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Current Issue

IMSLA Volume 10, Number 1, December 2023

“Migration Memories in Times of Change”

IMSLA Vol 10, N 1

Click here to download the title pages.  Click here to download the entire issue, Vol. 10 No. 1
For individual articles from the current issue, choose from the authors listed below:


Laura  P. Z.  Izarra and Gabriela McEvoy, Guest Editors’ Introduction

The Caribbean

Peter Pyne, “Ireland and Panama: The Building of the Panama Railroad”

South America

Laura P. Z. Izarra, “The Presence of the Irish in Brazil within the Latin American Context”

Roberto Arancibia, “Los irlandeses en Chile: Hacia la revolución irlandesa (1891-1916)”

María Eugenia Cruset, “Tribunales e irlandeses en Argentina: Víctimas y victimarios (1853-1900)”

Justin Harman, “‘The Decade that Keeps Coming Back’. Argentina in the 1970s: Reflections of an Irish Diplomat in Buenos Aires”

Mónica Cuello, Andrea Fuanna, and Pamela Vietri, “Anglophony in the Argentine Context from the Río de la Plata: Intercultural Configurations during the XIX, XX and XXI Centuries”


History and Literary Narratives

Paula Gimena Brain, “Resignificaciones de la brujería irlandesa desde la Baja Edad Media hasta inicios de la vigésima centuria”

Griselda Gugliara, “The Pull of Stars: Female Voices Claiming for Justice”

Silvana Fernández, “A Poetics of the Irish Border in Bad Blood: A walk along the Irish Border (1987) by Colm Tóibín and The Rule of the Land: Walking Ireland’s Border by Garrett Carr (2017)”



Camille Vilela-Jones, “South American Joyce: Proper Names and Brazilian Cultural References in Brazilian Translations of Ulysses”

Pedro Luís Sala Vieira, “Elsinore’s tempting flood”: the Hamletian Presence in the Brazilian Translations of Ulysses”


Fictional Narrative

Gabriela McEvoy, “Catalina”



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