the Americas. Contributions from all academicdisciplines within the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) are considered. Collaborationsbetween AHSS and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) researchers arealso encouraged and will be welcome when contributions are aligned with the journal’s objectives.

The recent SILAS conference’s themes provide an overview of IMSLA’s wide scope:

“Reimaginings and Reconstructions: Ireland, Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean in Times of Change and Uncertainty”, University of Galway, Ireland, 2023.

“Commemoration, Memory, and Dialogue with the Past: Ireland – Latin America”, Universidad del Pacífico, Peru, 2021. “Comparisons, Conflicts, and Connections: Ireland and Latin America in the Past, Present, and Future”, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2019.

Although rooted in the AHSS, Ireland and the Americas, IMSLA’s scope is in constant evolution to reflect new developments in research, as well as interdisciplinary and transmedia collaborations addressing diverse academic, cultural, societal and environmental challenges. For this reason, the editors welcome work focusing on interactions and/or comparisons between Ireland and the Americas in relation, although not limited, to the following topics:

  • Artistic expressions and cultural exchanges
  • Creative practice as scholarship
  • Decolonising approaches to cultural exchanges
  • Ecocritical approaches to cultural representations
  • Gendered representations of cultural, social and/or socioecological process
  • Intercultural communication, media and/or activism
  • Interrogating nationalisms
  • Memory and evolving identities
  • Migration, mobility and diasporas
  • Minorised languages and/or cultures
  • New approaches to archival research
  • Socioecological interactions and cultural exchanges
  • Transnational and/or translocal solidarities

Manuscript proposals should be submitted to by the 20th of March 2025 in a single word document including:

  • a 300-word abstract (outlining objectives, methodology and expected contribution)
  • a 200-word author bio (including discipline, affiliation and previous publications)
  • the author’s email address

Selected proposals would receive a notification of acceptance by the 31st of March 2025. The deadline for full manuscripts (7,000 words including references and notes) would be the 31st of May 2025.

Articles may be singly or jointly authored and should follow the journal’s Contributors’ Guidelines – Society for Irish Latin American Studies. Contributions may be submitted for consideration in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

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