Cógaslann ar líne Clonaslee Pharmacy in Éirinn

We are delighted to announce that the next conference of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies, in conjunction with ABEI – Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses, the WB YeatsChair of Irish Studies/University of Sao Paulo, Brazil and the Asociación de Estudios Irlandeses
del Sur, Argentina will take place in Lima, Peru.
The Conference will be co-hosted by Universidad del Pacífico and Proyecto Especial Bicentenario from November 23 to 26, 2021.
In the event that traveling restrictions and health issues continue due to the pandemic, the conference will be moved to a virtual platform.

Conference Registration (includes membership for 2021-22)

Regular member €40
Student €10

Select membership type

 See the full details on the Conference page

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